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  • Time to "Hit the Silk" - How To Make Parachutists for WGF games

    My solution to the need for a table-top representation of a bailing-out balloon observer...

    One bold observer (jumped second!) and one a little more nervous (jumped early!).

    Each is built from

    1) a 'Litko' clear flight hex base (one is a 3" pole, the other 4")
    2) a plastic figure, bought from ebay, and
    3) a 'Shapeways' "Parachute Canopy" in 1/144 scale

    Simply glue the Canopy onto the top of the pole (it will be slightly offset from centre), and glue the painted figure to the pole, directly under the central hole in the canopy.

    A 1/200 "Parachute Canopy" is also available (above, Right), for WW2, or for representing an earlier bail-out, now approaching the ground...

    I often use 1/300 scale ground targets; I'm considering a 3-phase bail-out model, with the 1/144 parachutist "scaling down" to a 1/200 model on a subsequent phase, then being replaced by a 1/300 figure gathering his parachute having landed safely!

    The 'Shapeways' item order number...

    ...and the Chinese-made plastic figures I bought from ebay...

    ...3 figures of which are suitable for parachutists hanging from drag lines.

    The 1/200 "Parachute Canopies" might lead to a "stick" of paras leaping out of a Ju.52 or C.47 transport aircraft......
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Time to "Hit the Silk" - How To Make Parachutists for WGF games started by Flying Helmut View original post
    Comments 4 Comments
    1. milcoll73's Avatar
      milcoll73 -
      oh thats cool! now i need to get some lol. guess i should finish my balloons 1st though lol.
    1. ArkansasChuck's Avatar
      ArkansasChuck -
      Oh my, these are really fun! I love it! Great idea. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Flying Officer Kyte's Avatar
      Flying Officer Kyte -
      Quote Originally Posted by malachi View Post
      Excellent stuff, Tim. REP

      But now I see we need removable observers - one of yours got left behind in the basket
      It's OK Chris.
      He was the one who copped for the aircraft's m.g. fire.

    1. Baron Rolf's Avatar
      Baron Rolf -
      Now that is a cool idea Tim rep coming your way mate