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  • European Master or World Tournament?

    Situation on WoG battlefield is developing well: there are new models announced for release in close future (even this year), all major gatherings survived COVID years 2020 & 2021 and there are even new ideas about our game (travel version as an attachment to the boardgaming magazine in Italy). And there is also a new event in Rome called European Master simply because there was an opportunity play according to Andrea's simplified rules for tournaments.

    And the bigger tournament system is something I want to discuss with you. The very first idea about cooperation between Prague - Rome - Doncaster (hope it doesn't sound much like Axis) and the head of cooperation (at least between Prague and Rome) is Francesco Berucci from FIW (Federazione Italiana Wargame). We discussed the rules and system before Wings of Prague 2022 and there was a mutual agreement we would test the simplified rules in Prague and share the knowledge with Rome organizers.

    There were several conditions we share across all three groups (or at least I hope we share them):
    • Tournament rules must be fair to all players (no explosions, no damage cards, no D.VII vs. DH2 etc.).
    • It should not be a dogfight only.
    • It should be comparable in the same conditons.
    • It must be fun, no unhealthy rivalry.

    So far so good: it worked twice and I believe it would work even for the third time in Doncaster (simply because organizers, players and atmosphere there is such good).

    I created something like "Online" Rankings that will be updated after Doncater round.

    I guess we want to move this forward, so there few things I want to discuss with you (and we will share it with Francesco, the only one who is not present here).
    1. Are there any other gaming groups around the world who want to participate? The minimum number of players is 8, so I can imagine it could be easy to join.
    2. How difficult is seems to you as an organizers? Does any sense to play such tournament during Origins or other conventions?
    3. Should we even rank the pilots? Isn't it maybe too much like Magic the Gathering or other competitive games?
    4. How to count points for players who would attend more of the events? Average of their results, maximum, the later result?
    5. Right now games are limited to late war minis, what about a thematical year set of allowed planes (Fokker Scourge, Bloody April etc.)?
    6. Personally I don't see as necessary to have big rewards. I can imagine (for example) using not awarded Knights of the Air world wide campaign medals here on the side or a special banner for winner as signature (or a gold star on the one that already exists?) Just small things, not a real WWI balloon with helium gas.

    Please, use the numbers from the list, share your ideas with others and let's try to develop something we can share across the world.