Building the Skytrex Halberstadt CLII.
This was a simple build excepting that no propeller is supplied with this kit so I made my own.
1. As usual clean off the flash. This particular kit was quite a clean one.
2. Clear out the fixing holes with an appropriate drill and test fit the struts etc. I also drilled out for the flight peg at this stage so that I could mount the plane on my painting stand.
3. Print out, draw up, and cut out the wing decals, tail decals and wheel decals if required.
4. Glue in cabine struts the correct way round. Do the back set first, using the top wing as an alignment jig. Then once set, add the single forward strut in a similar manner.
5. Next put in the main struts and using the top wing again to get the alignment correct.
6. Then set up the plane for spray painting the white undercoat.
7. Spray paint undercoat.
8. Disassemble wing members, but not cabines.
9. Paint all parts not being decaled. Start with the hand painted camo. Colour test against the printed camo and try to get the dappled effect of the original. I used a foam eye makeup applicator to get the sponged on effect.
10. Next paint the rest of the body of the aircraft, pilot wheels and struts etc.
11. Decal the bottom wing and tail, using Micro set to aid the positioning and adhesion. After ten minutes apply Micro sol to contour your decal to the model.
12. Clear out the strut holes where they are covered by the decals. Then fit the main struts in pairs, using the top wing as a jig once more. This time glue them in place.
13. Once set, glue on the top wing.
14. Invert the plane and assemble and glue the undercart.
15. Allow to set and then apply any insignia using the Micro set products as before.
16. Allow to dry overnight and varnish to taste.
The decals used on this model were APC. They are very fine in texture and show up all the underlying detail very well but because of this tend to wrinkle if overworked.They also loose colour if the top surface gets wet, so I would not recommend them unless you are an expert decaler.