This is how I tackled my Jasta 40 repaints.
1. Freeze the plane overnight in the Freezer.
2. Drop in almost boiling water to shock the glue line. For some reason DVII’s, unlike other models, seem to be very resistant to this treatment and needed two goes at this before they released.
3. Remove the decals. This proved very much easier than on previous models, and I wondered if the double freeze had anything to do with it. Maybe one of our members with a more scientific bent may like to comment on this.
4. Prime with white paint and then Paint all parts not to be decaled.
5. Decal inside the wings.
6. Glue the wings into place.
7. Decal the outer wings.
8. Touch up any edges that need it.
9. Add the insignia decals.
10. Varnish as required.
Because I was using the decals which can rub off easily I tried a new method this time. After putting on the micro set, I damped the surface of the rear of the decal as recommended by the manufacturer, then applied the decal to the aircraft. Before it could curl, due to the dry side not expanding as much as the wet one, I very lightly brushed some water onto the surface with a flat brush. This helped a lot, and resisting the temptation to tamper with the slight curl that did take place, I set it aside to dry overnight. Next morning I lightly brushed some watered down PVA glue under the curl and pressed it down. Before adding the insignia decals I varnished over the plane to seal all and then used the micro- set/ micro- sol combo as usual.
NB. Do not use micro sol on the cz decals as it will strip all the colour off even after a light coat of varnish. I found
this out to my cost. You have been warned.
For anyone using other brands of Cammo decals, you should be able to proceed in the normal manner without worrying about this.