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  1. The Nieuport 28: America's First Fighter

    Quote Originally Posted by predhead View Post
    Submit a Book Review
    Book Title:
    The Nieuport 28: America's First Fighter
    Theodore Hamady
    My thinking about Nieuports have changed, at least when it comes to the Nieuport 28, which was the first fighter used to equip the American "chasse" squadrons during the First World War. Theodore Hamady has gone a long way to dispel some of our (or at least my) preconceived notions about the N.28.

    Hamady goes
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  2. Some Updates

    It has been a bit since I have posted to the blog, so perhaps a bit of an update is due....

    I have been slowly reading Theodore Hamady's The Nieuport 28: America's First Fighter and it is changing the way I think about the N28 and how it should be rated in Wings of War/Glory. When the Americans are first deployed to the front, the N28 was equipped with one Vickers machinegun. That means B Deck. In reading pilot accounts it could seemingly dogfight with the best of the German aircraft, ...
  3. The Stand: The Final Flight of Frank Luke, Jr.

    Quote Originally Posted by predhead View Post
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    Book Title:
    The Stand: The Final Flight of Frank Luke, Jr.
    Stephen Skinner
    It is not often I read biographies, I tend to stick towards the operation side of things. But for some reason I was drawn to read Stephen Skinner's The Stand: The Final Flight of Lt. Frank Luke, Jr. The better half picked this one up for me recently as a birthday gift (shouldn't our parents - particularly our mothers - be the
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  4. Aerodrome Accessories Orders/New Birds/Readings

    Very recently I placed two orders a few days apart for some new toys. Rulers, fire and smoke markers (for scouts, bombers, and balloons), and three aircraft (Fokker E.III, Airco DH.2, and the Aviatik D.I). I wanted to enhance my gaming table a bit with the rulers and damage markers, and wanted a couple of early war kites to use. The Linke-Crawford Aviatik just looks so COOL I had to scoop up one of those as well.

    Ordering from AA, as I am sure you all know, is very easy. Turnaround ...