Ares Games
Awards given out for various things on the site.
Icon Image Name / Description
Christmas 2011 Christmas 2011 Christmas 2011
Awarded pilots that flew sorties on Christmas Eve and Christmas day 2011.

Wings of Glory 10-Year Anniversary Medal Wings of Glory 10-Year Anniversary Medal Wings of Glory 10-Year Anniversary Medal
Awarded to Aerodrome members who joined on or before the 11th of March 2014.

Members who received this award: 256
, Oberst Hajj, Redcoat, Carl_Brisgamer, merlindex, schoon, Roger Wilco, bsmith13, usmc1855, CappyTom, Carlos Lopes, rkhlegacy, Doug, Angiolillo, Setarius, Naharaht, Horse4261, pbhawkin, AlgyLacey, Flying Officer Kyte, het, Greywolf, HardRock, gandalfo71, vitara888, green dragon, rcboater, Pseudotheist, Jäger, samuelvimes, Jager, needles, Dan-Sam, phililphall, richard m schwab, macka321, The Cowman, Willi Von Klugermann, tuladin, David Manley, Guntruck, MayorJim, Bruce, Biggles downunder, csadn, Captain Knowitall, Anav, Jure, hermes, Air Battle Mgr, flash, Kubajs, Ducalutra, KiltedWolf, RickMartin, Dom S, Attila57, StuKa, wargamer, Gallo Rojo, Coog, Raege, Mike George, fox, basiliconet, redcoon2, robotwizard, Niek_vD, PKHansma, Tomitchoe, skystalker, monse, miscmini, crashx, Boney10, Archidamus, Scott, greenalfonzo, tonyc206, Zoe Brain, john snelling, McKeever, Diamondback, Beanie, rote Flügel, Ajay, Ravenlord, Sigwald, gully_raker, jbmacek, Dog, grumpybear, Ceir, Sashdash, Badin23, Tiz, Getter 1, Baldrick62, kampfflieger, Hunter, Von Schlepp, yankeedog, Wombat, Kaiser, clipper1801, Niclas, predhead, wbfritze, Rabbit 3, Baxter, somaliavet, Albert Ross, Beer&pretzels, steel_ratt, CaptWillard, P-51D, Пилот, Sheryl Nantus, Vonrunstedt, tikkifriend, Nightbomber, Skyguy001, Alexandre, Xen, BobP, Tommy Z, Spandaugunner, Misdomingo, Dwarflord22, Teaticket, alpine, mrdugsir, Zakopious, Sir_Erickson, Marechallannes, wjw, AGamerToo, swe_sledge, LingSter, Valkyrie_14, Jago85, Blackronin, tusekine, David Boutwell, THECCRICH, Tinweasel, gjp626, Mad Charly, HTRAINo, Rebel, Baron Rolf, Vawarner, Warhawk, Caveman, skyking20, Piet, Biomage, EddieRickenback, Tiger73, marcoperse, Outlander000, diceslinger, Defra, Hedeby, brucewallace, Black Sheep One, OldGuy59, Potrzebie, Prodromoi, Bobit, camaro9313, MoonSylver, DanjelRicci, celticgriffon, decapod, Nicola Zee, mav1624, BBSuds, Warlock, Freifrau, Peter Stegemann, Trench Wench, Strangely Brown, armstrongjohn1, CH_Brun, 7eat51, DarrylH, freebird-52, WildChild, fast.git, Lt. S.Kafloc, ri_gamer, Sleepyhollow77, CdnFlyer, Casey, Gnaeusmorosus, Big Blake, Captain Chum, ReducedAirFact, cisco cischetti, bluda, TahitianGabriel, SgtRock57, degodave, BloodyDavyCash, seanmyles, Indie55, Kermit, 'Warspite', Sparky, scats, MikiSavo, Suffern, Cobra, wolfgiova, ling, Eris Lobo, PunkReaper, Foz, Kleebatch, Brambo, Air Marshal, milcoll73, Nightmoss, hawkhurst, Steel Legion, gak0418, mikejr74, The G Dog, bgeipel, horsepyre, johnbiggles, Flying Helmut, Smithy1854, Honza, nikiMcBee, Juntaone, tractorboy, sheptr, Old guy, richarddaystrom, mgp2148, rkwright, Mau Fox, CelticCat, Ducky, andron234, WWIflyingace, Sulring, Thunderbolt, Dowters, Abaron, von Fustercluck, RJG173, Lohengrin, Maverick
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
1 Year of Service and 500 posts 1 Year of Service and 500 posts 1 Year of Service and 500 posts
Awarded to members for one year of service and 500+ posts.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
2 Years of Service and 1000 posts 2 Years of Service and 1000 posts 2 Years of Service and 1000 posts
Awarded to members for two years of service and 1000+ posts.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
3 Years of Service and 1500 posts 3 Years of Service and 1500 posts 3 Years of Service and 1500 posts
Awarded to members for three years of service and 1500+ posts.

Members who received this award: 10
Setarius, Bluedevil, MayorJim, Burt, crashx, Captain Chum, Honza, Vagabond, ShadowDragon, camel crew
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
4 Years of Service and 2000 posts 4 Years of Service and 2000 posts 4 Years of Service and 2000 posts
Awarded to members for four years of service and 2000+ posts.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
5 Years of Service and 3000 posts 5 Years of Service and 3000 posts 5 Years of Service and 3000 posts
Awarded to members for five years of service and 3000+ posts.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Trivia Quiz Winner Trivia Quiz Winner Trivia Quiz Winner
Answering all of the Trivia Quiz questions correctly.

Members who received this award: 9
, merlindex, usmc1855, Carlos Lopes, Dan-Sam, Guntruck, Dom S, wargamer, Nightbomber
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Trivia Quiz Winner Bronze Trivia Quiz Winner Bronze Trivia Quiz Winner Bronze
Answering all of the Trivia Quiz questions correctly twice.

Members who received this award: 1
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Trivia Quiz Winner Silver Trivia Quiz Winner Silver Trivia Quiz Winner Silver
Answering all of the Trivia Quiz questions correctly three times.

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Trivia Quiz Winner Gold Trivia Quiz Winner Gold Trivia Quiz Winner Gold
Answering all of the Trivia Quiz questions correctly four times.

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Contest Winner Contest Winner Contest Winner
Awarded for winning one of the contests ran here on Wings of War Aerodrome.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Contest Winner Bronze Contest Winner Bronze Contest Winner Bronze
Awarded for winning two of the contests ran here one Wings of War Aerodrome.

Members who received this award: 5
The Cowman, Guntruck, gully_raker, grumpybear, BobP
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Contest Winner Silver Contest Winner Silver Contest Winner Silver
Awarded for winning three of the contests ran here one Wings of War Aerodrome.

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Contest Winner Gold Contest Winner Gold Contest Winner Gold
Awarded for winning four of the contests ran here one Wings of War Aerodrome.

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Painting Contest Winner Painting Contest Winner Painting Contest Winner
Winner of a Painting contest sponsored by and held on the Forum.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Painting Contest Winner Bronze Painting Contest Winner Bronze Painting Contest Winner Bronze
Winner of two Painting contests sponsored by and held on the Forum.

Members who received this award: 2
Pseudotheist, Niclas
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Painting Contest Winner Silver Painting Contest Winner Silver Painting Contest Winner Silver
Winner of 3 Painting contests sponsored by and held on the Forum.

Members who received this award: 1
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Painting Contest Winner Gold Painting Contest Winner Gold Painting Contest Winner Gold
Winner of 4 Painting contests sponsored by and held on the Forum.

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Aerodrome Campaign Medal Aerodrome Campaign Medal Aerodrome Campaign Medal
Awarded to members that have taken part in one of the various campaigns run on the site and have submitted at least 5 AARs for that campaign.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Aerodrome Campaign Medal - Bronze Aerodrome Campaign Medal - Bronze Aerodrome Campaign Medal - Bronze
Awarded to members that have taken part in two of the various campaigns run on the site and have submitted at least 5 AARs for those campaigns.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Aerodrome Campaign Medal - Silver Aerodrome Campaign Medal - Silver Aerodrome Campaign Medal - Silver
Awarded to members that have taken part in three of the various campaigns run on the site and have submitted at least 5 AARs for those campaigns.

Members who received this award: 2
monse, Vagabond
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Aerodrome Campaign Medal - Gold Aerodrome Campaign Medal - Gold Aerodrome Campaign Medal - Gold
Awarded to members that have taken part in four of the various campaigns run on the site and have submitted at least 5 AARs for those campaigns.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Donations up to $10 Donations up to $10 Donations up to $10
Awarded for those that donate up to $10 to keep the site running.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Donations up to $20 Donations up to $20 Donations up to $20
Awarded for those that donate up to $20 to keep the site running.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Donations up to $30 Donations up to $30 Donations up to $30
Awarded for those that donate up to $30 to keep the site running.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Donations up to $40 Donations up to $40 Donations up to $40
Awarded for those that donate up to $40 to keep the site running.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Donations up to $50 Donations up to $50 Donations up to $50
Awarded for those that donate up to $50 to keep the site running.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Donations up to $60 Donations up to $60 Donations up to $60
Awarded for those that donate up to $60 to keep the site running.

Members who received this award: 1
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Donations up to $70 Donations up to $70 Donations up to $70
Awarded for those that donate up to $70 to keep the site running.

Members who received this award: 4
Volant Gun, grumpybear, Maverick, CrashCraig
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Donations up to $80 Donations up to $80 Donations up to $80
Awarded for those that donate up to $80 to keep the site running.

Members who received this award: 1
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Donations up to $90 Donations up to $90 Donations up to $90
Awarded for those that donate up to $90 to keep the site running.

Members who received this award: 2
Ed2, camel crew
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Donations up to $100 Donations up to $100 Donations up to $100
Awarded for those that donate up to $100 to keep the site running.

Members who received this award: 1
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Donations up to $150 Donations up to $150 Donations up to $150
Awarded for those that donate up to $149 to keep the site running.

Members who received this award: 7
Max Headroom, Flying Officer Kyte, Jager, Voss, bumblie3, Nightbomber, MattyMatt
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Donations up to $200 Donations up to $200 Donations up to $200
Awarded for those that donate up to $200 to keep the site running.

Members who received this award: 4
Dan-Sam, Black Sheep One, fast.git, RJG173
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Silver Membership medal Silver Membership medal Silver Membership medal
Awarded to users that become Silver Members.

Recommend Medal
Gold Membership Medal Gold Membership Medal Gold Membership Medal
Awarded to the those users that become Gold Members.

Members who received this award: 78
, Carl_Brisgamer, CappyTom, Doug, Naharaht, pflanzer, calm, pbhawkin, Flying Officer Kyte, Jager, Dan-Sam, richard m schwab, Voss, The Cowman, Guntruck, Biggles downunder, csadn, flash, redcoon2, crashx, Boney10, Diamondback, gully_raker, grumpybear, Badin23, Baldrick62, Hunter, Kaiser, clipper1801, predhead, tikkifriend, Nightbomber, BobP, Tommy Z, Misdomingo, Teaticket, Marechallannes, Blackronin, tusekine, HTRAINo, Rebel, Baron Rolf, Hedeby, Black Sheep One, OldGuy59, Prodromoi, MoonSylver, Strangely Brown, 7eat51, freebird-52, fast.git, Lt. S.Kafloc, SgtRock57, Foz, monty's double, Brambo, johnbiggles, Flying Helmut, PonchoLatour, CelticCat, Sulring, Ragnar200, RJG173, Stumptonian, surfimp, FarEast, Aardvark1430, rhodie80, matt56, Tokhuah, Mrs Kyte, Embis, BraselC5048, mikeemagnus, BwanaJoe, ArkansasChuck, ShadowDragon, Von Scharf

Recommend Medal
Wings of War Aerodrome Patron Wings of War Aerodrome Patron Wings of War Aerodrome Patron
Awarded those members who have selflessly given of themselves, so that the community can prosper.

Members who received this award: 9
, The Cowman, flash, redcoon2, Boney10, clipper1801, BobP, Hedeby, MoonSylver
Bovine Caritas Bovine Caritas Bovine Caritas
Awarded to those members that came to the aide of The Cowman in his time of need.

KotA Contribution Medal KotA Contribution Medal KotA Contribution Medal
Award to those select few that donated to help fund the World Wide Knights of the Air campaign site functions.

Colbatman Memorial Medal Colbatman Memorial Medal Colbatman Memorial Medal
Award to those members that participated in the raffle to raise funds for Col. Batman's family after his passing.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
LGKR Memorial Medal LGKR Memorial Medal LGKR Memorial Medal
A medal made in the memory and honor of an esteemed pilot. May he forever fly in blue skies.

Matt56 Memorial Medal Matt56 Memorial Medal Matt56 Memorial Medal
Award to those members that participated in the raffle to raise funds for Matt's family after his passing.

Request Medal
Origins Ground Crew 2012 Origins Ground Crew 2012 Origins Ground Crew 2012
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's overseas members to Origins 2012.

Origins Ground Crew 2012 - Bronze Origins Ground Crew 2012 - Bronze Origins Ground Crew 2012 - Bronze
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome bring one of our overseas members to Origins 2012.

Origins Ground Crew 2012 - Silver Origins Ground Crew 2012 - Silver Origins Ground Crew 2012 - Silver
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome bring one of our overseas members to Origins 2012.

Origins Ground Crew 2013 Origins Ground Crew 2013 Origins Ground Crew 2013
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's overseas members to Origins 2013.

Origins Ground Crew 2013 - Bronze Origins Ground Crew 2013 - Bronze Origins Ground Crew 2013 - Bronze
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's overseas members to Origins 2013.

Origins Ground Crew 2013 - Silver Origins Ground Crew 2013 - Silver Origins Ground Crew 2013 - Silver
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's overseas members to Origins 2013.

Origins Ground Crew 2014 Origins Ground Crew 2014 Origins Ground Crew 2014
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's overseas members to Origins 2014.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Ground Crew 2014 - Bronze Origins Ground Crew 2014 - Bronze Origins Ground Crew 2014 - Bronze
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's overseas members to Origins 2014.

Request Medal
Origins Ground Crew 2014 - Silver Origins Ground Crew 2014 - Silver Origins Ground Crew 2014 - Silver
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's overseas members to Origins 2014.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Ground Crew 2015 Origins Ground Crew 2015 Origins Ground Crew 2015
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's overseas members to Origins 2015.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Ground Crew 2015 - Bronze Origins Ground Crew 2015 - Bronze Origins Ground Crew 2015 - Bronze
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's overseas members to Origins 2015. Not once, but twice.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Ground Crew 2015 - Silver Origins Ground Crew 2015 - Silver Origins Ground Crew 2015 - Silver
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's overseas members to Origins 2015. Not once, not twice, but three times!

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Ground Crew 2016 Origins Ground Crew 2016 Origins Ground Crew 2016
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's overseas members to Origins 2016.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Ground Crew 2016 - Bronze Origins Ground Crew 2016 - Bronze Origins Ground Crew 2016 - Bronze
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's overseas members to Origins 2016. Not once, but twice.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Ground Crew 2016 - Silver Origins Ground Crew 2016 - Silver Origins Ground Crew 2016 - Silver
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's overseas members to Origins 2016. Not once, not twice, but three times!

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Doncaster Ground Crew 2017 Doncaster Ground Crew 2017 Doncaster Ground Crew 2017
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's North American members to Doncaster 2017.

Members who received this award: 4
Guntruck, Tommy Z, NewFlyBoy, Saylug
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Doncaster Ground Crew 2017 - Bronze Doncaster Ground Crew 2017 - Bronze Doncaster Ground Crew 2017 - Bronze
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's North American members to Doncaster 2017. Not once, but twice.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Doncaster Ground Crew 2017 - Silver Doncaster Ground Crew 2017 - Silver Doncaster Ground Crew 2017 - Silver
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's North American members to Doncaster 2017. Not once or twice, but three times!

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Ground Crew 2018 Origins Ground Crew 2018 Origins Ground Crew 2018
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's overseas members to Origins 2018.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Ground Crew 2018 - Bronze Origins Ground Crew 2018 - Bronze Origins Ground Crew 2018 - Bronze
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's North American members to Doncaster 2017. Not once, but twice.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Ground Crew 2018 - Silver Origins Ground Crew 2018 - Silver Origins Ground Crew 2018 - Silver
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's North American members to Doncaster 2017. Not once or twice, but three times!

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Ground Crew 2018 - Gold Origins Ground Crew 2018 - Gold Origins Ground Crew 2018 - Gold
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's North American members to Doncaster 2017. Not once or twice, but four times!

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
PragueCon Ground Crew 2019 PragueCon Ground Crew 2019 PragueCon Ground Crew 2019
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's North American members to Prague 2019.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
PragueCon Ground Crew 2019 - Bronze PragueCon Ground Crew 2019 - Bronze PragueCon Ground Crew 2019 - Bronze
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's North American members to Prague 2019. Not once, but twice.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
PragueCon Ground Crew 2019 - Silver PragueCon Ground Crew 2019 - Silver PragueCon Ground Crew 2019 - Silver
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's North American members to Prague 2019. Not once or twice, but three times!

Members who received this award: 7
Pseudotheist, Guntruck, flash, grumpybear, NewFlyBoy, BwanaJoe, Karo7
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
PragueCon Ground Crew 2019 - Gold PragueCon Ground Crew 2019 - Gold PragueCon Ground Crew 2019 - Gold
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome with bringing one of it's North American members to Prague 2019. Not once or twice, but four times!

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Ground Crew 2020 Origins Ground Crew 2020 Origins Ground Crew 2020
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome bring one of our overseas members to Origins 2020

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Ground Crew 2020 Bronze Origins Ground Crew 2020 Bronze Origins Ground Crew 2020 Bronze
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome bring one of our overseas member to Origins 2020, not once but twice.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Ground Crew 2020 Silver Origins Ground Crew 2020 Silver Origins Ground Crew 2020 Silver
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome bring one of our overseas member to Origins 2020, not once but three times.

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Ground Crew 2020 Gold Origins Ground Crew 2020 Gold Origins Ground Crew 2020 Gold
Awarded to those members that helped the Aerodrome bring one of our overseas member to Origins 2020, not once but four times.

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Wings of Glory World Record Game Wings of Glory World Record Game Wings of Glory World Record Game
Awarded to Aerodrome members who participated in a world record-breaking gaming event

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
File Upload File Upload File Upload
Awarded to members who have uploaded at least 25 Files for the community.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
File Upload Bronze File Upload Bronze File Upload Bronze
Awarded to members who have uploaded at least 50 Files for the community.

Members who received this award: 5
Oberst Hajj, Teaticket, Sir_Erickson, OldGuy59, Captain Chum
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
File Upload Silver File Upload Silver File Upload Silver
Awarded to members who have uploaded at least 100 Files for the community.

Members who received this award: 2
Max Headroom, Lt. S.Kafloc
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
File Upload Gold File Upload Gold File Upload Gold
Awarded to members who have uploaded at least 200 Files for the community.

Members who received this award: 2
Guntruck, DanjelRicci
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
100 Photos 100 Photos 100 Photos
Awarded members who have uploaded at least 100 photos to their Albums.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
250 Photos 250 Photos 250 Photos
Awarded members who have uploaded at least 250 photos to their Albums.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
500 Photos 500 Photos 500 Photos
Awarded members who have uploaded at least 500 photos to their Albums.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
1000 Photos 1000 Photos 1000 Photos
Awarded members who have uploaded at least 1000 photos to their Albums.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Book Review Book Review Book Review
Awarded to members who have posted at least 5 Book Reviews for the site.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Book Review Bronze Book Review Bronze Book Review Bronze
Awarded to members who have posted at least 10 Book Reviews for the site.

Members who received this award: 10
bsmith13, Jager, Bluedevil, Coog, PilGrim, Niclas, RJG173, NewFlyBoy, camelbeagle, Future Pilot
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Book Review Silver Book Review Silver Book Review Silver
Awarded to members who have posted at least 15 Book Reviews for the site.

Members who received this award: 4
Oberst Hajj, Dan-Sam, monse, Boney10
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Book Review Gold Book Review Gold Book Review Gold
Awarded to members who have posted at least 20 Book Reviews for the site.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
After Action Report After Action Report After Action Report
Awarded to members who have posted at least 10 After Action Reports to appropriate AAR threads on the site.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
After Action Report Bronze After Action Report Bronze After Action Report Bronze
Awarded to members who have posted at least 25 After Action Reports to appropriate AAR threads on the site.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
After Action Report Silver After Action Report Silver After Action Report Silver
Awarded to members who have posted at least 50 After Action Reports to appropriate AAR threads on the site.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
After Action Report Gold After Action Report Gold After Action Report Gold
Awarded to members who have posted at least 100 After Action Reports to appropriate AAR threads on the site.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
How To Article How To Article How To Article
Awarded to those who have written an article for the How To section.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
How To Article Bronze How To Article Bronze How To Article Bronze
Awarded to those who have written two articles for the How To section.

Members who received this award: 8
Max Headroom, petitbilbo, gully_raker, Baldrick62, Wombat, predhead, BobP, FarEast
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
How To Article Silver How To Article Silver How To Article Silver
Awarded to those who have written three articles for the How To section.

Members who received this award: 4
Oberst Hajj, Dan-Sam, clipper1801, freebird-52
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
How To Article Gold How To Article Gold How To Article Gold
Awarded to those who have written 4 or more articles for the How To section.

Members who received this award: 4
Flying Officer Kyte, The Cowman, jbmacek, Teaticket
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Top Monthly Poster Top Monthly Poster Top Monthly Poster
Awarded to the Pilot with the most posts for a given month.

Top Monthly Poster Bronze Top Monthly Poster Bronze Top Monthly Poster Bronze
Awarded to the Pilot with the most posts for two months.

Members who received this award: 6
, Carl_Brisgamer, MayorJim, Zoe Brain, Foz, FarEast
Top Monthly Poster Silver Top Monthly Poster Silver Top Monthly Poster Silver
Awarded to the Pilot with the most posts for three months.

Members who received this award: 5
flash, Hunter, Nightbomber, Flying Helmut, Barkmann
Top Monthly Poster Gold Top Monthly Poster Gold Top Monthly Poster Gold
Awarded to the Pilot with the most posts for four or more months.

Top Monthly Thread Starter Top Monthly Thread Starter Top Monthly Thread Starter
Awarded to the Pilot that starts the most new threads for a given month.

Top Monthly Thread Starter Bronze Top Monthly Thread Starter Bronze Top Monthly Thread Starter Bronze
Awarded to the Pilot that starts the most threads for two months.

Members who received this award: 5
, Bixby, The Cowman, FarEast, Franco Lucchini
Top Monthly Thread Starter Silver Top Monthly Thread Starter Silver Top Monthly Thread Starter Silver
Awarded to the Pilot that starts the most threads for three months.

Members who received this award: 3
jbmacek, BobP, andron234
Top Monthly Thread Starter Gold Top Monthly Thread Starter Gold Top Monthly Thread Starter Gold
Awarded to the Pilot that starts the most threads for four or more months.

Reputation 50 Reputation 50 Reputation 50
Award to members who have received 50 or more Reputation points from their peers.

Members who received this award: 91
, merlindex, Roger Wilco, bsmith13, calm, samuelvimes, needles, tuladin, Captain Knowitall, Anav, Kahlerclan, Ducalutra, Goering Ace, Ed2, Wolfbiter, Raege, Mike White, Ajay, Ravenlord, Badin23, billingspike, kampfflieger, Hunter, eriko76, Albert Ross, P-51D, Xen, alpine, Sir_Erickson, jbudz922, lucky, christophe fran, dreckler, Warhawk, skyking20, robdimeglio, marcoperse, Defra, keithabarker, alkis21, Bruno.hofke, Casey, cbradford109, Whiskysierra, cisco cischetti, Foz, hawkhurst, PonchoLatour, Lord of Girth, Old guy, WWIflyingace, Ragnar200, Dowters, von Fustercluck, prymus, PrivateBuzz, Savoir Faire, Barkmann, Ringbolt, Never Miss, Gotham Resident, opoč, spindoc, jwclere, DGH, Max Von Below, NeilCFord, Cats Eyes, Sagrilarus, Jabba, Encore, kalnaren, Boreas, Magnoan, Baltic Bob, Tratata, rmarsh, Rabscallion, Mick.G, ArkansasChuck, Jacques MOINOT, FlyBoy Nate, Dobbs, Khelz, Brak Morn, tigerops, spihurry, Pilot Pete, Flying_Corpse, MadLordSnapcase, Antsaintex
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Reputation 100 Reputation 100 Reputation 100
Award to members who have received 100 or more Reputation points from their peers.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Reputation 250 Reputation 250 Reputation 250
Award to members who have received 250 or more Reputation points from their peers.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Reputation 500 Reputation 500 Reputation 500
Award to members who have received 500 or more Reputation points from their peers.

Members who received this award: 80
Oberst Hajj, Carl_Brisgamer, usmc1855, Angiolillo, Setarius, Naharaht, pflanzer, Flying Officer Kyte, Jager, Dan-Sam, richard m schwab, David Manley, Guntruck, Biggles downunder, csadn, flash, Attila57, Gallo Rojo, fox, monse, miscmini, Boney10, Archidamus, Zoe Brain, john snelling, gully_raker, jbmacek, Baldrick62, clipper1801, predhead, Baxter, tikkifriend, Nightbomber, BobP, Teaticket, Marechallannes, Blackronin, Thomatchef, Dark Horse, Womble, diceslinger, Hedeby, OldGuy59, MoonSylver, Lino22, freebird-52, fast.git, Lt. S.Kafloc, ReducedAirFact, milcoll73, johnbiggles, Flying Helmut, Honza, RJG173, Stumptonian, FarEast, Aardvark1430, HotleadColdfeet, rhodie80, matt56, zenlizard, Schlonz, BB401, Willi, brdavis, Walter Nowotny, Windy Jack, mikeemagnus, camelbeagle, Vagabond, Spad VII, chee911sc, ShadowDragon, CrashCraig, Dak21, malachi, hokusai, Hu Rhu, Baz, Spoonfrog
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Recruitment 5 Recruitment 5 Recruitment 5
Awarded to members who have officially recruited at least 5 new members to the site.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Recruitment 10 Recruitment 10 Recruitment 10
Awarded to members who have officially recruited at least 10 new members to the site.

Members who received this award: 6
Oberst Hajj, CappyTom, Flying Officer Kyte, The Cowman, BryanR, 7eat51
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Recruitment 15 Recruitment 15 Recruitment 15
Awarded to members who have officially recruited at least 15 new members to the site.

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Recruitment 20 Recruitment 20 Recruitment 20
Awarded to members who have officially recruited at least 20 new members to the site.

Members who received this award: 2
monse, predhead
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
2012 Lend-Lease Participant Medal 2012 Lend-Lease Participant Medal 2012 Lend-Lease Participant Medal
This medal is awarded to Guntruck for being selected as the first Lend-Lease member.

Members who received this award: 1
2013 Lend-Lease Participant Medal 2013 Lend-Lease Participant Medal 2013 Lend-Lease Participant Medal
This medal is awarded to Nightbomber for being selected as the second Lend-Lease member.

Members who received this award: 1
2014 Lend-Lease Participant Medal 2014 Lend-Lease Participant Medal 2014 Lend-Lease Participant Medal
This medal is awarded to Marechallannes for being selected as the third Lend-Lease member.

Members who received this award: 1
2015 Lend-Lease Participant Medal 2015 Lend-Lease Participant Medal 2015 Lend-Lease Participant Medal
This medal is awarded to Skafloc for being selected as the fourth Lend-Lease member.

Members who received this award: 1
Lt. S.Kafloc
2016 Lend-Lease Participant Medal 2016 Lend-Lease Participant Medal 2016 Lend-Lease Participant Medal
This medal is awarded to Dan-Sam for being selected as the fifth Lend-Lease member.

Members who received this award: 1
2017 Lend-Lease Participant Medal 2017 Lend-Lease Participant Medal 2017 Lend-Lease Participant Medal
This medal is awarded to Jager for being selected as the sixth Lend-Lease member.

Members who received this award: 1
2018 Lend-Lease Participant Medal 2018 Lend-Lease Participant Medal 2018 Lend-Lease Participant Medal
This medal is awarded to flash for being selected as the seventh Lend-Lease member.

Members who received this award: 1
2019 Lend-Lease Participant Medal 2019 Lend-Lease Participant Medal 2019 Lend-Lease Participant Medal
This medal is awarded to OldGuy59 for being selected as the eighth Lend-Lease member.

Members who received this award: 1
2020 Lend-Lease Participant Medal 2020 Lend-Lease Participant Medal 2020 Lend-Lease Participant Medal
This medal is awarded to Flying Helmut for being selected as the ninth Lend-Lease member.

Members who received this award: 1
Flying Helmut
Yearly Top Poster Yearly Top Poster Yearly Top Poster
Awarded to the member that makes the most posts in a year.

Yearly Top Thread Starter Yearly Top Thread Starter Yearly Top Thread Starter
Awarded to the member that starts the most threads during the year.

Sebastian Charity Sebastian Charity Sebastian Charity
Awarded to those selfless pilots that donated to Sebastian's family to help with the expenses of his multiple heart surgeries.

Recommend Medal
Children's Cancer Charity Children's Cancer Charity Children's Cancer Charity
Awarded to those selfless pilots that donated to Go Fold for kids with cancer fund in the name of my nephew Carter.

Charity Charity Charity
Awarded for taking part in a Wings of War Aerodrome fundraiser.

Request Medal
Charity Bronze Charity Bronze Charity Bronze
Awarded for taking part in two Wings of War Aerodrome fundraisers.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Charity Silver Charity Silver Charity Silver
Awarded for taking part in three Wings of War Aerodrome fundraisers.

Members who received this award: 4
Flying Officer Kyte, Pseudotheist, Guntruck, Zoe Brain
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Charity Gold Charity Gold Charity Gold
Awarded for taking part in four Wings of War Aerodrome fundraisers.

Members who received this award: 3
Oberst Hajj, BobP, Teaticket
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Special Operations Special Operations Special Operations
Awarded to those members that go above and beyond to support the site and community.

WoWA Designer WoWA Designer WoWA Designer
Awarded to those honorable member who donate their time to helping design things for the site.

Members who received this award: 5
, Max Headroom, Guntruck, OldGuy59, ling
Oberst Hajj Award Oberst Hajj Award Oberst Hajj Award
For supreme dedication to the establishment and maintaining of the Wings of Glory Aerodrome

Members who received this award: 1
Oberst Hajj

Medals given for Con events
Icon Image Name / Description
VulCon Participant - 1 Year VulCon Participant - 1 Year VulCon Participant - 1 Year
VulCon Participant

Members who received this award: 3
HardRock, KiltedWolf, TimeLapse
VulCon Wingman - 1 Year VulCon Wingman - 1 Year VulCon Wingman - 1 Year
VulCon Wingman

Members who received this award: 1
VulCon Event GM - 1 Year VulCon Event GM - 1 Year VulCon Event GM - 1 Year
VulCon Event GM

Members who received this award: 1
VulCon Event Organizer - 1 Year VulCon Event Organizer - 1 Year VulCon Event Organizer - 1 Year
VulCon Event Organizer

Members who received this award: 1
TaciCon Event GM - 1 Year TaciCon Event GM - 1 Year TaciCon Event GM - 1 Year
TaciCon Event GM

Members who received this award: 1
Oberst Hajj
TaciCon Event Organizer - 1 Year TaciCon Event Organizer - 1 Year TaciCon Event Organizer - 1 Year
TaciCon Event Organizer

Members who received this award: 1
Rock-Con Participant - 1 Year Rock-Con Participant - 1 Year Rock-Con Participant - 1 Year
Rock-Con Participant

Members who received this award: 5
afilter, DJBAR, 7eat51, degodave, ling
Request Medal
Rock-Con Participant - 2 Year Rock-Con Participant - 2 Year Rock-Con Participant - 2 Year
Rock-Con Participant

Members who received this award: 5
, mav1624, BBSuds, Trench Wench, rolld6
Request Medal
Rock-Con Event GM - 3 Year Rock-Con Event GM - 3 Year Rock-Con Event GM - 3 Year
Rock-Con Event GM - 3rd year attending

Members who received this award: 2
rote Flügel, Beer&pretzels
Request Medal
Rock-Con Event Organizer - 3 Year Rock-Con Event Organizer - 3 Year Rock-Con Event Organizer - 3 Year
Rock-Con Event Organizer - 3rd year attending

Members who received this award: 2
crashx, Beer&pretzels
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
HistoriCon Participant - 1 Year HistoriCon Participant - 1 Year HistoriCon Participant - 1 Year
HistoriCon Participant

Members who received this award: 4
, yankeedog, BobP, Steel Legion
HistoriCon Wingman - 1 Year HistoriCon Wingman - 1 Year HistoriCon Wingman - 1 Year
HistoriCon Wingman

Members who received this award: 1
HistoriCon Event GM - 1 Year HistoriCon Event GM - 1 Year HistoriCon Event GM - 1 Year
HistoriCon Event GM

Members who received this award: 2
rcboater, Goering Ace
Genghis Con Participant - 1 Year Genghis Con Participant - 1 Year Genghis Con Participant - 1 Year
Genghis Con Participant

Members who received this award: 1
Genghis Con Event Organizer - 1 Year Genghis Con Event Organizer - 1 Year Genghis Con Event Organizer - 1 Year
Genghis Con Event Organizer

Members who received this award: 1
Oberst Hajj
Enfilade Participant - 1 Year Enfilade Participant - 1 Year Enfilade Participant - 1 Year
Enfilade Participant

Members who received this award: 3
, Diamondback, OldGuy59
Enfilade Participant Year 2 Enfilade Participant Year 2 Enfilade Participant Year 2
Enfilade Participant - 2 Years

Members who received this award: 3
, Rick57, pstapleton53
Enfilade Wingman - 1 Year Enfilade Wingman - 1 Year Enfilade Wingman - 1 Year
Enfilade Wingman

Members who received this award: 1
Enfilade Event GM - 1 Year Enfilade Event GM - 1 Year Enfilade Event GM - 1 Year
Enfilade Event GM

Members who received this award: 1
Enfilade Event GM - 2 Year Enfilade Event GM - 2 Year Enfilade Event GM - 2 Year
Enfilade Event GM - 2 Years

Members who received this award: 1
Enfilade Event Organizer - 2 Year Enfilade Event Organizer - 2 Year Enfilade Event Organizer - 2 Year
Enfilade Event Organizer - 2 Years

Members who received this award: 3
, James Denberger, mrdugsir
Warfare Participant - 1 Year Warfare Participant - 1 Year Warfare Participant - 1 Year
Warfare Participant

Members who received this award: 1
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Warfare Wingman - 1 Year Warfare Wingman - 1 Year Warfare Wingman - 1 Year
Warfare Reading Wingman

Members who received this award: 8
, David Manley, Guntruck, flash, Burt, The Red Dragon, Strangely Brown, Flying Helmut
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Warfare Event GM- 1 Year Warfare Event GM- 1 Year Warfare Event GM- 1 Year
Warfare Event GM

Members who received this award: 3
David Manley, flash, Strangely Brown
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Warfare  Event Organizer - 2 Year Warfare  Event Organizer - 2 Year Warfare Event Organizer - 2 Year
Warfare Event Organizer - 2nd Year Attending

Members who received this award: 1
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Legionary Participant - 1 Year Legionary Participant - 1 Year Legionary Participant - 1 Year
Legionary Participant

Members who received this award: 2
, Burt
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Legionary Event GM - 1 Year Legionary Event GM - 1 Year Legionary Event GM - 1 Year
Legionary Event GM

Members who received this award: 1
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Attack Participant - 1 Year Attack Participant - 1 Year Attack Participant - 1 Year
Attack Con Participant

Members who received this award: 2
, Prodromoi
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Attack Event GM - 1 Year Attack Event GM - 1 Year Attack Event GM - 1 Year
Attack Event GM

Members who received this award: 5
Flying Officer Kyte, Burt, Boney10, armstrongjohn1, Lord Flashheart
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Attack Event GM - 2 Year Attack Event GM - 2 Year Attack Event GM - 2 Year
Attack Event GM - Second Year Attending

Members who received this award: 1
David Manley
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Attack Event Organizer - 1 Year Attack Event Organizer - 1 Year Attack Event Organizer - 1 Year
Attack Event Organizer

Members who received this award: 2
Burt, Boney10
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Minor Con Medal - U.S. Minor Con Medal - U.S. Minor Con Medal - U.S.
For Aerodrome members who participate in an approved, minor U.S. convention WoG event.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Minor Con GM Medal - U.S. Minor Con GM Medal - U.S. Minor Con GM Medal - U.S.
For Aerodrome members who GM an approved, minor U.S. convention WoG event.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Minor Con Medal - U.K. Minor Con Medal - U.K. Minor Con Medal - U.K.
For Aerodrome members who participate in an approved, minor U.K. convention WoG event.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Minor Con GM Medal - U.K. Minor Con GM Medal - U.K. Minor Con GM Medal - U.K.
For Aerodrome members who GM an approved, minor U.K. convention WoG event.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Minor Con Medal - Europe Minor Con Medal - Europe Minor Con Medal - Europe
For Aerodrome members who participate in an approved, minor European convention WoG event.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Minor Con GM Medal - Europe Minor Con GM Medal - Europe Minor Con GM Medal - Europe
For Aerodrome members who GM an approved, minor European convention WoG event.

Members who received this award: 6
merlindex, Angiolillo, monse, Sir_Erickson, Mad Charly, Magnoan
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Minor Con Medal - Australia Minor Con Medal - Australia Minor Con Medal - Australia
For Aerodrome members who participate in an approved, minor Australian convention WoG event.

Members who received this award: 5
, Roger Wilco, Skippy, Slexlaw, Whiskysierra
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Minor Con GM Medal - Australia Minor Con GM Medal - Australia Minor Con GM Medal - Australia
For Aerodrome members who GM an approved, minor Australian convention WoG event.

Members who received this award: 2
Carl_Brisgamer, Whiskysierra
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
GenCon Participant - 1 Year GenCon Participant - 1 Year GenCon Participant - 1 Year
GenCon Participant

Members who received this award: 6
, Misdomingo, LingSter, Nightmoss, bgeipel, Saylug
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
GenCon Wingman - 1 Year GenCon Wingman - 1 Year GenCon Wingman - 1 Year
Gencon Wingman

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
GenCon Event GM - 1 Year GenCon Event GM - 1 Year GenCon Event GM - 1 Year
GenCon Event GM

Members who received this award: 4
, LingSter, rhodie80, matt56
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
GenCon Event Organizer - 1 Year GenCon Event Organizer - 1 Year GenCon Event Organizer - 1 Year
GenCon Event Organizer

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Participant - 1 Year Origins Participant - 1 Year Origins Participant - 1 Year
Origins Participant

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Participant - 2 Year Origins Participant - 2 Year Origins Participant - 2 Year
Origins Participant - Second Year Attending

Members who received this award: 9
, Skullduggery, crashx, Tommy Z, Black Sheep One, Kermit, ling, Nicosomething, malachi
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Participant - 3 Year Origins Participant - 3 Year Origins Participant - 3 Year
Origins Participant - Third Year Attending

Members who received this award: 6
, Sheryl Nantus, Misdomingo, bgeipel, rhodie80, Black Kniggit
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Participant - 4 Years Origins Participant - 4 Years Origins Participant - 4 Years
Origins Participant - Fourth Year Attending

Members who received this award: 10
, Jager, redcoon2, Teaticket, Jago85, Caveman, 7eat51, milcoll73, Old guy, Bobsalt
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Wingman - 1 Year Origins Wingman - 1 Year Origins Wingman - 1 Year
Origins Wingman

Members who received this award: 10
, Pseudotheist, flash, Goering Ace, jbmacek, milcoll73, rhodie80, Maverick, Black Kniggit, Bobsalt
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Wingman - 2 Years Origins Wingman - 2 Years Origins Wingman - 2 Years
Origins Wingman - Second Year As Wingman

Members who received this award: 3
Teaticket, 7eat51, ling
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Wingman - 3 Years Origins Wingman - 3 Years Origins Wingman - 3 Years
Origins Wingman - Third Year As Wingman

Members who received this award: 4
Tommy Z, Misdomingo, BBSuds, Trench Wench
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Event GM - 1 Year Origins Event GM - 1 Year Origins Event GM - 1 Year
Origins Event GM

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Event GM - 2 Years Origins Event GM - 2 Years Origins Event GM - 2 Years
Origins Event GM - Second Year GMing an Event

Members who received this award: 1
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Event GM - 3 Year Origins Event GM - 3 Year Origins Event GM - 3 Year
Origins Event GM - Third Year Attending

Members who received this award: 1
Black Sheep One
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Event GM - 4 Years Origins Event GM - 4 Years Origins Event GM - 4 Years
Origins Event GM - Fourth Year GMing an Event

Members who received this award: 9
CappyTom, Jager, The Cowman, Teaticket, Jago85, milcoll73, Old guy, rhodie80, matt56
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Event Organizer - 1 Year Origins Event Organizer - 1 Year Origins Event Organizer - 1 Year
Origins Event Organizer - One Year

Members who received this award: 2
CappyTom, Misdomingo
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Origins Event Organizer - 3 Year Origins Event Organizer - 3 Year Origins Event Organizer - 3 Year
Origins Event Organizer - Third Year Attending

Members who received this award: 5
Oberst Hajj, The Cowman, Teaticket, rhodie80, matt56
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Derby World Wargames Participant - 1 Year Derby World Wargames Participant - 1 Year Derby World Wargames Participant - 1 Year
Derby World Wargames Participant

Members who received this award: 7
, 'Warspite', QB Fox, Ringbolt, Maverick, Klunk, Captain kiwi
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Derby World Wargames Participant - 2 Year Derby World Wargames Participant - 2 Year Derby World Wargames Participant - 2 Year
Derby World Wargames Participant - 2nd Year Attending

Members who received this award: 4
, hawkhurst, johnbiggles, Deadly M
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Derby World Wargames Wingman - 1 Year Derby World Wargames Wingman - 1 Year Derby World Wargames Wingman - 1 Year
Derby World Wargames Wingman.

Members who received this award: 7
, Naharaht, Boney10, Lucky Bryan, RJB, hawkhurst, Deadly M
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Derby World Wargames Wingman - 2 Year Derby World Wargames Wingman - 2 Year Derby World Wargames Wingman - 2 Year
Derby World Wargames Wingman. - 2nd Year Attending

Members who received this award: 1
Flying Officer Kyte
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Derby World Wargames Event GM - 1 Year Derby World Wargames Event GM - 1 Year Derby World Wargames Event GM - 1 Year
Derby World Wargames Event GM

Members who received this award: 3
, Naharaht, Strangely Brown
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Derby World Wargames Event GM - 2 Year Derby World Wargames Event GM - 2 Year Derby World Wargames Event GM - 2 Year
Derby World Wargames Event GM - 2nd Year Attending

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Derby World Wargames Event Organizer - 1 Year Derby World Wargames Event Organizer - 1 Year Derby World Wargames Event Organizer - 1 Year
Derby World Wargames Event Organizer

Members who received this award: 2
Lt. S.Kafloc, Flying Helmut
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Derby World Wargames Event Organizer - 2 Year Derby World Wargames Event Organizer - 2 Year Derby World Wargames Event Organizer - 2 Year
Derby World Wargames Event Organizer - 2nd Year Attending

Members who received this award: 1
Flying Officer Kyte
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Derby World Wargames Event Organizer - 3 Year Derby World Wargames Event Organizer - 3 Year Derby World Wargames Event Organizer - 3 Year
Derby World Wargames Event Organizer - 3rd Year Organizing

Members who received this award: 1
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Triples Participant - 1 Year Triples Participant - 1 Year Triples Participant - 1 Year
Triples Participant

Members who received this award: 5
, chimpchoker, RJB, Sparky, Malibumax
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Triples Participant - 2 Year Triples Participant - 2 Year Triples Participant - 2 Year
Triples Participant - Second Year Attending

Members who received this award: 2
, Indie55
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Triples Participant - 3 Year Triples Participant - 3 Year Triples Participant - 3 Year
Triples Participant - Third Year Attending

Members who received this award: 3
Lucky Bryan, Booboohamster, Hedeby
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Triples Wingman - 1 Year Triples Wingman - 1 Year Triples Wingman - 1 Year
Triples Wingman

Members who received this award: 8
, AlgyLacey, Guntruck, Booboohamster, RJB, Lt. S.Kafloc, QB Fox, Maverick
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Triples Wingman - 2 Year Triples Wingman - 2 Year Triples Wingman - 2 Year
Triples Wingman - Second Year Attending

Members who received this award: 1
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Triples Wingman - 3 Year Triples Wingman - 3 Year Triples Wingman - 3 Year
Triples Wingman - Third Year Attending

Members who received this award: 2
Flying Officer Kyte, Hedeby
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Triples Event GM - 1 Year Triples Event GM - 1 Year Triples Event GM - 1 Year
Triples Event GM

Members who received this award: 3
Boney10, Hedeby, Lt. S.Kafloc
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Triples Event GM - 2 Year Triples Event GM - 2 Year Triples Event GM - 2 Year
Triples Event GM - Second Year Attending

Members who received this award: 1
Flying Helmut
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Triples Event GM - 3 Year Triples Event GM - 3 Year Triples Event GM - 3 Year
Triples Event GM - Third Year Attending

Members who received this award: 1
Flying Officer Kyte
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Triples Event Organizer - 1 Year Triples Event Organizer - 1 Year Triples Event Organizer - 1 Year
Triples Event Organizer

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Triples Event Organizer - 2 Year Triples Event Organizer - 2 Year Triples Event Organizer - 2 Year
Triples Event Organizer - Second Year Attending

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Triples Event Organizer - 3 Year Triples Event Organizer - 3 Year Triples Event Organizer - 3 Year
Triples Event Organizer - Third Year Attending

Members who received this award: 1
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
PragueCon Participant - 1 Year PragueCon Participant - 1 Year PragueCon Participant - 1 Year
PragueCon Participant

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
PragueCon Wingman - 1 Year PragueCon Wingman - 1 Year PragueCon Wingman - 1 Year
Awarded to a PragueCon participant who rendered extraordinary service.

Members who received this award: 1
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
PragueCon GM - 1 Year PragueCon GM - 1 Year PragueCon GM - 1 Year
PragueCon Event GM

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
PragueCon Event Organizer - 1 Year PragueCon Event Organizer - 1 Year PragueCon Event Organizer - 1 Year
PragueCon Event Organizer

Members who received this award: 3
Dan-Sam, Kubajs, Watchdog
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
WinterCon Participant - 1 Year WinterCon Participant - 1 Year WinterCon Participant - 1 Year
WinterCon Participant

Members who received this award: 3
, muzfish4, Dal Gavan
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
WinterCon Participant - 2 Year WinterCon Participant - 2 Year WinterCon Participant - 2 Year
WinterCon Participant - 2 Years

Members who received this award: 4
, gully_raker, Baxter, muzfish4
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
WinterCon Wingman - 1 Year WinterCon Wingman - 1 Year WinterCon Wingman - 1 Year
WinterCon Wingman

Members who received this award: 2
Carl_Brisgamer, Baxter
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
WinterCon Wingman - 2 Year WinterCon Wingman - 2 Year WinterCon Wingman - 2 Year
WinterCon Wingman - 2 Years

Members who received this award: 1
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
WinterCon Event GM - 1 Year WinterCon Event GM - 1 Year WinterCon Event GM - 1 Year
WinterCon Event GM

Members who received this award: 1
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
WinterCon Event GM - 2 Year WinterCon Event GM - 2 Year WinterCon Event GM - 2 Year
WinterCon Event GM - 2 Years

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Wintercon Event Organizer - 1 Year Wintercon Event Organizer - 1 Year Wintercon Event Organizer - 1 Year
Wintercon Event Organizer

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Wintercon Event Organizer - 2 Year Wintercon Event Organizer - 2 Year Wintercon Event Organizer - 2 Year
Wintercon Event Organizer - 2 Years

Members who received this award: 1
Zoe Brain
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
CanCon Participant - 1 Year CanCon Participant - 1 Year CanCon Participant - 1 Year
CanCon Participant

Members who received this award: 6
, steel_ratt, muzfish4, Dal Gavan, Muerto, Windy Jack
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
CanCon Participant - 2 Year CanCon Participant - 2 Year CanCon Participant - 2 Year
CanCon Participant - Second Year Attending

Members who received this award: 2
Baxter, steel_ratt
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
CanCon Wingman - 1 Year CanCon Wingman - 1 Year CanCon Wingman - 1 Year
CanCon Wingman

Members who received this award: 3
, brelly, Rat of Vengence
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
CanCon Wingman - 2 Year CanCon Wingman - 2 Year CanCon Wingman - 2 Year
CanCon Wingman

Members who received this award: 2
gully_raker, Baxter
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
CanCon Event GM - 1 Year CanCon Event GM - 1 Year CanCon Event GM - 1 Year
CanCon Event GM

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
CanCon Event Organizer - 1 Year CanCon Event Organizer - 1 Year CanCon Event Organizer - 1 Year
CanCon Event Organizer

Members who received this award: 2
Carl_Brisgamer, gully_raker
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
CanCon Event Organizer - 2 Year CanCon Event Organizer - 2 Year CanCon Event Organizer - 2 Year
CanCon Event Organizer - Second Year Organizing

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
CanCon Event Organizer - 3 Year CanCon Event Organizer - 3 Year CanCon Event Organizer - 3 Year
CanCon Event Organizer - Third Year Organizing

Members who received this award: 1
Zoe Brain
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Doncaster Participant - 1 Year Doncaster Participant - 1 Year Doncaster Participant - 1 Year
Awarded to members who attend the Doncaster event.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Doncaster Participant - 2 Year Doncaster Participant - 2 Year Doncaster Participant - 2 Year
Awarded to members who attend the Doncaster event for two years.

Members who received this award: 6
Kubajs, Marechallannes, Cats Eyes, mikeemagnus, Woof, camel crew
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Doncaster Participant - 3 Year Doncaster Participant - 3 Year Doncaster Participant - 3 Year
Awarded to members who attend the Doncaster event for three years.

Members who received this award: 3
, Aardvark1430, McDorf
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Doncaster Participant - 4 Year Doncaster Participant - 4 Year Doncaster Participant - 4 Year
Awarded to members who attend the Doncaster event for four years.

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Doncaster GM Doncaster GM Doncaster GM
Awarded to those running a game at the annual Doncaster event.

Members who received this award: 4
Naharaht, Jager, merlin45, mikeemagnus
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Doncast GM 2 Doncast GM 2 Doncast GM 2
Awarded to those who have run games at 2 of the Doncaster events

Members who received this award: 3
Dan-Sam, Strangely Brown, Woof
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Doncaster GM 3 Doncaster GM 3 Doncaster GM 3
Awarded to those who have run games at the annual Doncaster event for 3 or more years. Thank you

Request Medal
Recommend Medal
WGA Invitational 3rd Place WGA Invitational 3rd Place WGA Invitational 3rd Place
3rd Place Winner of the Wings of Glory Aerodrome Invitational tourney.

Members who received this award: 2
Jager, Kermit
WGA Invitational 2nd Place WGA Invitational 2nd Place WGA Invitational 2nd Place
2nd Place Winner of the Wings of Glory Aerodrome Invitational tourney.

Members who received this award: 3
Pseudotheist, redcoon2, 7eat51
WGA Invitational 1st Place WGA Invitational 1st Place WGA Invitational 1st Place
Winner of the Wings of Glory Aerodrome Invitational tourney.

Members who received this award: 4
CappyTom, redcoon2, Black Sheep One, BBSuds

Medals for use in the Knights of the Air world wide campaign
Icon Image Name / Description
Ace Ace Ace
Knights of the Air campaign medal.

Awarded for shooting down 5 enemy aircraft.

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Military Cross Military Cross Military Cross
Knights of the Air campaign medal.

Awarded in recognition of distinguished and meritorious services in time of war.

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Iron Cross Iron Cross Iron Cross
Knights of the Air campaign medal.

For acts of heroism, bravery or leadership skills.

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Distinguished Flying Cross Distinguished Flying Cross Distinguished Flying Cross
Knights of the Air campaign medal.

Acts of extreme gallantry at risk of life.

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Knight's Cross Knight's Cross Knight's Cross
Knights of the Air campaign medal.

Acts of extreme battlefield bravery

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Distinguished Service Order Distinguished Service Order Distinguished Service Order
Knights of the Air campaign medal.

Awarded to military officers for individual instances of meritorious or distinguished service in war.

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Military Order of St. Henry Military Order of St. Henry Military Order of St. Henry
Knights of the Air campaign medal.

Awarded for conspicuous personal bravery on the battlefield

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Victoria Cross Victoria Cross Victoria Cross
Knights of the Air campaign medal.

Awarded for most conspicuous bravery, a daring or preeminent act of valor, self sacrifice or extreme devotion to duty in the presence of the enemy.

No member has this award
Request Medal
Recommend Medal
Blue Max Blue Max Blue Max
Knights of the Air campaign medal.

Acts of extraordinary achievement in battle

Members who received this award: 1
Request Medal
Recommend Medal

Medals that will transfer to the new site.
Icon Image Name / Description
Sails of Glory Anchorage Founding Member Sails of Glory Anchorage Founding Member Sails of Glory Anchorage Founding Member
Awarded to those members that donate to the founding of the Sails of Glory Anchorage website.

Members who received this award: 8
, bsmith13, Gaz67, Zoe Brain, Nightbomber, alpine, va beach ace, Mitchell422
Sails of Glory Anchorage Bronze Founding Member Sails of Glory Anchorage Bronze Founding Member Sails of Glory Anchorage Bronze Founding Member
Awarded to those members that donate to the founding of the Sails of Glory Anchorage website.

Members who received this award: 6
, kaufschtick, Schwerpunkt, Bluedevil, Burt, Watchdog
Sails of Glory Anchorage Silver Founding Member Sails of Glory Anchorage Silver Founding Member Sails of Glory Anchorage Silver Founding Member
Awarded to those members that donate to the founding of the Sails of Glory Anchorage website.

Members who received this award: 5
Doug, Anav, Boney10, grumpybear, Marechallannes
Sails of Glory Anchorage Gold Founding Member Sails of Glory Anchorage Gold Founding Member Sails of Glory Anchorage Gold Founding Member
Awarded to those members that donate to the founding of the Sails of Glory Anchorage website.

Sails of Glory Midshipman Medal Sails of Glory Midshipman Medal Sails of Glory Midshipman Medal
A prestigious medal award to a select few for their dedication of time and knowledge to helping make the Sails of Glory Anchorage website a reality.

Members who received this award: 4
David Manley, Anav, grumpybear, Marechallannes

Yet Another Awards System v4.0.8