Ares Games
Medal: 1 Year of Service and 500 posts

1 Year of Service and 500 posts

Awarded to members for one year of service and 500+ posts.

Members who received this award: 65
, afilter, kaufschtick, Belis4rius, calm, Nipotra Paul, Max Headroom, pbhawkin, AlgyLacey, Greywolf, gregbond77, Volant Gun, Gallo Rojo, Coog, Lloydthegamer, Mike George, Warhorse47, monse, miscmini, greenalfonzo, tonyc206, Shiraz68, rote Flügel, Madboyo, batesyboy, Rabbit 3, Albert Ross, Beer&pretzels, jhary, P-51D, Xen, flyingryno, Rat of Vengence, tusekine, THECCRICH, Dark Horse, Womble, Mad Charly, HTRAINo, ptownhiker, skyking20, diceslinger, Black Sheep One, MoonSylver, BBSuds, 'Warspite', Foz, Canestri10, andron234, surfimp, rhodie80, Tokhuah, Gotham Resident, Tonx, BB401, Walter Nowotny, Windy Jack, NewFlyBoy, BwanaJoe, abovetheclouds, Sauerkraut, Von Scharf, Hu Rhu, Baz, Larry R.
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