View Full Version : WGFC: Amiens 1918: The Last Great Battle

04-01-2012, 07:18
Submit a Book ReviewBook Title:
Amiens 1918: The Last Great Battle Author:
James McWilliams & R. James Steel ISBN:
978-0-7524-4426-0 Category:
History Format:
Paperback Summary:
Drawing heavily on both official histories and first-hand accounts, with many of the latter published for the first time, this 320pp book provides a highly-readable account of the decisive battle on the Western Front, after which the German Army was always on the back foot. Amiens was the first thoroughly planned combined arms offensive, using significant numbers of aircraft and tanks, along with infiltration tactics and massed artillery to produce a victory which would be called 'The Black Day' by the German High Command and pave the way for the 'Hundred Days'.