View Full Version : WGFC: One Morning in Sarajevo

02-26-2012, 01:29
Submit a Book ReviewBook Title:
One Morning in Sarajevo Author:
David James Smith ISBN:
978-0-297-85144-8 Category:
History Format:
Hardback Summary:
I almost labelled this as a 'How To' or more accurately 'How Not To' formulate a political assassination! Written in 2008, with 326pp, Smith traces the lives, motivations and fates of the conspirators involved in the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Ferdinand whcih acted as the catalyst for what rapidly became WWI due to the series of inter-locking pacts and alliances between the European powers. It explores in great detail the sometimes farcical actions of those involved prior to 28 June 1914, the trial and imprisonment of those convicted and lasting cultural memories of their actions. This is a well-researched and excruciatingly detailed account which, for the casual reader, could have said all it needed to in about a quarter of the space. For me the most interesting statement was from Gavrilo Princip following his trial, where he stated (probably quite correctly) that the war that ensued was inevitable, whether or not he'd been successful in his action on the streets of Sarajevo.