View Full Version : Multiplayer: Missions for Newbies?

01-20-2010, 13:11
I have been reading some of the missions and there is some great stuff. I am trying to get a game club going and am looking for some basic missions for newer players. We use the minis and I currently have at least 2 of each model. I also own all three box sets.

Most of our pilots will be younger or new recruits that I ma be teaching the game to for the first time.

Our first night out we did some basic three on three dogfights with fighters and then I ran a bombing mission with a couple of DH4s which was a blast.

I have seen some of the neat aides in the file section including ships/subs which might be interesting although I have not figured them out completely.

What missions would you recommend that a new player can pick up easily? Basic dogfights are fun, but I want to keep it interesting. ;)

Aprreciate any input.

01-20-2010, 14:37
We played photographic missions mostly when were starting with plaing. The next step is logicaly bombing missions and picking up spies. But first, were playing just dogfight until we knew damege rules perfectly.

01-21-2010, 01:36
Yes we do the same ,..
Playing dogfight, with only two planes,...
Easy to learn Damage and fly rules.
step two, altitude rules.

Then Dogfights with 4 planes, and Photo missions and straffing and so on.

I think it is the best way to learning the Game sequences.



Oberst Hajj
01-21-2010, 08:05
Add photo recons and rescue missions. The recon could be simplified down to the two seater having to circle a ground target card 2-3 times while staying at least in long range of it and then flying home.

The rescue is pretty simple as well. Just print out the landing strip from Knights of the Air and have a plane take off and land. You don't need to use altitude rules for this, just require the plane to play a dive card, a straight and finally a stall. If it misses the landing strip, it takes a C damage or some them. Require the plane to be on the ground for 1-2 full turns (it can be shot at), during which it can move however it wants and as much as it wants (to line up for the take off). For taking off, just play a stall, straight and finally a climb card.

Shooting down balloons is also fun!

01-21-2010, 09:12
Thanks all, Balloons are a good idea, but hoping for the models before we go that route.

As for altitude for out group that is probably not step 2, but instead step 4 or 5 if at all. ;)

01-23-2010, 12:04
Add photo recons and rescue missions. The recon could be simplified down to the two seater having to circle a ground target card 2-3 times while staying at least in long range of it and then flying home.

The rescue is pretty simple as well. Just print out the landing strip from Knights of the Air and have a plane take off and land. You don't need to use altitude rules for this, just require the plane to play a dive card, a straight and finally a stall. If it misses the landing strip, it takes a C damage or some them. Require the plane to be on the ground for 1-2 full turns (it can be shot at), during which it can move however it wants and as much as it wants (to line up for the take off). For taking off, just play a stall, straight and finally a climb card.

Shooting down balloons is also fun!

I agree recon and rescue missions are a great option. they add alot more strategy in team play. probably recommend at least 2 planes per team.

one which i have played 5 times is a rescue mission where their is a captured German Pilot (double ace) held at an allied airbase (printed out from this site).
Details as follows.
Allies: at least 2 fighters from 1917 era (but no more than the number of german fighters. 2 x A maching guns defending the airbase.

Germans: 1x two seater plan with no observer (rescue plane). two or more german fighters from 1917 era. (recommend one more fighter than the allies have).
Mission Objective: Land and rescue the German Ace.

Special Rules: German 2 seater plane has no observer until the ace has been rescued. Start with one allied plane taking off as the germans cross into allied territory. The rest of the allied fighters will take-off in 'Staggered" formation, one each turn to simulate them scrambling to get planes into the air. Once the 2seater lands it misses a turn before taking off with the captured pilot/observer.

Note. This mission is fun but difficult. The attacking team need to take out at least one and probably both machine guns before the 2 seater can land safely to pick up the captured pilot/observer.

Oberst Hajj
01-23-2010, 17:55
That sounds like a good mission!

01-23-2010, 18:03
Thanks for all the ideas

Lowell Throttle
02-02-2010, 18:45
I am trying to get a game club going .

What happened to thje Wargamming Clubs at the Memorial Union and the Union South?

We played lots of FITS/Dawn Patrol and Blue Max.

Are they no longer playing?

I was in Madison for school years ago (20+)

02-02-2010, 18:50
What happened to thje Wargamming Clubs at the Memorial Union and the Union South?

We played lots of FITS/Dawn Patrol and Blue Max.

Are they no longer playing?

I was in Madison for school years ago (20+)

Not sure...I work in Madison, but Live in Janesville. I know there are some gamers in Madison, mostly "check your 6". Trying to get something going locally. ;)