View Full Version : Movies

12-25-2009, 01:35
Are there any member who have the knowledge to inform us of what WW1/WW2 aviation movies or documentaries that are in circulation?

12-26-2009, 00:15
depends on what your into there is another thread [WWI / WWII AirBattle Movies (http://www.wingsofwar.org/forums/showthread.php?t=250)

where we have discussed our favorite movies. but as a recap the most recent WWI movies are:

The Red Baron
Blue Max

I've watched the Red Baron and flyboys both are o.k.
The red baron is a bit of a let down as its all about his romance and arguments with his brother Lothar. The actual dogfights were fantastic but not enough.

As for Flyboys I enjoyed it but wasn't impressed with James Franco [Spiderman] but found the Kiwi actor Martin Henderson as the the veteran commander believable. But yet another possible great aviation film and ruin it by having to much romance and not enough dog-fighting.

hope this helps.


12-26-2009, 03:09


Available to buy or rent from Amazon.co.uk

Needles :)

12-27-2009, 00:32
Thanks I did not realise there was a post already on the subject. So I will close this post and and look up the other post

01-02-2010, 19:27
The thing i did not like about Flyboys is the only plane the germans flew were triplanes the Red Baron all over the place.

01-02-2010, 22:53
The thing i did not like about Flyboys is the only plane the germans flew were triplanes the Red Baron all over the place.

yeah why the hell were they all RED.

it was bizarre.


01-31-2010, 06:34
Hey Guys,

I am not sure if this is a dead thread or not, but I just watched flyboys last night (I watched a few years back but wasn't into wings of war or WWI planes at that time).

If I may answer your question to the German "Red only" planes, I watched about half the movie with the directors comments on and they said that they had to make the german planes all red to help people track who was who. I can completely understand that argument. They too said that historians gave them greif about having red only, but thought that trying to follow the dog fights having different multi coloured planes would be near to impossible especially for the non enthusiast movie goer.


02-08-2010, 09:11
The Blue Max uses all kinds of paint schemes from the era and a variety of plane models. On top of that, the filming wasn't all that great at handling the high speed of the dogfights...and yet...somehow I knew who were the Germans were vs. the Brits & French...

Even with an untrained eye it would be obvious given how the film was shot. It was just apparent what was going on in the skies. To me, it's not about thinking, "Oh that plane is painted Red or that plane is yellow." It's this is the story of this dogfight, these are the planes shooting at each other. The rest falls together if you've got even a moderately competent director.