View Full Version : DoW point system

12-13-2009, 02:22
OK, a bunch of us are nutting out point systyems for WoW, I figured we should do one for DoW too.

While comparing the decks, I noticed they are all very similar in terms of maneuvers. Apart from the I deck for dive-bombers, 14 of the 18 maneuvers are the same: 2 straights, 4 gentle turns (2 left, 2 right) 4 hard turns (2 left, 2 right), stall, immellmann, climb and dive. The remaining 4 are broken into L/R sideslips, L/R rolls (steep sidelips) and L/R fast only wide sideslips (I've dubbed them "hardslips").

With this in mind, I'm wondering how much these 6 maneuvers can impact on a decks comparitive value. Of the 3 types of maneuver, I rated the sideslips highest, as they are not steep, and can be performed at either fast or slow speed. The rolls next, as while they are steep, they still have fast/slow speeds, and the hardslips the lowest as they have only fast speeds (meaning engine damage prevents their use, and the acceleration rules limit their use further). Rating them at 5pts for a set of sideslips (left and right), 4pts for a set of rolls, and 3 pts for a set of hardslips, this leaves all decks (other than I deck) between 6 to 10 pts (not counting the 14 identicle maneuvers each deck shares), leaving me wondering if the maneuverability is as big a factor as we think.

The speed variance (the differance between high and low speed) and firepower seem to be the main variables in WW2 aircraft. Would you folks agree?


12-13-2009, 05:08
If you look closely some the decks aren't the same even in the common maneuvers. For me the most distinct apart of the I deck are A,C and D. The zeros (C) have a pretty tight turning radius, while the wildcats (D) for instance have very few variation between high and low speed maneuvering making them very difficult to turn. The A has the obvious long-sideslip...

The Pbem campaign had some special rules for not sealed fuel compartments that i think could also help balance the point systems:

All aircraft marked with a double dagger symbol: ‡ are NOT equipped with self sealing fuel tanks. Any FIRE
special hit on these aircraft automatically becomes an EXPLOSION result. Any SMOKE special hit on these
aircraft automatically becomes a FIRE result. Any ENGINE special hit on these aircraft automatically becomes a
SMOKE result.

This adds to help giving the japanese planes their true feeling. I'd also take in account climbing and ceiling for altitude games.

12-13-2009, 11:40
Decks and difference:

Being bored, I took the time to make some statistics on the difference between the different decks.
I have not paid special attention to the number of steep maneuvers, except where this is a glaring difference.
I have made the comparison fra A all the way down to I, in the most obvious pairs:

A to B: A has spitfire maneuver on 15-16.
B to F: F steep and shorter on 15-16
F to E: E low speed longer (but F is generally shorter on 15-16)
E to H: H low speed longer, H only high speed on 15-16.
H to G: 1-2 low speed longer for G. G only high speed on 15-16

B to C: C low speed equal B low speed. C high speed shorter. C only high speed on 15-16.
C to D: D high equal C high. (D low equal G low).
C to I: I high equal C low, I low speed very short. Fewer maneuvers in general, but more dive maneuvers.

So the progession from best to worst is A, B, F, E, H, G. C is as menueverable as A to F, but slower. D is the worst overall (I is out of comparison).

So using for instance F to fly a bf 109 would not be that off, and could be explained by slight engine trouble or similar.