View Full Version : Doncaster 2023 Badges

05-28-2023, 03:12
Well its that time of year again.

Looking to order the badges end of June so need to know who wants one.
Cost will be approx same as last year, no doubt with a little extra because of various reasons. I will know more once we order.
We need a minimum of 25 to make viable, I will make the order and collect at Doncaster, so bring cash if poss but will also take paypal if you want to pay beforehand.
Once you order you will be committed to purchase, so please if you not sure you want dont order.
This year badge will be same design but back to having a blue scroll with Doncaster 2023 on.
You have until end of June to get your name on the list.

05-28-2023, 03:12
Reserved for badge list

Boney10 (Chris) x 3
Guntruck (Steve) x2
Tikkifriend (Paul) x2
camel crew (Iain) x1
Flying Helmut (Tim) x2
Flying Officer Kyte (Rob) x2
Hawkhurst (Andy) x2
Mikeemagnus (Mike) x2
LT.S.Kafloc (Neil) x2
Hedeby (Chris) x1
Aardvark1430 (Guus) x1
Dan-Sam (Daniel) x1
Cats Eyes (Lex) x1
akrimpen (Arjan) x1
Maverick (Simon) x2
Biggles Clan x4

Total 29 so after getting five more added we have 1 spare if anyone wants one on the day, but only one.

05-28-2023, 04:15
Two for me please Chris.

05-28-2023, 05:25
2 please

camel crew
05-28-2023, 05:26
Add 1 to the list for me

Flying Helmut
05-28-2023, 09:50
2 for me please!

Flying Officer Kyte
05-28-2023, 11:27
Also two for me please Chris.


05-29-2023, 09:58
2 for me please

05-29-2023, 12:14
2 for me please, Chris :)

Flying Officer Kyte
05-29-2023, 12:30
Neil just posted this on the other Doncaster thread.

Chris put me down for 2 badges please.


05-29-2023, 13:21
Thanks Rob, Ill check out that thread and add as required

06-02-2023, 17:21
Hi Chris
Put me down for one badge please.

06-16-2023, 04:24
We still seem to be 4 short of the required 25, so if needed I'll take a third. Hopefully, that won't be necessary as time moves on :) :pint:

Flying Officer Kyte
06-16-2023, 12:34
I will also join Mike by adding a third badge if needed.

camel crew
06-18-2023, 04:07
Hello Chris put me down for two if it helps

Flying Helmut
06-18-2023, 04:32
I'm always happy to buy multiple extras to ensure they get produced for everyone who wants one.

Cats Eyes
06-20-2023, 11:43
and one for me please, Chris

07-15-2023, 03:50
Love to have one as well, please!

07-18-2023, 10:25
Order for the badges made and the cost has gone up this year, well there is a surprise, badges are £7.50 each.
I can collect at Doncaster or if you prefer paypal send me a pm and I will give you my paypal address.
Sorry about the increase but we are all aware of the circumstances, I will make the initial outlay to make sure we get the badges for Doncaster

Flying Officer Kyte
07-18-2023, 11:46
Are the number of badges enough to cover the cost Chris or do I pay for extra badges above the two I indented for.
Let me know plus your details and I will PP you the money.


Flying Helmut
07-18-2023, 11:56
I'm also standing by to pay for extra badges if required.

camel crew
07-18-2023, 13:14
Chris - sort it out at Doncaster, unless you want otherwise

07-18-2023, 14:48
We have 23 names and we needed to order 25 so I have two extra, hopefully at Doncaster we will have people who may want these two spares. If not I will offer to any who wants an extra.
I will send pm to those asking about pp on Thursday this week

Flying Officer Kyte
07-18-2023, 23:32
Thanks Chris.

07-26-2023, 11:50
Maverick and his son have taken the last two so all accounted for

07-26-2023, 14:19
Great. Thanks Chris. PM sent a while back. Shall repeat in case lost :)

08-16-2023, 09:58
The badges have arrived safely

Flying Officer Kyte
08-16-2023, 11:00
Good news Chris.
Another tick on the to do list.

08-16-2023, 11:49
All the trophies are in at the engravers