View Full Version : Geeking out during games with sound effects

10-09-2009, 08:38
First, I should make it clear that I don't wear a silk scarf or goggles while playing Wings of War, but I do enjoy sound effects.

I used to put run a playlist on iTunes of war movie soundtracks, but I found something even cooler during the last year...CDs from aircraftrecords.com

This brilliant sound engineer went out and recorded the sounds of all sorts of airplanes - mostly WWII, but also WWI. The last game I had at my home, I ran the WWI CD, "Ghosts of the Great War". My players thought it was a little weird at first, but they said they really enjoyed it.

Check out their website. They have a few samples. Let me know what you think.

10-09-2009, 09:15
I've found the Red Baron Sound Track being very very awesome to play, I'll definitely check this out as well :)

Der Rote Baron - Airbattle 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fImfB8llkM4)

Oh, and if I had a silk scarf and goggles I'd definitely wear them :D

10-09-2009, 09:21
I prefer custom sound effects made with our voices :) 'wroooooom' or 'takakakakaka' are my personal favourites :)

10-09-2009, 09:32
Im on board with custom sound effects with your voice! Although background music does help set the mood.

Oberst Hajj
10-09-2009, 13:28
I'm a big DAKA DAKA DAKA player my self, but I'll have to look into some good background sounds to go with them.

10-09-2009, 15:21
Custom sound effects all the way.

10-09-2009, 16:23
my wife would laugh at me if I made the Daka Daka sound effect...no wait she already laughs at me....



Oberst Hajj
10-09-2009, 22:17
The louder I do the DAKA DAKA, the more damage I seem to cause!

10-10-2009, 19:25
And we all hate that "CLICK, CLICK" sound that you mentioned in one of the other threads.

Oberst Hajj
10-10-2009, 20:52
Yep, I spit that sound out when ever I draw one of those cards!

10-16-2009, 14:22
Rather than "Daka, Daka', I thought it should be "Durka, Durka".

Single gun versus double guns, perhaps?:p

The Blue Baron
11-09-2009, 04:54
I really like the soundtrack from DER ROTE BARON. Movie soundtracks are a good idea to set the mood.
At the moment SABATON (a Swedish Metal Band) provides my WoW soundtrack. They have done a lot of great "war songs" esp dealing with WW2.

Back in control (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdxvedxPhNU)

Volant Gun
01-27-2010, 22:27

I am so glad I joined this fine organization of mature adults . . . who have no inhibitions! I thought I was the only "closet kid" in the group! I see nothing wrong with wearing the whole dang uniform! Though the younger folks may think I'm weird. But I'm too old to care. :)

However, I must point out that depending on the aircraft you're flying you should hesitate for a split second to simulate the interupter gear! Otherwise you'd shoot your prop off! DAKA DAKA _ DAKA DAKA DAKA!

Have fun,

01-28-2010, 00:46
I prefer TAKA, TAKA, TAKA myself, but mine are not Spandau's.

What you have all failed miserably at is arming the guns in the first place, CHH, CHH, with obligatory arm movement.


01-28-2010, 01:41
We prefer "Dooga dooga dooga!", but perhaps a little more sadly, we give visual clues as to the damage cards we draw. For example, a zero might have us brushing imaginary dust from our shoulders, while a five might warrant shaking our bodies... how sad are we? *chuckles*.

01-28-2010, 02:44
I usually save mine for when I crash and burn. Urrraaaaaghhhhhhhh.

02-01-2010, 12:27
TAKA TAKA and DAKA DAKA are common and good, but I also use RATA RATA. And if I shoot long burst with a single MG, I may shout RÄÄPS.