View Full Version : DONCASTER 2023

10-02-2022, 13:43
I will discuss possible dates over the coming days, watch this space.

I am aware Duxford is 9th and 10th of September, same weekend as the St. Leger Festival here in Doncaster.


10-04-2022, 06:53
OK so the website I looked at was wrong and Duxford is 16th/17th September, as luck would have it, this is also the Battle of Britain Memorial Weekend at the Air Museum, and the St.Leger weekend, so all the potential clashes that can affect the date of our get together seem to align on the same weekend, which in theory leaves the rest of them free.... However there are caravan club events on a couple of weekends so that leaves us the very start of September or the very end (same weekend as we have just had).. very early days I know but where does the preference sit with everyone?

1st - 3rd September
29th September - 1st October

camel crew
10-04-2022, 06:59
1,2,3 for me. End of September is birthday commitments

10-04-2022, 07:38
1st-3rd would be better for me and Marian as i have to be at work on a stocktake audit the last weekend

Flying Helmut
10-04-2022, 09:22
I can do either, but I guess 1st-3rd to match the other votes so far! ;)

David Manley
10-04-2022, 09:44
Too early to tell, so at this stage 8m happy with whatever works best top of everyone

10-04-2022, 12:12
Either is OK for me.

Flying Officer Kyte
10-04-2022, 12:17
Mrs K and I prefer the later date if possible.


10-04-2022, 14:36
I can do either but I voted for later one b4 I saw I could/should vote for both.

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-04-2022, 14:54
Either ok for myself. Prefer the early one though.

Flying Helmut
10-05-2022, 00:26

OK, voting for the later weekend now as well, as requested!

Flying Helmut
10-05-2022, 09:08
OK, voting for the later weekend now as well, as requested!

Correction - CAN'T Vote a second time! :mad:

10-05-2022, 09:21
Voted for end as its closer to payday

10-06-2022, 06:51
Later is better for us, the early date being the next weekend on from August bank holiday means life can be unnecessarily hectic, but we'll manage whatever the collective decision is

11-14-2022, 05:17
OK I need to make a call on this. Will double check availability then update.

11-14-2022, 08:04
would prefer the earlier dates, the later ones are possible though (I just would have to skip Nastja's birthday again :hmm::smack:)
Guus :salute:

11-14-2022, 12:48
Looks like it will be the earlier date, will confirm booking tomorrow

Flying Officer Kyte
11-15-2022, 00:30
Thanks for your effort on this Chris.


11-15-2022, 03:12
I am in for both possible weekends (thank you, my dear wife), but Kubajs has some troubles with earlier date.

11-18-2022, 07:27
OK FOLKS... following feedback on here and on a couple of WhatsApp groups and after speaking to the venue, I can confirm that DONCASTER 2023 will be the earlier weekend, that is the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of September 2023. I sincerely apologise if that rules anybody out but unfortunately I can’t find a date that everyone can attend (and guess we never will). So get your hotel rooms booked, think about what games you would like to run/play and we can move forward from here. Here’s hoping for a great turnout in 2023...

11-18-2022, 07:59
Premier Inn website playing silly beggars at the moment, saying it can't complete the booking, so don't know if it is too early to book there yet.

David Manley
11-18-2022, 23:41
Premier Inn website playing silly beggars at the moment, saying it can't complete the booking, so don't know if it is too early to book there yet.

It isn't too early, I have done it

11-19-2022, 01:03
It isn't too early, I have done it

Nope, still not working.

11-19-2022, 03:39
It’s probably the weather, absolutely hosed it down for days up here. Computer probably cold and damp, lol

11-19-2022, 03:39
It’s probably the weather, absolutely hosed it down for days up here. Computer probably cold and damp, lol

11-19-2022, 07:06
Booked no problem.

11-19-2022, 23:39
Booked in now. My new desktop seems to have built-in functionality that stops me spending money :D It did something similar when I tried to order some of Kevin's decals.

11-20-2022, 03:05
Booked in now. My new desktop seems to have built-in functionality that stops me spending money :D It did something similar when I tried to order some of Kevin's decals.

Did Jill buy it for you ? Just wondering ! ;)

11-20-2022, 04:32
Did Jill buy it for you ? Just wondering ! ;)

Now, now! :D

11-20-2022, 14:33
Any chance of you being able to join us Dave ?

Flying Officer Kyte
11-21-2022, 00:07
Back from Brizol, will book today.

Flying Helmut
11-21-2022, 05:53
Hotel booked :thumbsup:

11-21-2022, 08:34
Myself and Manda booked in Fri/Sat

camel crew
11-25-2022, 14:49
All booked in. Coming up on Thursday. Look forward to seeing you all, after missing out last year :sAprvd:

Flying Officer Kyte
12-02-2022, 00:17
Now booked in.


12-02-2022, 02:10
I'll offer up a Spanish Civil War game for next year. It was almost ready for this year, apart from a few small details such as: no planes, no cards, no manoeuvre decks, no scenario. Other than that, it was good to go. :lol:

12-02-2022, 09:12
I'll offer up a Spanish Civil War game for next year. It was almost ready for this year, apart from a few small details such as: no planes, no cards, no manoeuvre decks, no scenario. Other than that, it was good to go. :lol:

Aah the Brexit Strategy :lol:

12-02-2022, 09:13
All booked in. Coming up on Thursday. Look forward to seeing you all, after missing out last year :sAprvd:

see you Thursday night in the bar then.

12-03-2022, 01:26
Aah the Brexit Strategy :lol:

It worked for Boris ;)

12-03-2022, 05:56
Yon and I booked in to Central East for Friday and Saturday nights. :) Looking forward to this one alreeady :)

12-04-2022, 02:53
Better start tracking attendees

12-04-2022, 07:07
It worked for Boris ;)

:lol: :lol:

David Manley
12-04-2022, 09:43
I can run my air racing game again if there's interest, although as I ran it last time I'd only do so if there weren't three other games offered

camel crew
12-04-2022, 10:22
see you Thursday night in the bar then.

Sounds good to me :sAprvd:

12-05-2022, 01:31
I can run my air racing game again if there's interest, although as I ran it last time I'd only do so if there weren't three other games offered

I'm up for that!

12-05-2022, 08:54
I'm up for that!

Book me a spot to please Dave

12-05-2022, 11:27
Got that Dave, thank you, certainly the loudest game of the weekend this year.

12-06-2022, 10:47
Shiny fast planes, dastardly maneuvers and the tail end Charlie winning the race , it was the Grand National of the weekend. :) :)

12-06-2022, 10:51
Book me in for the race game too please and I'll see if I can manage to land properly at the end of it, for a change :)

12-06-2022, 10:58
Happy to put on a game of WW1 if needed. Haven't a clue what though at this point. Perhaps a bombing run on my home town of Dover, as inspired by Peter (Teaticket) some time back.

Flying Helmut
12-06-2022, 11:03
see you Thursday night in the bar then.

YARP! :pint::pint::pint::pint:

12-07-2022, 10:13
YARP! :pint::pint::pint::pint:

Stout fellow :pint:

12-07-2022, 11:31
Stout fellow :pint:

He's not that big :D

12-07-2022, 13:45
Booked in and leave pass approved. Happy to run a WWII game again. Still mulling over ideas for a Sky Captain scenario as discussed with Dave M in the pub last year, will just have to see if Santa brings me a 3D printer!

I have a feeling the air racing may be over-subscribed if its run again. I'd certainly like a go!

05-14-2023, 08:52
OK, so last post on this thread was back in December 2022 and it is now already May 2023 and all is quiet on the western front, unless I'm missing a trick or two here. Which wouldn't be unusual :). Does anyone know what is happening on this front - likely attendees, games going on etc?

05-14-2023, 12:32
I was waiting until Prague was done and dusted, so watch this space... well in a couple of days as I am in Edinburgh enjoying my birthday (thanks to my kids dropping a surprise on me last night)

05-14-2023, 13:00
OK, so last post on this thread was back in December 2022 and it is now already May 2023 and all is quiet on the western front, unless I'm missing a trick or two here. Which wouldn't be unusual :). Does anyone know what is happening on this front - likely attendees, games going on etc?
Was wondering the same! I might have a few days free in September, wouldn't mind investing them in a good weekend of WGF at Doncaster!

05-15-2023, 02:20
Ah another Italian to join the ranks :)

camel crew
05-15-2023, 02:51
Thursday night in the bar it is then :sAprvd::pint::pint:

05-15-2023, 10:17
I am in Edinburgh enjoying my birthday What a wonderful town to have a birthday celebration. Love it - enjoy :)

I might have a few days free in September, wouldn't mind investing them in a good weekend of WGF at Doncaster! Go for it Valerio. Look forward to meeting you there :)

Hu Rhu
06-23-2023, 10:14
I'm up for the whole weekend this time if there's space. What hotel do you recommend?

06-23-2023, 11:05
There is always space, fantastic news. There are several nearby inc. a couple of premier inns, Garden Inn Hilton to name but a few.
There is a Campanile but I would avoid that like the plague... sort of place where people pay by the hour.

06-24-2023, 06:57
Was wondering the same! I might have a few days free in September, wouldn't mind investing them in a good weekend of WGF at Doncaster!

Did we meet in March at Andrea Magnos Wednesday nights games?

06-24-2023, 07:14
Was wondering the same! I might have a few days free in September, wouldn't mind investing them in a good weekend of WGF at Doncaster!

1,2,3 of September, all welcome, would be fabulous to see you.

06-24-2023, 07:52
OK Folks this is where we are this far, program wise (I was told what the Epic Sails event was, but I have forgotten - so I await a telling off) edit. I think it is the Battle of Copenhagen

We still have a couple of gaps so anyone wanting to run a game please let me know...

Will shuffle games around to try and make sure as many people as possible get to play the games they want. As we did last year there will be a few boardgames happening on the Friday afternoon as people tend to arrive at different times, but if anyone wants to run anything on Friday, again let me know. I might switch out Eldritch Horror for Kingmaker (depending on numbers)


06-24-2023, 09:20
As a slight aside, Friday evening last year a bunch of us went over to Estabulo, a Brazilian restaurant and a great time was had by all. However the original reservation for a table for four 'grewed like Topsy' and we rocked up with about 10 people. That was no problem for them despite being busy, but if anyone fancies repeating the experience this year let us know in advance so we can give them a better idea of how many are coming.

Linkydinky (https://www.estabulo.co.uk/locations/restaurant-doncaster/)

06-24-2023, 09:34
That's a good idea... all you can eat Steak and loveliness !!!
Count me in for that.

Flying Officer Kyte
06-24-2023, 11:37
Was wondering the same! I might have a few days free in September, wouldn't mind investing them in a good weekend of WGF at Doncaster!

Most of us book in at Premier Inn Doncaster Central East Valerio. There may still be rooms available there, and it is only a five minute walk from the Air Museum.

Flying Officer Kyte
06-24-2023, 11:40
OK Folks this is where we are this far, program wise (I was told what the Epic Sails event was, but I have forgotten - so I await a telling off) edit. I think it is the Battle of Copenhagen

You are correct in this Chris. I think it will most likely take up two slots, but better check with Chris to make sure on this.


06-24-2023, 12:56
Hey, great news looks like a certain Polish airman might be joining us after all !!!

Flying Helmut
06-29-2023, 15:57
That's a good idea... all you can eat Steak and loveliness !!!
Count me in for that.

Me too, please!

Excellent time had last year, and Luvvery grub! :sAprvd:

06-29-2023, 16:04
As a slight aside, Friday evening last year a bunch of us went over to Estabulo, a Brazilian restaurant and a great time was had by all. However the original reservation for a table for four 'grewed like Topsy' and we rocked up with about 10 people. That was no problem for them despite being busy, but if anyone fancies repeating the experience this year let us know in advance so we can give them a better idea of how many are coming.

Linkydinky (https://www.estabulo.co.uk/locations/restaurant-doncaster/)

Count me in for that as well Steve.

06-30-2023, 02:25
Yess, count me in in for the steak etc ...

06-30-2023, 02:56
As a slight aside, Friday evening last year a bunch of us went over to Estabulo, a Brazilian restaurant and a great time was had by all. However the original reservation for a table for four 'grewed like Topsy' and we rocked up with about 10 people. That was no problem for them despite being busy, but if anyone fancies repeating the experience this year let us know in advance so we can give them a better idea of how many are coming.

Yes please, count Yon & me in on that one. :)

06-30-2023, 03:00
Re Programme so far - Table 1 all day Saturday for me please. Not sure about Friday yet as not certain what time we'll arrive and shall want time to set up Table 1 for Sat. morning. :)

camel crew
06-30-2023, 03:46
Ello Steve. Book me in for the Friday night meat fest

Hu Rhu
06-30-2023, 04:21
Can I be added to the Friday night fiesta please.

06-30-2023, 10:17
Hello all. Here's the brief for The White Cliffs Raid - programmed for 9.30 am to 12.00, Table 1, Saturday.

Doncaster 2023 “The White Cliffs Raid” February 1918 – By Mike

Brief History
From the outset of the First World War, a deep mine barrage across the Dover Strait from Folkestone to Cape Gris Nez, on the French coast had been in place. The Germans knew of its existence as some U-boats that were forced to dive, whilst attempting to cross it, were destroyed. The minefield worked in combination with a squadron of Royal Navy trawlers who, upon sighting a submarine, would attempt to drive it into the minefield by means of gunfire and flares. Several German navy attacks had been made against the Barrage, during the course of the war, until between 18 December 1917 and 9 February 1918, five German submarines had been sunk in the minefield, forcing larger U-boats to stop using the Straits and the smaller boats, based in Flanders, to became less active. One last time the Imperial German Naval command decided to send a Destroyer unit to attack the Royal Navy ships protecting the Barrage.


The Mission:
Central Powers Players – The British “Dover Patrol”, both naval vessels and aircraft, have seemingly been responsible for the sinking of a number of German U boats in the Ärmelkanal and the German Navy are planning to send a force of destroyers, into the area, to sort the problem.

In support of this plan, your mission is to conduct a bombing raid against the facilities at Dover harbour and the surrounding area, more as a diversion than anything else. Your earlier reconnaissance has identified a number of possible targets, but no firm information on any of them is available.

Entente Players – Unaware of the intended raid by the German Marine-Fliegerabteilung on Dover, you are returning from normal routine coastal patrols and heading for your various air bases at Swingate and Guston airfields and the harbour area. You are attracted by the sight of the approaching enemy aircraft and turn to intercept.

Note: This mission is for a maximum of nine players. Five Entente and four Central Powers players.

1 x Gotha GV; 2 x Hansa-Brandenburg W29; 1 x Hansa-Brandenburg W12
4 x Sopwith F1 Camels; 1 x Sopwith Baby

327907 327908

All aircraft will be flown at altitude 4 throughout the mission. Bombs land as per normal game rules and since you will fly at altitude 4 you’ll need two movement cards for a bomb.
The Gotha GV bomber carries four bomb loads; The Hansa-Brandenberg W29s carry one bomb load each. A total of six bomb loads for a possible 12 targets. Use them wisely, because the reconnaissance has not been very thorough. There are six military targets, but there are also six civilian targets. NB Crew aiming bombs cannot fire guns at the same time.

Targets: Targets will be a mix of military (MT) and civilian (CT), but each target card will only be numbered, 1 to 12 (See below).

Dover around 1918

When bombed a direct hit (red dot covered) scores 10 points. A partial hit scores 5 points. All bombs landing off target are assumed to do no damage at all.
Targets marked as “MT” give points to the Central Powers team. Targets marked “CT” give points to the Entente team. (The umpire will identify the targets once they have been destroyed).
Central powers players may attempt to machine gun targets, measuring the range from peg stack to red dot on target. Points revealed by the damage cards count in the same way to one team or the other, with a maximum number of 10 points available per target, bombed or machine gunned.
The team with the most points from the above actions will be awarded one kill per player.

In addition, individual players may claim kills for enemy aircraft shot down, one per aircraft regardless of type. Points and kills will be recorded by the umpire.

Anti Aircraft fire
There will be two anti aircraft guns firing from the shore, one east of the castle and one on the Western Heights. The umpire will control these and no points given for their destruction or against players shot down or forced to retire by them. The rule for their engagement will be given before the mission begins. The effect of bombs hitting ant- aircraft positions will be calculated in the same way as other targets i.e Destroyed if hitting the red dot, half damaged otherwise and still able to fire back. Ships anchored in the harbour will not fire. Although by this stage in the war, such AA fire was permitted, there was a long period when the people of Dover and elsewhere suffered aerial attacks with no anti aircraft defence and no siren warnings. The government of the day, in its’ wisdom, decided that such warnings would encourage civilians in particular, to leave their “war effort” places of work to observe, and thus expose themselves to danger. So the government refused to permit the provision of civilian warnings! Seriously, this is true! Hence the possibility of civilian casualties, even in an around “Fortress Dover”.

Aircraft shot down, or forced to retire, may be replaced, using the same aircraft, once per player. The re-starting position the same as at the beginning of the mission.

The Mission will end when all aircraft on one side have been eliminated or the two and a half hours permitted for the mission are over.

One final note. The terrain over which the mission will be fought is 3D. Whilst this can be inconvenient at times, with care and patience and the occasional temporary removal of buildings like the castle, players should cope ok. Personally I like to think the visual effect is worth the effort. I hope you will agree.

Hu Rhu
06-30-2023, 10:30

That looks a tremendous endeavour. As I said before I'd like to bag a spot if one is available. Happy with either side.

06-30-2023, 11:52
I have added you to my list already Gary :)

Flying Officer Kyte
06-30-2023, 12:14
As a slight aside, Friday evening last year a bunch of us went over to Estabulo, a Brazilian restaurant and a great time was had by all. However the original reservation for a table for four 'grewed like Topsy' and we rocked up with about 10 people. That was no problem for them despite being busy, but if anyone fancies repeating the experience this year let us know in advance so we can give them a better idea of how many are coming.

Hi Steve.
Mrs K. and I would like to join you for the Friday night extravaganza if you would please add us to your list.


07-01-2023, 07:02
Me and Mary as well please.

07-01-2023, 07:09
Put me down for Race for glory and Spanish Civil war definatly Whats the Sky Cpt Scenario?

07-01-2023, 10:19
OK, so far Friday nights runners and riders looks like this:

Yours truly & Mrs G
Paul & Mary
Mike & Yon
Rob & Eileen

"We're gonna need a bigger boat" :D

07-02-2023, 01:40
Gonna need a bigger cow !

07-02-2023, 02:02
Gonna need a bigger cow !


07-14-2023, 04:02
I'm in contact with Estabulo about Friday night's Brazilian meat overload event and looking at kick-off for 7.45 pm. We are currently up to 18 carnivores; We have:

Yours truly & Mrs G
Paul & Mary
Mike & Yon
Rob & Eileen
Neil & Karen
Chris & Manda

If anyone else wants to join the fray, let me know soon as you can please. I'm sure they will be able to squeeze a few more in even if you don't let me know in advance you are coming, but maybe we can convince the restaurant to have a separate 'table of shame' for the late-comers ;)

07-14-2023, 06:01
I'm in contact with Estabulo about Friday night's Brazilian meat

Sounds tasty.

07-14-2023, 07:18
Would love to join (Lex probably too).. As vegetarian I will eat the decorations :-)

07-14-2023, 08:05
Would love to join (Lex probably too).. As vegetarian I will eat the decorations :-)

They do have an excellent salad bar, Arjan