09-03-2022, 09:33
As requested... here is that latest program of events together with the choices/selections I have received.
If anything needs to change let me know, if you haven't made your choices, again, please indicate in this thread.




09-03-2022, 11:54
Chris, can you put me down for Tabletop Tim and Netherlands please?

09-03-2022, 12:11
Realised I had switched mine and Tim's games around, so to Clarify on the WW1 table...I'm first up with my Tabletop version of the Digital Version of the Tabletop Game, then its Tim and his Death race then Dave Manly and his Race of Glory.
Still awaiting details of the other sails games and details of Mark's (Woof) WW2 game.

Flying Officer Kyte
09-03-2022, 12:22
Hi Chris.
I have just asked Cpn Duff by PM if he is putting on a game. I should also have Captain Smithers with us for Sails, as of when I saw him at dinner time today.

09-03-2022, 12:33
Excellent news Admiral

David Manley
09-03-2022, 13:03
Can we swap my game and Tim's? I mentioned earlier I may have to disappear around 3 for a few hours

09-03-2022, 13:22
please list me for Dave Manley's WW1 game, thank you,
cheers Guus :salute:

ignore the above, clashes with my own game ... stupid me ...:eek:

09-03-2022, 13:40

09-03-2022, 15:22
I'll do Tim's Death Race then please.

09-04-2022, 00:47
me and mazzyrose for WW2 please

09-04-2022, 01:03
Brilliant Andy, so glad you can both make it.

09-04-2022, 23:20
Would love to join the 'WW1 Tabletop Version' and 'WW2 Japan Sea 1938' sessions. 2nd slot on Saturday I (together with Lex) will be assisting Guus.

Flying Officer Kyte
09-05-2022, 00:01
Captain Smithers will be on Dubrovnik, and I suspect also the other two Sails games.

Flying Helmut
09-05-2022, 05:31
Zombicide, then WW1 all day Saturday, please.

09-05-2022, 08:11
Chris, I seem to have a clash now. Could you put me down for your 9.30 game instead of Tim's?

Cats Eyes
09-05-2022, 12:08
hi Chris, could you put me down for the Battle of Dubrovnik please?

09-05-2022, 12:31
Will update, thanks chaps

Strangely Brown
09-06-2022, 09:43
“May 10th 1940” and “Death Race” for me, please.

09-06-2022, 12:44
Cheers Simon, do you know if Garry will be joining us?

09-06-2022, 13:00
Chris, I can put a Sails game on for the last session Sat. Will pm you details this week

09-07-2022, 03:28
ready to be piped onboard, thank you Captain

Strangely Brown
09-07-2022, 10:37
Cheers Simon, do you know if Garry will be joining us?

Put The Red Dragon down for the same as me: “May 10th 1940” and “Death Race’

09-07-2022, 10:51
Roger dodger sir.... what about your 3rd slot?

Flying Officer Kyte
09-08-2022, 00:03
In that case I will cover the second session with a game to follow Dubrovnik.

Flying Officer Kyte
09-08-2022, 00:09
Also can you add Lex to Dubrovnik as he expressed a wish to join us. As I am running it and am included in the 8 if you take me off the list that will still make it right.

09-08-2022, 02:16
Hi Chris,
can you add me to the "south china sea 1938" game please
Guus :salute:

09-08-2022, 02:21
Sorted gentlemen, I will update the sheet shortly

Flying Officer Kyte
09-08-2022, 12:19

The second Sails slot will now be entitled. "Around the ragged rocks."


09-08-2022, 12:20
Thanks Rob

09-08-2022, 12:34

The second Sails slot will now be entitled. "Around the ragged rocks."


Will the ragged rascal be running?

Flying Officer Kyte
09-08-2022, 12:40
Only if we can find the cat Chris.


09-08-2022, 17:10
Hi Chris
Please include me in Rob's Dubrovnik game on Saturday and also Aardvark's 1940 WW2 event.

09-09-2022, 13:04
Will have to check Reg, Alas I think those games are both totally full..

09-09-2022, 15:03
Will have to check Reg, Alas I think those games are both totally full..

OK! Could you find me a spot in any other sails game and any other WW2 game.:salute: or am I :deadhorse:?

09-09-2022, 16:54
OK Reg... Operation Crossbow, (WW2) first up, the Round the Ragged Rock (Sails), then slot 3 you can shoes WW1, WW2 or Sails

David Manley
09-09-2022, 22:51
FYI I can take eight players in "Race of Glory" rather than 6

Flying Officer Kyte
09-10-2022, 00:24
I can squeeze Reg in at any time Chris. I am preparing him a ship mat even as we speak.:D

09-10-2022, 01:04
Hi Chris,
I can have more than 8 as well :p

Guus :salute:

09-10-2022, 01:56
Only 2 for Kingmaker :D

09-10-2022, 03:57
I can squeeze Reg in at any time Chris. I am preparing him a ship mat even as we speak.:D

I do like to be squeezed! Thanks Rob, I'm really looking forward to it.

09-10-2022, 03:58
Hi Chris,
I can have more than 8 as well :p

Guus :salute:

Looks like I can be one over the eight yet again! Thanks Guus.

Flying Officer Kyte
09-10-2022, 06:39
I have done a bit of fiddling to get you in Reg, but Rome nor Dubrovnik have burnt yet.;)

09-10-2022, 09:53
I have done a bit of fiddling to get you in Reg, but Rome nor Dubrovnik have burnt yet.;)

Rob, I think that I prefer the squeezing to the fiddling but I'll have to go with whatever turns you on!

Flying Officer Kyte
09-10-2022, 10:31
Don't worry Reg, you are quite safe.

09-10-2022, 23:14
Only 2 for Kingmaker :D

Friday afternoon very much a see who arrives when and what they fancy....

09-10-2022, 23:15
Rob, I think that I prefer the squeezing to the fiddling but I'll have to go with whatever turns you on!

Thank you for being so accommodating chaps

Flying Helmut
09-11-2022, 06:34
Friday afternoon very much a see who arrives when and what they fancy....

I asked for "Zombicide", but I'm still not on the table in Post #1....

09-11-2022, 14:13
I will update

09-12-2022, 05:48
Chris , would you be intereste in running the Tournement that Andrea created for Prague and Rome.? I have the rules and scenarios, all playable in the time allocated for Saturday morning table 1 game 1 and could send them to you.
Scenarios are dogfight and bombing with or without selected aircraft.
it was good fun .

09-13-2022, 11:59
Send it through for me to take a look at

09-13-2022, 12:05
Ok will do

09-13-2022, 22:53
Chris, could you please add me and Lex (Aardvark) to Zombicide on friday. Thanx a lot!

09-14-2022, 02:36

09-14-2022, 02:39
Updated, badges all done, off to the engravers today via the air museum (just checking any changes etc.)

09-14-2022, 02:41
Still plenty of room for first game on WW2 table and for non zombicide things on the Friday afternoon, so lets make sure we share the love around.

Flying Officer Kyte
09-15-2022, 01:00
Hi Chris.
You can call my second game for Sails " Around the ragged rocks". It is a tribute to your skills as a seaman!

09-15-2022, 04:00
Sorted, will update.
Quick question, can anyone remember who got the wooden spoon in 2021? Horrible feeling it may have been me? Happy to be proved wrong

09-15-2022, 09:16
If memory serves, it was Ruth. If it wasn't, then apologies.

09-15-2022, 14:04
Spot on, you are correct Steve, thank you.... another trip to the engravers tomorrow then, lol

Flying Officer Kyte
09-15-2022, 14:07
I will tell you my story about the engravers when we meet at Donny Chris. :hmm:

09-16-2022, 06:33
Turns put the engraver might just be the answer to the Polo Shirt conundrum as well (although will try to arrange something in house first, failing that this chap does Fruit of the Loom Polo Shirts (same as our current ones) in a veritable rainbow of colour options (Khaki, Desert Yellow, Grey etc. as well as the traditional light blue) very rough guestimate of around the £20 mark... but as stated I want to see if we can source internally first). So watch this space and I will put the wheels in motion once Doncaster is out of the way.

Cats Eyes
09-17-2022, 09:24
thanks Rob, see you then.

09-17-2022, 10:12
Turns put the engraver might just be the answer to the Polo Shirt conundrum as well (although will try to arrange something in house first, failing that this chap does Fruit of the Loom Polo Shirts (same as our current ones) in a veritable rainbow of colour options (Khaki, Desert Yellow, Grey etc. as well as the traditional light blue) very rough guestimate of around the £20 mark... but as stated I want to see if we can source internally first). So watch this space and I will put the wheels in motion once Doncaster is out of the way.

Definately a couple for me when the time comes.

09-20-2022, 03:20
TEN DAYS TO GO FOLKS.... still making Ace Cards (realised I needed 80 of the damn things, still half done)
Checked in with the venue, all good there. Hopefully cost won’t be too different to last year (If I grovel sufficiently to Tracey, lol)

09-20-2022, 05:05
Hi Chris,
Zombiecide for Friday, are you supplying or do I need to bring ?

09-20-2022, 05:54
Your second edition makes my original look like crap... I am still feeling the shame from last year.
So let’s go with yours, I shall bring some other stuff.

09-20-2022, 06:19
Roger dee

Flying Officer Kyte
09-20-2022, 12:16
I have bad news on Captain Kiwi.
Because of several family illnesses he has had to withdraw from this years Doncaster.


09-23-2022, 13:06
Dodged a bullet, the Air Traffic Control guys in France were going to strike this week, but they agreed a deal so its chocks away for a Thursday flight to Birmingham.

09-24-2022, 00:36
Dodged a bullet, the Air Traffic Control guys in France were going to strike this week, but they agreed a deal so its chocks away for a Thursday flight to Birmingham.

Bugger, I obviously didn't bribe them enough :mad:

Seriously, it will be good to see you again Paul. :thumbsup:

Flying Officer Kyte
09-24-2022, 04:02
If nobody opts for a game on table one could you move Zombiside to it. That would give me more time to set up Dubrovnik for the following morning.

09-24-2022, 04:07
We have the same room set up as previously so we have the traditional Sails room then the noisy aeroplane room. So you have all afternoon to set up for Dubrovnik. We will play anything else in the main room.

Flying Officer Kyte
09-24-2022, 08:52
Thanks Chris.
That will make things a lot easier for me.

09-24-2022, 13:12
We aim to please sir.

Flying Officer Kyte
09-25-2022, 00:15
I'd much rather you aim to miss me. :D

09-25-2022, 09:23
Bugger, I obviously didn't bribe them enough :mad:

Seriously, it will be good to see you again Paul. :thumbsup:

Love you too Steve :lol:

09-26-2022, 10:24
Chris do you need goodies for the prize table ? Let me know before Weds if you do.

09-26-2022, 10:32
All goodies greatly appreciated, we are a bit light this year.
Working on something for next year though.

09-26-2022, 10:36
I'll bring some goodies ... :), no ... not just cummin cheese and luftwafflen / stroopstaffeln :D
cheers ,
Guus :salute:

09-26-2022, 10:37
Good day everybody.
There are a good new and a bad new (at least for me).
As I already told to somebody of you, the good one is that I will be awarded a prize for spreading game culture, in a little castle in the North of Italy. Quite a honour. Previous receivers include people like Umberto Eco and Alex Randolph. Years passed, they are out of so meaningful people, and maybe they are scraping the barrel since this year they chose me.
The bad one is that it will be in the same weekend as Doncaster 2022. I was looking forward to a weekend of playing, chatting, drinking with friends among old planes, but it will not be this one.
Sorry if I will miss the gathering again, this year. I'll do my best to attend the 2023 edition.

Flying Officer Kyte
09-26-2022, 11:32
Congratulations Andrea. :salute:
You are too modest! Could it be that you are now amongst the heady heights reached by those giants of yore?
Now you are in the Premier League in spreading the message. Do savour the day in your little castle, and think of us toiling over hot gaming tables, all because of your genius and inspiration.:crash::crashB:

The drinks will be on you next year! :FOK:

All best wishes.


09-26-2022, 12:52
Hey Andrea,
I'll second Kyte's words gladly, very well done :sAprvd:
Guus :salute:

09-26-2022, 15:23
All goodies greatly appreciated, we are a bit light this year.
I've got copies of Munson's Fighters 1914-19 and Bombers 1914-19 I can donate to the cause.

There are a good new and a bad new...
Many congratulations on the award!

09-27-2022, 01:32
Hey Andrea,
I'll second Kyte's words gladly, very well done :sAprvd:
Guus :salute:

I'll third that Andrea. :clap:

09-27-2022, 01:37
Land 18.00 at Birmingham so should be in Doncaster by 21.00 on Thrsday. Anyone in the bar round about then? :pint: