View Full Version : DONCASTER 2021 GAME CHOICE

07-25-2021, 14:18
Please find attached the program for Doncaster 2021. For those of you are still able to attend can you please indicate which games you would like to play... Thank you

Amended 16.09.21



07-26-2021, 00:41
If I would be able to get there, Table 2 for me whole Saturday, please.

07-26-2021, 00:43
Fingers crossed Dan, really hope you can get here...

07-26-2021, 00:56
Table 2 for me please. What sort of boardgames are we talking about?

07-26-2021, 07:08
On the offchance I might still be able to make it (haven't cancelled the hotel yet), could you put me down for Table 1 throughout, or if that complicates things too much 'cos of the numbers game, just anywhere there's a free place at the end of the day :)

07-26-2021, 09:49
Should the great god Boris allow I would like table 1 all day

07-26-2021, 09:51
Table 2 for me please. What sort of boardgames are we talking about?

Whatever people fancy, Zombicide always goes down well, Eldritch Horror, Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride or whatever folk want to play.
I can provide several options.

07-26-2021, 10:47
Whatever people fancy, Zombicide always goes down well, Eldritch Horror, Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride or whatever folk want to play.
I can provide several options.

Surely Carcassonne is out due to the risk of infection from the Froggy French :lol:
Unless you put it in isolation for a week and test it every day

07-26-2021, 10:59
Surely Carcassonne is out due to the risk of infection from the Froggy French :lol:
Unless you put it in isolation for a week and test it every day


07-26-2021, 11:22
Whatever people fancy, Zombicide always goes down well, Eldritch Horror, Carcassonne, Ticket to Ride or whatever folk want to play.
I can provide several options.

Well, I'm happy to help there if people fancy Zombicide - the original, Zombicide in space, Zombicide Night of the Living Dead...

07-26-2021, 11:25
Well, I'm happy to help there if people fancy Zombicide - the original, Zombicide in space, Zombicide Night of the Living Dead...

I have all 3 of the series 1 Zombicide (Original, Prison Outbreak and Rue Morgue), could come up with a massive game/board and use the competing teams options... you can shoot each other as well, lol)

07-26-2021, 11:53
I have all 3 of the series 1 Zombicide (Original, Prison Outbreak and Rue Morgue), could come up with a massive game/board and use the competing teams options... you can shoot each other as well, lol)

We did that once at our club - absolute carnage!

Forgot I've also got Prison Outbreak, Rue Morgue, City Mall and Angry Neighbours. Also got Aliens - Another Glorious Day in the Corps if that interests anybody.

07-26-2021, 12:28
Sounds like another night in Doncaster after Freedom Day:surrender::test:

camel crew
07-26-2021, 14:04
Can I do Battle of Britain Table 2, then Somme 1916 Table 1. If I can get up in the morning, will join in where I can. See you soon people

07-26-2021, 16:40
Request duly noted, thanks Iain

07-27-2021, 09:55
Got Kingmaker in you collection Chris

07-27-2021, 10:45
For Zombiecide I have all sets and add ons, painted with loads of characters painted.
Also have Green Horde, Wolfsburg and of course Black Plague also painted, all characters, painted including the Monty Python kniggets.
Got Z2 and addons, not yet fully painted.

Think I got Kingmaker plus got 1806 and 1807 from Shakos if anyone interested..

07-27-2021, 13:25
I have 2 sets of Kingmaker, plus Escape From Colditz... also Red Dragon Inn, 8 versions of Ticket to Ride, Eldritch Horror (plus 4 expansions) as well as assorted card based games... so not short of options, oh I also have this game where you move little planes about.

Oh have Carcassonne and 10 expansions if it’s allowed, lol

07-28-2021, 02:58

07-28-2021, 05:08

Well, that's different. :sAprvd:

07-28-2021, 05:14
What is hiding behind "Wings & Waves of War" ?

Flying Helmut
07-28-2021, 05:48
What is hiding behind "Wings & Waves of War" ?

Since it's being run by "Patient Zero", probably more Waves of Covid! :takecover:

07-28-2021, 06:17
Well, that's different. :sAprvd:

Talking to Neil yesterday, he has been waiting since 2017 to run this one

08-02-2021, 02:43
Battle of Britain game moved to Friday PM

Timetable shows Friday as Battle for France?

08-02-2021, 10:53
Oops my bad... it is indeed battle of France. I assume the wings and waves of war involves flying boats... I may be wrong.

Flying Officer Kyte
08-02-2021, 12:55
I would like to play Table two, Battle for France on Friday. Table three Boney 10 on Saturday.
Thanks. Rob.

08-02-2021, 12:56
Duly noted good sir, thank you.

08-02-2021, 14:35
Count me in for table 2 Saturday. Hopefully I'll also be up early enough to join in battle of France on Friday (I was a little worried on timings if it was going to be my BoB game!)

08-03-2021, 00:36
Battle for France for me on Friday please, and Table 2 on Saturday.

08-03-2021, 04:05
All duly noted chaps, I will produce a list of who has requested what ASAP

08-03-2021, 04:10
Hi Chris
Table two for me for morning and afternoon and then over to Table three for the last session.
If the 16.05 t0 18.05 slot on Friday is still available I have a Game I could put on. Early war bombing sortie to take out the Dutch Phillips factory. Two Wellingtons, three Whitleys and up to six Beauforts.
German opposition will be ME 109,s and 110,s. One or two aircraft per player depending on numbers.

08-03-2021, 04:29
Hi Chris
Table two for me for morning and afternoon and then over to Table three for the last session.
If the 16.05 t0 18.05 slot on Friday is still available I have a Game I could put on. Early war bombing sortie to take out the Dutch Phillips factory. Two Wellingtons, three Whitleys and up to six Beauforts.
German opposition will be ME 109,s and 110,s. One or two aircraft per player depending on numbers.

Many thanks Reg... will add your bombing game to the timetable.

08-03-2021, 08:18
All duly noted chaps, I will produce a list of who has requested what ASAP

My wingman David is leading boy scout camp right now (= offline), but I guess be hasn't any wtrong preferences. Just don't forget about him for WGF / WGS, that's all.

08-03-2021, 08:41
My wingman David is leading boy scout camp right now (= offline), but I guess be hasn't any wtrong preferences. Just don't forget about him for WGF / WGS, that's all.

Plenty of room for everyone at this point

08-03-2021, 10:21
Chris hows this for Sat

Game for table3 sails will be the “ What happened in Isla de Plata“

A mini campaign for three or four players with upto three different missions per player.

08-03-2021, 10:23
Perfectamundo sir, and thank you.

08-03-2021, 11:25
Plenty of room for everyone at this point

Percect, just raised a hand for a friend. When a Lt. Col. says ASAP, I'll do it faster than ASAP, sir :salute: ;)

David Manley
08-03-2021, 13:24
Table 1, 3, 2 please :)

08-03-2021, 16:15
Thanks Dave

David Manley
08-03-2021, 20:00
"Wings and Waves of War" features various seaplane fighters and others in an action involving Coastal Motor Boats and a German U boat

08-04-2021, 00:23
Ooh.. sounds brilliant

David Manley
08-04-2021, 09:39
I'm sure you've seen it before, I brought it to Donnie a few years back

08-06-2021, 02:35
IF I am allowed to enter the UK without too much hassle my choices are:
Friday: table 2 Battle of France
Saturday: table 1 (Wings & Waves), table 3 (sails), table 2 (Whirlwind convoy attack)
Sunday: ace of aces
Guus :salute:

08-06-2021, 14:44
As Aardvark already said: IF possible to attend without any travel restrictions, my choices are:

Friday: Table 2 Battle of France
Saturday: Table 3 (Tripolis), Table 1 (Somme), Table 1 (Somme)
Sunday: Ace of Aces


08-06-2021, 16:04
Thank you gentlemen, let’s hope the travel gods are smiling upon us...

08-07-2021, 01:20
If the contintent is not isolated and I'm permitted to travel to Doncaster, than this would be my battles of choice:

Friday: Table 2 Battle of France
Saturday: table 1 (Wings & Waves), table 2 (Shanghai), table 2 (Whirlwind convoy attack)
Sunday: ace of aces

(Any of my Saturday choices may be changed into Battlestar if there's a planning problem)



08-07-2021, 01:23
Thanks chaps

Cats Eyes
08-09-2021, 09:04
count me in for Zombicide on friday, nice way to start the weekend :sAprvd: On saterdaymorning the attack on Tripoli please. In the afternoon I just go with what is available. Or just cheer you on. Hope we all can make it! cheers Lex

08-09-2021, 10:21
Good man Lex, fingers crossed

Flying Officer Kyte
08-09-2021, 11:26
I look forward to giving you command of one of my ships Lex.

Cats Eyes
08-09-2021, 13:26
I would like that very much Rob. Obdam will present himself on the quarterdeck (or something like that :) )

Lt. S.Kafloc
08-15-2021, 01:05
Chris as my game was a late edition put it on the back burner there seems plenty of options already. It will keep until next year.

08-15-2021, 02:39
Your game is the most subscribed one yet Neil... wouldn’t want to disappoint your legions of fans now would we? Lol

08-16-2021, 03:03
Better add my name to the lists officially as I am able to make it after all :) Table 2 on Friday please - if there are any spaces left. Table one all day Saturday please.

Flying Helmut
08-16-2021, 03:17
If Zombicide is scheduled for Friday, then I'd like to give that a go (I bought the basic box set, but have never actually played the game as yet).

Table #1 for all day Saturday, please.

If there are actually 4 or more peeps interested in BSG, I will of course open Table #4 and host a game for them.

Lt. S.Kafloc
08-16-2021, 06:02
Apologies Chris, didn't have the listing for Shanghai. Good to go then.


08-16-2021, 06:13
If Zombicide is scheduled for Friday, then I'd like to give that a go (I bought the basic box set, but have never actually played the game as yet).

Table #1 for all day Saturday, please.

If there are actually 4 or more peeps interested in BSG, I will of course open Table #4 and host a game for them.

Did anyone ever tell you how nice you were ?

08-16-2021, 08:46
So... following a bit of a shuffle round here is the revised program of games... I shall prepare an oversized Zombicide game for Friday afternoon if we have more then six players...


08-16-2021, 08:49
Heard from most people now, glad to say plenty of takers for all games, those I haven't heard from I think I can guess their preferences.
Think Boris and his minions are going to have all eyes focused on Afghanistan over the coming weeks so hopefully they wont be making any more travel changes... its been too bloody long since we all got together !

08-16-2021, 09:29
Well its Zombicide for me on Friday and Table 1 all day . They changed the flight from Paris to Brum but for the better in as much as we get in at 09.30 on Thursday so a chance to roam around my old stomping ground of Leicester for a couple of hours. Used to work for Social Services in Leicester and our car park was where they found old **** 3.

08-16-2021, 09:30
whats this censoring the abriviated word for Richard!!! :lol:

08-16-2021, 09:52
Yes they’re a bunch of Richards..

08-16-2021, 09:52
Amuses me that **** gets censored but Penis doesn’t... good job otherwise I would’ve struggled to comment of Jeff Bezos space rocket...

08-16-2021, 12:10

Flying Officer Kyte
08-16-2021, 14:27
I am surprised we can get away with penis with dic.tators like this around Paul. Just glad I don't live in Scunthorpe!

08-21-2021, 07:00
Ok folks (I have updated the image in post #1 as well) couple of issues with the two WW2 games we had planned in for the Friday afternoon, so we have a couple of tables if anyone fancies running anything, on the plus side I have created a killer Zombicide scenario for those who expressed an interest in machine gunning hordes of the shambling undead... its not like we wont have a few planes kicking about and folk willing to play so we will be fine... just be great to actually see folk again..


08-21-2021, 08:46
......who expressed an interest in machine gunning hordes of the shambling undead.

Shambling undead - takes me back to working with social workers :lol:

08-21-2021, 08:48

Flying Officer Kyte
08-21-2021, 14:30
Got me with that one Gunners!


08-22-2021, 05:42
Shambling undead - takes me back to working with social workers :lol:

Oooh thats below the belt Steve :D Although having been a Social worker in the Child Care section the the Elderly care teams where a lot like that :lol:

08-23-2021, 03:07
OK - I said I'd post the Mission statement for the Saturday Balloon busting mission, so here it is - I hope :)


Doncaster 2021 - WWI Mission 2 Brief - Balloon Buster
(In honour of Gullyraker (Baz) who wrote the original version for the OTT DYM campaign – available on the OTT campaign files).

It is 1917 and you are on the western front where opposing forces rely heavily on tethered observation balloons for information, particularly for short range artillery bombardments & movement of troops in the front lines.
Orders have been received for a troublesome balloon to be destroyed as soon as possible, since it is directing fire onto your local front line trenches, causing heavy casualties. Unknown to you, the enemy have just issued the exact same orders – to destroy one of your balloons that is responsible for inflicting heavy casualties in their trenches.

Set Up: The opposing sides balloons are in the centre and 1.5 range rulers from their game play base lines.
Each side will have one (possibly two)* single seater scout(s) per player and each team will need to decide how many of them will defend their own balloon and how many will attack the opposition’s balloon. The starting position will be anywhere on the right hand side of your area (facing the enemy) and within 1.5 range ruler distance of your base line.

Mission rules: Aircraft will carry either normal or incendiary ammunition (no rockets are available). The incendiaries may not be used against other aircraft, only against balloons. If you attack an enemy aircraft with incendiary bullets you will be penalized. Changing ammunition requires flying off table (from any edge) and returning, after three manoeuver cards, from your original starting point.

Each balloon will have a single,"A" firing, AA machine gun as additional defence. These AAMG's can only fire at aircraft at level 2 or below & will be set up touching one face of the balloon base (your choice of face).
All aircraft & balloons will commence at LEVEL SIX (i.e. 6 pegs).
Balloons will commence decent after the first shots are fired at it by the attackers & will reduce height by ONE LEVEL every TWO TURNS
The attacking aircraft will naturally dive to follow balloons down but there will be no +1 advantage of height against the balloon, only against other aircraft.

Victory points:
10 points for destroying a balloon.
5 points if a balloon is on fire but not yet fully destroyed, when it reaches the ground.
2 points for any enemy scout shot down.
1 point for any enemy scout forced to return to base.
-5 points for each time incendiary ammunition is used, deliberately or by mistake, against an opposing aircraft (eg. -10 points for a close range shot).

*Depends on player numbers.

See you all there :) :pint: Cuppa

08-23-2021, 04:26
Nice one Mike, thank you.

08-23-2021, 09:06
And nice taunt :lol:

09-04-2021, 03:51
So two weeks to go this is the latest program of events...


The games are being run by the following excellent volunteers... subject to any late changes (Boris inspired or otherwise)


09-04-2021, 03:54
So any one who hasn't expressed a preference for games, please let me know. As it stands most games have enough players for a good game but there is plenty of room still...

camel crew
09-04-2021, 06:17
can I do Battle of Britain Saturday AM and The Somme 1916 Saturday PM. I'll join in wherever for the rest of the time - Zombicide or Tim's Sails game :thumbsup:

09-05-2021, 03:23
As I said.... subject to changes. Unfortunately Neil can’t join us until the evening on the Saturday, so we need a WW2 game to fill the slot after lunch. John Biggles would you do the honours sir?

09-05-2021, 04:18
Damn, I was looking forward to the Shanghai game. If desperate, I can bring 2019's Swiss v German game along again.

09-05-2021, 04:20
Ooh that was a good one !

David Manley
09-05-2021, 11:01
[QUOTE=camel crew;561769......... or Tim's Sails game :thumbsup:[/QUOTE]

Now THAT I would LOVE to see :clap:

09-05-2021, 11:41
Now THAT I would LOVE to see :clap:

We live in hope....

Flying Officer Kyte
09-06-2021, 04:00
Don't hold your breath Raffer!

Lt. S.Kafloc
09-06-2021, 04:41
After much being messed around at work I'm told Saturday is covered and I can make it. That said with prog finalised I will go with whatever you all feel is the best.

Looking forward to seeing you all again.


09-06-2021, 06:21
Shanghai! :thumbsup:

Lt. S.Kafloc
09-06-2021, 06:30
Apologies, after being told Saturday was covered and posting above, I found out there was a a high possibility that my cover, who is not very well (long story), could take bad prior to event. I've taken the step to not attend Saturday in the highly likely event of having to cancel at the last minute.

**** happens, Shanghai won't.

Shoot me tomorrow.


Flying Officer Kyte
09-06-2021, 07:27
Sounds like you have already been Shanghied Neil. What a shame!
If you pop those ships and the mats in the post, I will cover the cost of postage when I pay you and see that they reach the rightful recipients.


09-06-2021, 10:11
Never mind Neil... what about running it at Partizan in October?

09-07-2021, 03:23
If I arrive in time on Friday (unknown roadworks permitting), I could try running my WW1 scenario 'Will the real Red Baron please stand up'.
The Entente are desperate to kill Manfred von Richthofen, so the Germans form a special unit, which flies the Red Baron's aircraft (3 Fokker Dr.1's, an Albatros D.V, 2 Albatros D.III's and possibly the 'RFC's nightmare' a pre-production all red Fokker D.VII). The Entente have a mixture of planes. Which plane the Red Baron is actually flying is concealed and not revealed to either side until the end of the game. The Entente receive a bonus score, if they shoot down the Red Baron. The Germans receive the bonus, if he is not shot down.

On Saturday, I would like to try Wings and Waves of War in the morning. Is Boney10 running a two-part Sails game (like Trafalgar was) or is the same game repeated in the second session, please? I would like to play in a Sails game.

09-07-2021, 03:38
I have agreed with Chris (Hedeby) that as Shanghai isn't an option, the action will be moving to the Swiss Alps 1945. This is a re-run of the 2019 game I put on, thought I would mention this as the game programme hasn't been amended yet.

09-07-2021, 04:15
Thanks Dave and Steve, will update everything again in a few minutes

09-07-2021, 04:22


Flying Helmut
09-07-2021, 06:02
Ooooeeerrrr missus..........your attachments aren't showing!

09-07-2021, 06:04
They are from this end

09-07-2021, 06:09
Worked for me.

Flying Officer Kyte
09-07-2021, 06:13
:hmm: Obviously depends on which way the wind is blowing then Chris. I can see them only too well. :erk:
Rob. :ssmack:

Flying Helmut
09-07-2021, 06:13
I can click on them, and they open as a separate Photo-type image in a new Window, but they're not showing as normal on the regular thread.

09-07-2021, 07:34
Sorry I have no idea... all looks normal here

09-07-2021, 15:26
Do we have a tally of how many folks for each session? I'm pulling together my notes for the Battle of Britain scenario, and whilst it should scale reasonably well it would be good to have an rough idea. Also, are there limits on table size?

camel crew
09-08-2021, 06:24
Ello Mark

I'm there for one:sAprvd: A bit of BoB to start the weekend


09-08-2021, 06:42
Do we have a tally of how many folks for each session? I'm pulling together my notes for the Battle of Britain scenario, and whilst it should scale reasonably well it would be good to have an rough idea. Also, are there limits on table size?

Crazy busy here but will put that information out when I can get back on my laptop later...

09-08-2021, 11:46
OK so this is where we are at present, although some of the WW2 games look a little light, most of those I haven't heard back from yet will probably opt for WW2...



Strangely Brown
09-12-2021, 09:12
Myself and Red Dragon will be up for BoB (Game 1, Sat WW2) and one of us will take the last slot for Balloon Busting (Game 3, Sat WW1).

09-12-2021, 09:31
Top man, thank you Simon, be good to see you again.

camel crew
09-13-2021, 09:31
Hello Wing Co. Just checking - do I need to bring any Wings stuff along with beer n nibbles?

Flying Officer Kyte
09-13-2021, 12:26
Certainly will be good to see Simon at Doncaster Chris. It has been too long!:clap:

09-13-2021, 16:41
Hello Wing Co. Just checking - do I need to bring any Wings stuff along with beer n nibbles?

Beer and nibbles would be most appreciated... don’t require you to bring any wings gear, but if you have a favourite plane, bring it along...

09-14-2021, 03:06
Chris, it would be useful to know who has signed up for which game so we know who should be playing.

09-14-2021, 05:45
I'll fix that as soon as the meeting I'm in finishes.

09-14-2021, 06:42
This seems to be something of an ever moving feast and will probably change again over the next day or so... but here is where we are to date, as you can see there are a couple of games which are player heavy and a couple which are player light, I for one am not particular so am happy to go wherever to make up the numbers if required.


David Manley
09-14-2021, 07:00
I thought i was WW2 game 2 on Saturday afternoon?

09-14-2021, 07:03
You are, my mistake Dave... will amend. It’s tricky keeping up with the number of emails and PMs at times, so apologies for the mix up.

09-14-2021, 07:04
And Neil won't be there Saturday.

09-14-2021, 07:05
And Neil won't be there Saturday.

Just realised that.... I’ll start again....

Flying Officer Kyte
09-14-2021, 07:09
As you now have nothing on table two for Friday afternoon Chris, I need to be removed as well please.


David Manley
09-14-2021, 10:56
Anyone want to play Junta on Friday afternoon? Wondering whether to chuck it in the car

09-14-2021, 11:41
Sorry Chris, just a heads up, but according to the above chart, I only count six in Saturday's Game 3 session and that includes myself. You haven't included Red Dragon either, although there is an earlier post from Simon (Strangely Brown) to say that Red Dragon is joining in on this one.

I'm running the game too. I can include myself in the game and play three a side; or have up to three more players exluding myself from the game. Not a problem whichever. I'm just not certain whether or not the person running the game is permitted to participate :)

09-14-2021, 12:51
Anyone want to play Junta on Friday afternoon? Wondering whether to chuck it in the car

Nothing like a Coup d'Etat to get the weekend roling. :)

camel crew
09-15-2021, 07:03
just seen the slots. On Saturday put me down for WW1 game 1 and WW2 games 2 and 3.

09-15-2021, 07:19
just seen the slots. On Saturday put me down for WW1 game 1 and WW2 games 2 and 3.


09-15-2021, 07:20
Sorry Chris, just a heads up, but according to the above chart, I only count six in Saturday's Game 3 session and that includes myself. You haven't included Red Dragon either, although there is an earlier post from Simon (Strangely Brown) to say that Red Dragon is joining in on this one.

I'm running the game too. I can include myself in the game and play three a side; or have up to three more players exluding myself from the game. Not a problem whichever. I'm just not certain whether or not the person running the game is permitted to participate :)

Absolutely the person running can participate if they want to

09-15-2021, 07:28
Right, here we go again...

Now on Friday I will run a Zombicide game and Dave had said he will bring Junta, obviously there will be plenty of space (and hopefully people) if anyone wants to run any game be it WW1, WW2, Sails, BSG, Snakes & Ladders, Snap etc...


Subject to any changes (or mistakes on my part)

camel crew
09-15-2021, 09:32
ooh, ooh, ooh, put me down for Zombicide. Can't beat a good Zombie game. P.S. Anyone be in the premier inn on Thursday? I'm coming up late afternoon

Flying Helmut
09-15-2021, 09:38
Yep, I'll be there tomorrow (Thursday).

09-15-2021, 09:41
I will be bringing zombiecide version2 for Friday

camel crew
09-15-2021, 10:15
See you tomorrow Tim

09-15-2021, 11:45
Chris, put me down for Zombicide please.

09-15-2021, 11:46
I will be bringing zombiecide version2 for Friday

Oh OK I was going to run a large (8 person) scenario using version #1, but happy whichever way we play

09-15-2021, 11:46
I will also bring down Ticket to Ride

09-15-2021, 11:48
If enough takers we can always run 2 games, plenty of space. Just be so good to actually sit round a table with friends and play SOMETHING... ANYTHING !!!

09-15-2021, 12:39
Yep, I'll be there tomorrow (Thursday).

Alas, I am stuck on a call/meeting until late on Thursday..

09-15-2021, 12:50
Chris, put me down for Zombicide please.

A Witty pun there Steve :lol:

09-15-2021, 12:51
Alas, I am stuck on a call/meeting until late on Thursday..

Surely those dodgy off shore accounts could wait till after midnight Chris :money:

09-15-2021, 12:52
anyone up for playing Pandemic :lol:

09-15-2021, 12:53
Yep, I'll be there tomorrow (Thursday).

So should me and Mary but ........:(

09-15-2021, 12:54
Surely those dodgy off shore accounts could wait till after midnight Chris :money:

Funnily enough it is finance related...

09-15-2021, 13:05
Funnily enough it is finance related...
Enough said wink wink

09-16-2021, 05:57
Hmm, don't seem to be doing anything all weekend, according to your list - not even my own game :confused: I did put down for WW2 all Saturday Chris.

09-16-2021, 06:56
BUGGER... sorry Steve, think I deleted the wrong line... WW2 it is, will amend later

09-16-2021, 06:59

09-16-2021, 08:14
You just can't get decent staff these days :lol:

09-16-2021, 09:53
I tried sacking myself, but that didn't work, lol