09-19-2019, 01:32
Thanks to those who have sent me their games ideas/scenarios for our forthcoming extravaganza. If you are running a game can you please post a description or summary (or as much detail as you like) in this thread so the players know what they have let themselves in for...

Thanks chaps

09-19-2019, 01:42
So here we go, Martians and Earthlings!

Click the link below to download and fear the rules of THE FALL OF DONCASTER scenario;):


09-19-2019, 03:24
Autumn in Sudetenland

Era: October 1938
Place: close to Králíky town, northeast Bohemia
Sides: Luftwaffe (attacker) and Czechoslovak Air Force (defender)
Victory for attackers: destroy at least 4 of 5 blockhouses of Hůrka Artillery Fort
Victory for defenders: defend at least 2 of 5 targets

Story behind: Czechoslovakian goverment refuse Munich Agreement (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Munich_Agreement) and it's forces are waiting on borders for incomming German units. CS generals assume attempt to cut the country from north and south (according to Fall Grün (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fall_Grün_(Czechoslovakia))) and awaiting main offensive from Glatzer Kessel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kłodzko_Valley) with armoured divisions and built there several artillery forts that can support defensive efforts 2nd Army supported by fighters from Hradec Králové and Olomouc. On the other side of the barb wired border Stukas are comming with bombs for Artillery fort Hůrka.



09-19-2019, 03:32
Here's my WW2 scenario:

The Last Hurrah of the Golden Pheasants – or: taking a few liberties with history

When Italy surrendered in 1943 German forces occupied most of Northern Italy until 1945. As a result, resistance groups formed. In Berlin Herman Goering had seen the writing on the wall for some time. Stashing his hoard of stolen paintings and as much of the Reichsbank’s gold as he could lay his hands on in a fleet of aircraft, he flew to Malpensa airfield with Heinrich Himmler and other notables, ostensibly to review the German troops holding the area around Milan and meet with Generalfeldmarschall Albert Kesselring. In reality Goering was planning an escape to Switzerland.

With the war coming to an end, the American 1st Armored Division advanced on Milan—but before they arrived, the resistance seized control of the city and executed Mussolini along with several members of his government. On 29 April 1945, the corpses of Mussolini, his mistress Clara Petacci and other Fascist leaders were hanged by the resistance in Pizzale Loreto. The so-called “Golden Pheasants” of the Nazi Party decided it was time to put Goering’s plan into motion. Commandeering a fighter escort from whatever units were still available at Malpensa, they took off through the Alps heading for Bern. However the allies had learned of the plan through resistance agents around Milan. The Swiss were secretly informed and it was suggested that it would be ‘unfortunate’ for them if this was allowed to happen, as once Germany was defeated the allied armies might just keep rolling across the border. The Swiss military duly scraped together everything they could at Dubendorf airfield and scrambled for the Alps.

The game
The Germans are attempting to cross the Alps into Switzerland. Their transports are heavily loaded and can barely manage to gain sufficient altitude to fly between the mountain peaks. Their fleet consists of FW Condors, Junkers 52s and He 177s escorted by FW 190Ds and FW Ta152s. Each transport contains a different load of different value – either gold, paintings or a ‘Golden Pheasant’. The value of each load will count towards victory conditions – if a transport gets through the Germans claim the points; if it is shot down the Swiss get the points. Each aircraft shot down counts towards an individual player’s score to determine the top pilot.

The Swiss have scrambled to intercept an assortment of Me 109Gs, Morane Saulnier MS412s, Mustangs Macchi C202s* and the odd Potez 632. The plan is to shoot down the German aircraft in the Alps so there is no immediate evidence of an overtly hostile attack by a neutral nation (“nothing to do with us Guv, they must have all crashed into the mountains”).

* Although the Swiss ordered 20 Macchi C202s, they were not delivered as the Italians had a greater need of them at the time. The Mustangs were US aircraft interned by the Swiss and used for evaluation.

“A bit hilly” – think Battlestar Galactica with asteroids.:D

09-19-2019, 04:23
Hopefully this link will work....


09-19-2019, 04:26
Well works for me, hope it does for everyone else...

09-19-2019, 05:14
Go to sign in.....

09-19-2019, 05:34
Hopefully this link will work....


Permission needed...

09-19-2019, 05:47
Crap will find another way

09-19-2019, 06:24

Wonder if this works, I have published the document, failing that how do you cut and paste into a thread, doesn't seem to want to work for me

09-19-2019, 06:36
You just linked your own post.

09-19-2019, 07:23
Doh !!!

09-19-2019, 07:42
Or just share it with me and I can post it :)

09-19-2019, 10:06
I offer you my google drive space as well, Chris. Just need your file by email...:)
No problem.

Flying Helmut
09-19-2019, 12:25
Todesrennen im Himmel
Adlershof, Juni 1918

Briefing: Teams consisting of two paired Fokker D.VIIs race around a simple course; the highest-placed PAIR wins the race!

Start: on the ground, each plane placed on a randomly-drawn playing card (the Grid).
Direction of racing is determined by random card draw (red = clockwise, black = anti-clockwise).
Take-off: stall-straight-climb - may be preceded by any number of slow cards whilst on the ground (stall / short straight / stall turn / Immel = STOP!) ; ignore steep diamonds whilst taxiing.

Finish: from 1 peg altitude, land dive-straight-stall - wheels must touch (@ 0 pegs) on any part of the exact same card the plane took off from.

climb – gain 1 peg
dive – lose 1 peg
Immelmann sequence – no change to altitude
Split-S sequence - lose 1 peg
Overdive sequence – lose $ pegs (1 for each card!)

Shooting: permitted when firer is at 2 pegs or higher above ground level (no strafing civilians / livestock!)
Target 1 peg higher or lower; short range only (counts as long range)
+1 damage consecutive firing (not if being fired upon), or for firing from above.

Balloons: fly at level 5 (5 pegs) - may NOT be fired upon!
aircraft base may overlap normally – if aircraft PEG overlaps balloon base, draw one C-damage card for each – if aircraft base overlaps balloon peg, aircraft draws one additional C-damage card!
aircraft flying at 6 pegs or higher ignore balloon collisions, but must still fly around them in order to complete the course.

Clouds: float at a number of pegs above the underlying ground level – this altitude is indicated on cloud model.
If an aircraft peg overlaps cloud base at the marked altitude, that aircraft may not fire or be fired upon.
If an aircraft STARTS its 3-card sequence in a cloud, its first card is replaced by the UMPIRE (chosen randomly from all the cards in the manoeuvre deck of similar speed).
If an aircraft flies ABOVE or BELOW the cloud altitude level, the cloud is ignored for all game purposes.

Obstacles: hill contours and mountains occupy the altitude level marked on them.
buildings and trees +1 altitude level
If an aircraft is at the same altitude level as an obstacle…………
overlapping a tree or building – draw a C-damage card (ignore specials)
overlapping a hill contour or mountain = aircraft destroyed!

Remember to adjust aircraft pegs to reflect altitude above current ground level.

Victory Points
6 planes 8 planes 10 planes
1st 6 8 10
2nd 5 7 9
3rd 4 6 8
4th 3 5 7
5th 2 4 6
6th 1 3 5
7th 2 4
8th 1 3
9th 2
10th 1

To score Victory Points, an aircraft must overlap its own starting playing card at altitude 0 pegs, having flown the entire course.
Aircraft shot down / crashed score 0 points.
Teams add their two finishing scores together to determine order of Team Victory.

Doncaster Convention Ace of Aces Victory Points
1st home 2nd home
Highest Total Team Score 8 pts 7 pts
Second Highest Score 6 pts 5 pts
Third Highest 4 pts 3 pts
Fourth Highest 2 pts 1 pt
Fifth Highest - -

Flying Helmut
09-19-2019, 12:27
Sorry, the Forum format destroys "Word" tables, but the finishing points are clearly displayed on my printouts.......................

09-19-2019, 13:18
I offer you my google drive space as well, Chris. Just need your file by email...:)
No problem.

Email sent than you, thank you also Dan

09-19-2019, 13:19
Thanks Guys, need Reg’s then that’s WW1 done

09-20-2019, 00:00
RUN THE GAUNTLET, Chris' (Hedeby) scenario rules are available for download - click the link below.


09-20-2019, 00:12
Sorry, the Forum format destroys "Word" tables, but the finishing points are clearly displayed on my printouts.......................

"Destroys" you says? :) Just click on "Reply with Quote" and Copy&Paste from quotation.

Victory Points

6 planes
8 planes
10 planes











Doncaster Convention Ace of Aces Victory Points

1st home
2nd home

Highest Total Team Score
8 pts
7 pts

Second Highest Score
6 pts
5 pts

Third Highest Score
4 pts
3 pts

Fourth Highest Score
2 pts
1 pts

Fifth Highest Score

Flying Helmut
09-20-2019, 00:42
Doncaster Convention Ace of Aces Victory Points
1st home 2nd home
Highest Total Team Score 8 pts 7 pts
Second Highest Score 6 pts 5 pts
Third Highest 4 pts 3 pts
Fourth Highest 2 pts 1 pt
Fifth Highest - -[/QUOTE]

Doesn't work for me.........................:(

Anyway, thanks for posting the tables, Dan! :thankyou:

09-20-2019, 01:02
Strange. Try just Choose All + Copy + Paste from these two files.

09-20-2019, 01:11
IMHO I can only recommend uploading scenario files to a cloud like doogle drive in pdf format and linking them here as I did with Chris' and my scenarios.
If anybody is willing to get it done this way, email me your file and I will upload it.