View Full Version : Do you need to keep track of the G-Value in your Movement in the Complete Game?

05-13-2019, 13:27

I know that in the Quick Start Game your total G-Value in a Maneuver cannot exceed Four but does this rule still apply when playing the Complete Game?

If that's the case, than I have a follow up question, say, in a turn, I use a Medium speed maneuver with an Over-Boost Card at Speed 3 and both cards have a G-Value of 2, do I add my total Speed value together with the G-force printed on the two Maneuver Cards to make the calculation or are Speed and G-force calculated separately?

05-13-2019, 20:45
Yes, the limit of four still applies (unless you're using the "Nimble Pilot" talent which allows for five).

05-13-2019, 22:08

I know that in the Quick Start Game your total G-Value in a Maneuver cannot exceed Four but does this rule still apply when playing the Complete Game?

If that's the case, than I have a follow up question, say, in a turn, I use a Medium speed maneuver with an Over-Boost Card at Speed 3 and both cards have a G-Value of 2, do I add my total Speed value together with the G-force printed on the two Maneuver Cards to make the calculation or are Speed and G-force calculated separately?

G rating and Kinetic Energy are separate, and not tracked together. The G rating is a ship structure limit, not to be exceeded, unless with a Talent, as mentioned by Adam.

Kinetic Energy is the engine capability on your ship, and the ability to accelerate and decelerate. When you get into the Heavy Raiders and Raptors, if published with their playtest ratings, you will have ships that start games with Acceleration ratings of 2 and 3.

The Heavy Raiders and Raptors are really restricted in what they can do, and they will also have maneuver cards with depressing G ratings. The playtest version of the Heavy Raider has a "Change Direction" card with a 3G rating! So, pretty much restricted to straight maneuvers coming out of rotations. Note: I say that because straights are 0G and some shallow turns are 1G. No fancy stuff for Heavy Raiders coming out of Rotations.

Additionally, when using ships with special damage, or low Acceleration ratings, you have to watch your Kinetic Energy going into Rotation situations. If you aren't careful, you can't use a Change Direction card to leave the rotated status, because you can't decelerate to 3 or less, regardless of the G rating. In this case, you have to spend a turn to rotate your ship to face the same direction in which you were drifting, then plan whatever maneuver you want, to keep within your Acceleration rating.

05-14-2019, 13:23
Yes, the limit of four still applies (unless you're using the "Nimble Pilot" talent which allows for five).

Thank you.

G rating and Kinetic Energy are separate, and not tracked together. The G rating is a ship structure limit, not to be exceeded, unless with a Talent, as mentioned by Adam.

Kinetic Energy is the engine capability on your ship, and the ability to accelerate and decelerate. When you get into the Heavy Raiders and Raptors, if published with their playtest ratings, you will have ships that start games with Acceleration ratings of 2 and 3.

The Heavy Raiders and Raptors are really restricted in what they can do, and they will also have maneuver cards with depressing G ratings. The playtest version of the Heavy Raider has a "Change Direction" card with a 3G rating! So, pretty much restricted to straight maneuvers coming out of rotations. Note: I say that because straights are 0G and some shallow turns are 1G. No fancy stuff for Heavy Raiders coming out of Rotations.

Additionally, when using ships with special damage, or low Acceleration ratings, you have to watch your Kinetic Energy going into Rotation situations. If you aren't careful, you can't use a Change Direction card to leave the rotated status, because you can't decelerate to 3 or less, regardless of the G rating. In this case, you have to spend a turn to rotate your ship to face the same direction in which you were drifting, then plan whatever maneuver you want, to keep within your Acceleration rating.

Thank you.