View Full Version : zero vs wildcat (again): house rules maneuver question

Gallo Rojo
01-01-2011, 05:09
I'm trying to create some house rules to make zeros and willcats maneuvers more historical accurate

Some time ago, I've ran into some house rules proposed by aricart that I found really good.

But I'm not sure if they should apply at high-speed, low-speed, or both

I'm quoting below and commenting them, waiting for suggestions from other players

The zero had an advantage turning becuase of its high horsepower for weight ratio compared to the Wildcat. Therefore it could continue to perform a tight turn and hold its speed, the wildcat could not maintain its speed and would stall. therefore now when I play tight turns for most airplanes are extreme maneuvers and can not be played one next to the other except for the zero, and the Ki 43 in the original game.

I like this rule and I'm planning to use it. But should it be the same for low-speed and high-speed? I've read the zero become difficult to maneuver at high speeds, while it was really maneuverable at low-speed.

On the other hand the zero had a very slow roll rate at high speed while the whildcat had a good roll rate. therefore the house rule I use is that the zero can not go from a stright turn directly to a tight turn, instead it must make first a shallow turn and then progress with the next card to a tight turn. the wildcat can go directly to a tight turn although it can not maintain it.

Again: a high-speed vs low-speed question: since zero was very maneuverable at low speed, should this rule be ignored at low-speed but applied at high speed?

I also use a house rule that aircraft can not play a left turn card immidiately after a right turn card and vice versa. this as the airplane has to bank into the other direction.

although Aricart mentions this rule for every aircraft, I wonder if it couldn't be applied just to zeros at high-speed -- given their poorer maneuverability at high-speed.
But what concerns me here is this: I wouldn't let a zero turn left and then right at high-speed... but what about left-high-speed turn, and then a right-low-speed turn?

any thoughts? :)

01-01-2011, 09:40
I am coming up with more complete house rules with a table with variables applying to roll rate and acceleration.
one of the problems of the game is airplanes can go from slow to fast very quickly and keep on turning. These are the variables that made all these airplanes different and the fun is to pit two airplanes with very different performance advantages.
The slow roll rate is not only the zero but in fact also applies to many other airplanes and specially two engine fighters as ki-45, early versions p38 and bf 110,
I have submitted a preliminary version for posting, the airplane capabilities table has been posted but not the house rules yet

Gallo Rojo
01-01-2011, 11:25
thanks Alberto!
looking forward for your complete house rules :)

in the mean time, where can I find the airplane capability table you mentioned? is it somewhere in the files folders or is it in a forum' thread?


01-01-2011, 12:31
it is under files, WW2, house rules
The house rules that go with the table have been submitted but have not been posted yet.
the basic premise is that a movement card is about 1.5 to 2 seconds,
an airplane must play a straight card before going from right to left turn and vice versa.
airplanes that are FR can make the first turn, a tight turn at any speed, SR can not make the first turn a tight turn at any speed, and NR can make the first turn in a direction a tight turn if at slow speed but not at high speed.
It uses a new speed called VH1, 2 or 3 which is about 375, 400, and 425 mph. for these I advance the airplane 9,18, or 27 mm respectively before using the indicated movement card.
I gave airplanes different climb numbers.
Used acceleration numbers which is the number of straight cards that an airplane has to play to go from slow to high and from high to very high speed.
Rules for zoom climb where an airplane goes immediately up one altitude level and the airplane drops one level of speed. when at slow speed use the standard climb rules.
airplanes that dive go up one level of speed for every level dived.
placed a limit on the number of tight turns an airplane can perform. If it exceeds this number then the next card is a stall.
A tight turn also results in deceleration from Very high to high and from high to slow speed, but no deceleration from slow to stall unless it exceeds the numbers of tight turns allowed.
Made a change in the overdive rules, and limited some airplanes which had limited dive speeds from using this.
Eliminated collision and blocked line of sight. the cards do not represent airplane size.
And made any short that is not from behind at the same altitude a deflection shot.
I used Max Headroom Cards for airplanes not in the game yet, you can find them in his album.
It is explained much better in the rules.

Gallo Rojo
01-01-2011, 13:49
thanks again :)
definetely looking forward for those house rules :)