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View Full Version : 1/100 tank decals

the black devil
01-14-2019, 19:08
hello does anyone know where I could get some Russian, german, and American tank decals that are 1/100 scale

cheers esa

01-15-2019, 00:43
Depends what you want. Miscmini do 26th Panzer Division, see Miscmini’s Hangar under the Market Place section of this forum.

Flames of War do Russian and US stars and German crosses, SS and army division badges, and a sheet of Russian tank slogans.

Not sure about the current status of Dom’s Decals, as he stopped taking orders just before Xmas for a few weeks to play catch-up. If he is open for business then he does a goodly selection of German crosses and panzer division badges, U.S. stars with and without ring, German registration and turret numbers. Highly recommended, if you can get hold of them.

I think Skytrex still do their 15mm range, variety of all nations including stars, crosses , panzer division markings and a set for Russian Guards Tank Army turret markings.

Plastic Soldier Company - the usual suspects including Russian turret numbers. War and Peace Games in NSW carry their range, or at least some of them.

I-94 Enterprises - usual suspects

144 Direct/Mehusla did a range as well, but has taken his site down at the moment, which is a pity.

Think that’s enough to get you started

the black devil
01-15-2019, 06:08
thanks for the help I will check them out

01-15-2019, 15:23
I would go with the FoW stuff. They have quite a few different sets.