View Full Version : Can you shoot through a Plane That you Have Crashed Into

Future Pilot
06-12-2018, 11:32
I would just like your opinion on this can you shoot through someone you have crashed with?

Flying Helmut
06-12-2018, 13:59
The rules do not disallow it, but it is utterly nonsensical to do so.

After you have ploughed into another aircraft, your crew's eyes will be ALL OVER their own machine, looking for bits falling off and/or fires/cracks/loose items breaking off or flying around inside.
Firing at anyone else in the sky will be the last thing on their minds.

I 'House Rule' that collisions prevent shooting, but, as I said above, the rules as written do not disallow it.

Future Pilot
06-12-2018, 17:01
Alright, I thought that but I just wanted to make sure. Thanks!

06-12-2018, 17:43
:cheezy: It is certainly not logical to shoot during a collision!
Our club does not allow it.;)

06-12-2018, 19:11
im on the fence. yes if youre actively colliding with another a/c the last thing youre going to be thinking about is shooting at another aircraft. however the whole reason for the collision may be that you had target fixation tracking a target and where ALREADY shooting at the other a/c when you collided.

Flying Helmut
06-13-2018, 00:54
Line of sight does not apply.

You can shoot into, or out of, an overlap, at any other aircraft, but not within one, and a collision is an extra-close overlap.

Future Pilot
06-16-2018, 15:16
One of my friends thought they could, but I did not actually know so I thought I should get your opinion on it.

07-05-2018, 01:49
If you look at the movement and firing as being simultaneous then firing during a collision makes some sense - you may, after all, not have seen it coming if hit from the side or behind and have been happily blasting away at your target when it happens (as Phil suggests).
As Tim says there is nothing specific in the rules about it but it is allowed when planes are overlapping which a collision is the extreme version of.
Depending on the rules you're reading it's under Firing or Overlapping - from WoG WW2 it says this:

If, at the end of a maneuver, two airplane cards overlap, neither of the two airplanes can fire at the other. They can, however, still fire at other planes. Other planes can shoot at the overlapping planes using the normal rules.
The overlapping planes don’t block each other’s aim nor the aim of the planes firing at them.
Personally I allow it but ultimately do what suits you and your group as Baz & Tim have done - if you don't like the idea then house rule it !