View Full Version : Doncaster 2016 - PLAN B REQUIRED

09-26-2015, 09:03
The Air Museum have just got back to me and the venue is NOT available for the same weekend next year (Battle of Britain Service plus other stuff), also the campsites are fully booked out by camping clubs as well. The closest date the venue is free is the weekend of 1st/2nd October. I will speak to Tracey on Monday but I don't think she will be able to change things around for us. Appreciate this is not what any of us wanted - pity the 2016 booking dairy wasn't available last Sunday whilst we were all there.

Suggestions welcome

Lt. S.Kafloc
09-26-2015, 09:56
What weekend is Worlds on 2016? Would the dates be 29-1, Sep to Oct? 1-2 is Sun/Mon.


Dom S
09-26-2015, 10:09
1-2 is Saturday and Sunday - leap year. I haven't seen a dare for Worlds - most shows don't confirm until after this years is held.

09-26-2015, 10:26
Anybody know what dates Castle Donington will be taking place next year? Only major event nearby where a potential clash could take place.

As far as I'm concerned Doncaster takes priority - if Plan B is required Plan b is what I'm more than happy to go along with :)

09-26-2015, 11:00
My guess is if someone asks next weekend, one of the organisers will have a pretty good idea when the 2016 show is going to be. Most big venues will be taking bookings over a year in advance, so even if the dates are tentative, the Worlds will have got their preferred dates in.

- Neil.

09-26-2015, 11:05
October dates are VERY ok for me. But of course as a minor ally I can have only little influence on the planning. :)

That is because Cappy Tom will probably visit me in early September:D Oh Yeaaaah!

David Manley
09-26-2015, 11:25
First weekend in October works for me

Flying Helmut
09-26-2015, 11:27
And me

Flying Officer Kyte
09-26-2015, 11:43
That may well be the World Championships weekend.

Lt. S.Kafloc
09-26-2015, 13:16
Other dates then.

2-4 Border Reiver
9-11 If this available
23-25 If this is available



Then we are into December

09-26-2015, 13:49
That may well be the World Championships weekend.

Yes - I'm concerned there will turn out to be a clash too. Hopefully not but we will hopefully be able to find out next weekend ...

09-26-2015, 14:12
I'm not at work Monday so I will takes those dates Neil, speak to Tracey at the venue and see what we can come away with.

09-26-2015, 15:02
All the dates suggested are OK for me except the first Saturday in December, which isn't anyway on the list, which is normally Recon at Pudsey Leeds.

I have just been having a good look at the prise I won for coming top in Neil's U-Boat game last weekend and I see that it depicts a RAF biplane attacking a German U-Boat (U41), which is a bit ironic in that I was flying a German seaplane protecting the submarine.

Lt. S.Kafloc
09-26-2015, 15:43
Cheers Dom, for some reason calendar on phone leapt to 2017! Not 2016.

1-2 is Saturday and Sunday - leap year. I haven't seen a dare for Worlds - most shows don't confirm until after this years is held.

Dom S
09-26-2015, 18:07
Cheers Dom, for some reason calendar on phone leapt to 2017! Not 2016.
Ha, ain't technology grand.... ;)

09-26-2015, 19:42
Going along with whichever dates are decided upon. This is the great thing about being able to plan ahead like this :)

09-27-2015, 00:55
First week in November not good for me - Crisis in Antwerp, which I try not to miss. 23-25 September not good either, as its my birthday on 23rd so probably won't be allowed to come out to play

09-27-2015, 01:29
Adding some extra info.

Other dates then.

2-4 Border Reiver
9-11 If this available (Colours, Newbury?)
23-25 If this is available


4-6 Crisis, Antwerp

Then we are into December

Possibly Warfare at the end of November as well. Will dig around and see what else might clash.

- Neil.

09-27-2015, 01:39
Late Sept /Oct still good for me But Nov is not so good, but as Andy says we are minor allies.

Lt. S.Kafloc
09-27-2015, 01:59
If 14-16 October is free how does this weekend suit?

09-27-2015, 02:07
If 14-16 October is free how does this weekend suit?

Fine with me - count us both in :)

09-27-2015, 04:51
Starting to raise my head after the lurgy, so just seen.
Ill confirm with the Derby organisers next weekend the dates for 2016.

As for proposed dates

Early Sept may be Colours in Newbury, If they hold the show again, this will not be confirmed until November Im told.

October 14-16 that would most likely be a no for me, Wedding anniversary is Oct15.

09-27-2015, 05:03
If 14-16 October is free how does this weekend suit?

That works for me.

09-27-2015, 07:57
That works for me.

It is OK for me as well.

Flying Officer Kyte
09-27-2015, 08:06
14-16th November should be O.K. if it don't clash with Eileen's old school's Founders Day dinner in Bristol.

Lt. S.Kafloc
09-27-2015, 08:57
October or November Rob?

14-16th November should be O.K. if it don't clash with Eileen's old school's Founders Day dinner in Bristol.

Flying Officer Kyte
09-27-2015, 11:34
Sorry Neil. October.

09-27-2015, 13:27
assuming flights are good count us in .

Flying Helmut
09-27-2015, 16:20
I can probably adjust my on-call rota to allow any of these weekend dates, but will not have said rota until much closer to the time.
As of now, count me in for whichever one is decided upon.

09-28-2015, 02:32
Well apologies for the date shift but we are confirmed and booked for October 1st and 2nd 2016 - let the planning, hotel booking, camping arrangements , beer brewing (Jez ??) begin, lol

09-28-2015, 04:48
:thankyou: Great to know we finally have concrete dates set for next year - Count us both in and looking forward to it already :)

09-28-2015, 07:30
Well apologies for the date shift but we are confirmed and booked for October 1st and 2nd 2016 - let the planning, hotel booking, camping arrangements , beer brewing (Jez ??) begin, lol

We'll just have to let Derby Worlds know to set the following weekend for their bash at Donington:thumbsup:

Flying Officer Kyte
09-28-2015, 11:02
1st. and second of October it is then.
Are you doing block bookings Boney?

09-28-2015, 11:03
We'll just have to let Derby Worlds know to set the following weekend for their bash at Donington:thumbsup:

Got this instinctive gut feeling that Derby Worlds will occur the following weekend from when we are staging Doncaster 2016 anyway. Donington Racetrack usually has an event of it's own towards the very tail-end of September but not being into my cars I don't know what actually goes on - however this is what could be standing in our favour next year. If I'm wrong and we are facing a clash with Doncaster 2016 I'm either prepared to grovel like never before or it's Doncaster 2016. I've already lost Hammerhead 2016 to an event clash next year about which I am peeved as Hammerhead 2015 was where I first played WGS!

I'll see if my friend Down Under can read my Tarot Cards for me before Saturday - this will either pick up on me having this gut feeling about which I'm usually right. Or it will forewarn me of the moment coming very soon when somebody nameless is going to find himself on his knees saying pretty please ...

09-28-2015, 12:29
1 st \2nd October 2016 it is let flight hunting commence

09-28-2015, 17:37
1st. and second of October it is then.
Are you doing block bookings Boney?

I will make enquiries as to what we can get and our elidgability for a block booking on that date.
Ill get back as soon as possible.
Ill also get the badges sorted for 2016, design will be same but with a Red scroll for 2016 , representing the bloody battles of that year

09-28-2015, 18:21
Ill also get the badges sorted for 2016, design will be same but with a Red scroll for 2016 , representing the bloody battles of that year

1916? Part of me thinks that this would be an excellent idea but another part of me thinks this is too biased towards WGF. After all our badges from this year did not mark the BoB 75th Anniversary and Doncaster is all about both games along with a certain other game which begins with S.

I really am terribly sorry about this however there has been a lot of talk since I began playing of how WGS is WGF's lesser known / less popular sibling and I disagree with all that entirely. I am also concerned that our ethos as the Aerodrome is as a gaming community not a historical society and would therefore prefer it if maybe the badges were kept the same. However I'm also aware of how many may feel that too much of the same design on badges is boring ... Considering this just makes me think Haig Fund and of how Poppies have remained unchanged for so long: Something else which as a result is easily translatable between all wars. I just so happen to be looking at my D2015 badge now and thinking that the design looks elegant and appropriate. I'm having a job picturing the same sky blue with a red scroll underneath and trying to think of anything other than colour clash.

I hope I have expressed this with the due care and attention I feel this matter needs - as I mentioned in another posting I joined the Aerodrome conscientiously not controversially. Like I said I'm genuinely apologetic that I'm not feeling far more positive towards this idea about the badges but this really does all feel too one-sided.

Flying Officer Kyte
09-29-2015, 00:09
Don't be too concerned Barney.
We had all this out about the badge before we decided on the badge to celebrate the 1914 anniversary.
It was agreed to keep the badge the same but just change the scroll each year to denote the badge as something different. It was also a way to keep the cost down each year.
As far as Sails is concerned, it is not part of Wings of Glory Aerodrome, and as such must be differentiated from it.
I hate to endorse Tim's feelings, but in this case we are only paying lip service to it, because some of the members have no other way of getting to try it out.
Shows are a different matter, as we are shop fronting both games. Nevertheless our main objective is still to keep Wings to the forefront.
We did make this year special as far as WW2 was concerned by putting on the big BoB game specially for the occasion.
Statistics do suggest that WW2 is indeed the poor relation. My statistics for all members who have joined the U.K. Wing since we started shows 703 members prefer WWI against 160 for WW2.
I hope this puts the matter into context for you.

Flying Officer Kyte
09-29-2015, 00:11
I will make enquiries as to what we can get and our elidgability for a block booking on that date.
Ill get back as soon as possible.
Ill also get the badges sorted for 2016, design will be same but with a Red scroll for 2016 , representing the bloody battles of that year

Thanks for this rapid response Chris. I know how busy you are, an appreciate the time and trouble you take to sort out the badges, and that you have now added this extra chore to the list.

09-29-2015, 01:34
With all and full respect Barney, WGF seems to be much more popular here so I second Rob's opinion (as a minor ally of course;)).
I think you would have a great time giving WGF a try. It is rewarding and - in a way - much more easier/leisure to play than WGS.

Badge design is above me. I am happy to get any.

"1916"? It may be a blast. We have a great variety of historical planes, both official and unofficial, that were flown then. Personally - I would love to see that year as a "main event" theme. Why not focus on it? Moreover: why not make the 2016 Doncaster a Campaign 1916 Weekend? Career creation, enlistment and missions to follow...Making aces of 1916? Getting Aces Abilities...Awesome, IMHO. Let the WoG shine with all it's aspects and rules in 1916-2016. Empires need us!
Just 2 cents;).

09-29-2015, 01:53
Ultimately what gets run is down to who offers to run something and what the take up is like. Personally I am only interested in World War 1 aviation, so only play WGF. No interest in WGS, or SoG. That was one reason why I didn't stay for the finale game, that and the thought of the long journey up on Friday.

If I've managed to source all the bits I might offer to run a Palestine theme gamed, but as it would seem things really didn't get going there until 1917, maybe I'll wait a year.

- Neil.

Dom S
09-29-2015, 02:57
I must admit the BofB anniversary was one of the things which kept me away this year - as it panned out the only Donny day I could get to was Sunday, so I passed, largely because WGS holds no interest for me. (Don't get me wrong, I've been a WWII air gamer far longer than a WWI one, but WGF is what the game engine does best - for me the WWII game just doesn't work the same way, so I stick to bigger battles in smaller scales....) So I guess I'm rather an emphatic vote in the "WGF rules" column.... ;)

As for "concerned that our ethos as the Aerodrome is as a gaming community not a historical society" - I wouldn't be: It most certainly is first and foremost a gaming community, by a very considerable margin - while there are a good few of us history buffs knocking around here, the aerodrome's primary emphasis will always be the game. There's no point being "concerned" over that - it is what it is....

Flying Helmut
09-29-2015, 03:18
Fact is, WGF has been around longer, has had more Series releases, has had more reprints, and has much more colourful and "romantic" planes which attract the General Public to our games in greater numbers, than WGS.

There IS a groundswell of support for WGS in the U.K., particularly for the Battle of Britain, but since the minis are just not available for public consumption, Joe Public buys WW1 instead.

We need enthusiasts to champion WGS, and keep it in the public eye, but I don't think it will manage to "catch up" with WGF - the lead is just too great.

Public numbers at the tables at shows clearly demonstrate the greater popularity of WGF.
Hordes playing WGF, reducing in number when WGF is replaced on the table by WGS, and then drying up when confronted with SOG.

On the badge front, as the WingCo says, the format has already been agreed, and I for one am glad to see us sticking to it.
Yes, this year marked the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain, but the next 3 years will mark 76th, 77th and 78th - nothing special there.
The slaughter of 1916 is indelibly stamped on the psyche of the British people, and should be marked by us in some way - in contrast, the 75th Anniversary of 1941 has very little to offer to the British (across the Pond, it will be a VERY different story!).
Also, a "100th Anniversary" will, and should, trump a "75th Anniversary" every time.

On a personal note, I fell in love with those snazzy little biplanes, and took the plunge into WGF big time!
I resisted the Dark Side as long as I could, but eventually succumbed, and now have an impressive WGS collection (though I'm still cr@p at playing it!).
Sails is another matter; I joined the WINGS of Glory Aerodrome, to further my interest in Aircraft games. If I wanted to support Sails, I would join the Anchorage.
That isn't going to happen.
I have played a few games of SOG, and have enjoyed them, but it doesn't GRAB me like Wings did, and I can't afford to get sucked in to another game anyway.
The whole NO SAILS!!!! lark is a bit of fun, but is rooted in necessity!

09-29-2015, 03:19
I play WGF for the love of the game, and because I have this strange fascination with biplanes. The style of game play seems near perfect to me, particularly as I don't like dice oriented games.
I play WGS because my parents generation lived through it, and my father and his brother were both RAF aircrew. I don't particularly like the game play, although I appreciate it as a better system for the faster speeds and better reaction of the aircraft.
At the end of the day, of course we all have our preferences; some of us are able to bridge the gap, some of us are not.

I like researching the development of different aircraft, and a bit of modelling and painting, others don't have the time or the skill or the inclination.
I am not that interested in the minutiae of the battles and campaigns, whilst others are painstaking in that kind of research.

None of this make us right or wrong, it makes us human.

Just my two penn'orth

More to the topic of the thread,
Hooray, venue booked, ideas for games already coming out (nice one Andrzej), looking forward to it all.

Flying Officer Kyte
09-29-2015, 04:36
Thanks chaps.
I'm sure that the Committee will take all this into account in the arrangements for next year.
One point it flags up for me is the one Dom mentioned about no WW1 option whilst BoB was on. This was deliberate so as to make it the focal point of Sunday, but with hindsight it may be something to try and avoid in future.
However, as Neil says, you get what people are prepared to put on and run.

09-29-2015, 05:06
Got plane tickets booked :eek:
As for badges Red border on original design sounds good to me.

I'm sure closer to the time the request for suggetions for games and people to host them will go out , which gives everyone a chance to chip in a suggested project. This years I felt went really well, with a good mix of WGF and WGS for people to choose from. The SOGs table was a little light relief for me and I certainly enjoyed playing against and with other group members who have an interest it.
The only thing I hope that would carry over to 2016 is the suggested "Big Game" to be held on the Saturday PM, purely for selfish reasons in that Sunday afternoons I am always en route to EMA.
Otherwise carry on and keep flying.

09-29-2015, 05:41
Firstly a MASSIVE :thankyou: to everyone who has responded to my '1916?' posting. All read with respect and with great interest as one of the players whose currently (hopefully) in the process of championing WGS further: In the hope of altering those statistics the WingCo has given us. 703 WW1 / WGF : 160 WW2 / WGS.

Not only am I a WGS player full-time I'm also the son of a Historian meaning that I enjoy both playing the game as well as knowing what the game is all about in detail. However I do play WGF but only when the opportunity to do so is there and I enjoy the game more every time I play it. Same with the wife. I am unable to afford to take up playing both games full-time as well as being influenced by the way my interest in WW2 aviation has been serious ever since 2003 ... It was desperately in need of a change in direction though when I discovered WGS as 10 years of building construction kits was becoming boring. Please don't get me wrong - WGF is a perfectly good game which it is easy to become attracted towards. It's just my enthusiasm I guess the best word is (vehemence sounds too aggressive) really lies with WGS for obvious reasons.

The game that starts with an S: Cannot comment as I have yet to play it. Hopefully soon - in fact maybe this coming weekend?

Andy: Running your 1916 Campaign WGF idea is something I would support because as an FNP I've never written or taken part in any campaigns and would like to see one in action. Especially one written by you as that would definitely be good :) In fairness we did play the massive BoB game on the Sunday on the 75th Anniversary year so fair's fair. Just so long as WGS and if the enthusiasm for it is still there the game that begins with an S are also present at the event - gives the choice not the restriction.

Dom: Sorry to miss you at Doncaster this year - hopefully will get to meet you at the next one.

Tim: Thank you for letting me know what the NO SAILS!!! business is actually all about as every time I see this appear in a thread it does make me laugh loudly! Also read and appreciated the rest of your posting.

WingCo: Thank you too Sir especially for those statistics. Fingers crossed that after the plan for November 29th 2015 my efforts will bring a few more players our way - for both games. As I mentioned I hope I continue to handle this one with due care and attention instead of looking like I'm being pernickety / careless throughout this discussion.

Badges: I'll be ordering two when the time arises :)

Lt. S.Kafloc
09-29-2015, 05:56
With the venue dates confirmed the committee can take the advice offered and tie down the plan for 2016, hopefully at Derby this weekend.
One of the main changes mooted was moving the big game from Sunday pm to Sunday am. If we moved it to Saturday then it would clash with the Ace of Aces.

Badges, we voted for the format last year and have stuck with it for costs and simplicity. Looking forward to 2039 (I'll be 80!)when the 100th anniversary of WW2 can be celebrated the same way as we have endorsed WW1.


PS: Keep those game ideas in mind.

09-29-2015, 06:13
With the venue dates confirmed the committee can take the advice offered and tie down the plan for 2016, hopefully at Derby this weekend.
One of the main changes mooted was moving the big game from Sunday pm to Sunday am. If we moved it to Saturday then it would clash with the Ace of Aces.

Badges, we voted for the format last year and have stuck with it for costs and simplicity. Looking forward to 2039 (I'll be 80!)when the 100th anniversary of WW2 can be celebrated the same way as we have endorsed WW1.


PS: Keep those game ideas in mind.

Sunday AM would be good too :thumbsup:

PS Do I get to keep the Ace of Aces Bullseye award in perpituity or can I bring it back for hopefully someone else :crash:

10-01-2015, 11:12
Hooray for us and our wide diverse and enthusiastic support for the various incarnations of our game. Everyone has their favourites and there are enough folk around to be able to accommodate all viewpoints. I do agree with Tim in that WW1 seems more popular at shows (maybe because that is what is available model wise etc - might be a different story if the BoB planes were freely available). The beauty of an event like Doncaster is that we can play what we like - if there isn't a game that really grabs your fancy, well run one that does...

Vive la difference !

Flying Officer Kyte
10-01-2015, 11:24
I could not have put it better myself Chris.:clap:

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-01-2015, 12:24
All Bullseye awards are yours to keep:thumbsup:, whomever won them, next years will have Doncaster 2016 on the bottom.

You obviously missed that one Paul, same as Sunderland missing the net I suppose!:lol::lol::lol:


Sunday AM would be good too :thumbsup:

PS Do I get to keep the Ace of Aces Bullseye award in perpituity or can I bring it back for hopefully someone else :crash:

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-01-2015, 12:26
Couldn't agree more Chris.

Hooray for us and our wide diverse and enthusiastic support for the various incarnations of our game. Everyone has their favourites and there are enough folk around to be able to accommodate all viewpoints. I do agree with Tim in that WW1 seems more popular at shows (maybe because that is what is available model wise etc - might be a different story if the BoB planes were freely available). The beauty of an event like Doncaster is that we can play what we like - if there isn't a game that really grabs your fancy, well run one that does...

Vive la difference !

David Manley
10-01-2015, 13:55
Only 366 days to go until the flights assemble once more...... :)

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-01-2015, 14:12
WooHoo, the countdown has begun....

Only 366 days to go until the flights assemble once more...... :)

Flying Helmut
10-01-2015, 14:14
Only 366 days to go until the flights assemble once more...... :)

"Patient Zero" - :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

David Manley
10-01-2015, 14:19
Funny, thats what the call me in Liz's office too :)

10-01-2015, 15:35
Just one turn around our life supporting star called the Sun and we are back at Doncaster. Life goes on and we live to fly another day. Is not it wonderful, chaps?:D

Flying Officer Kyte
10-02-2015, 00:59
:hmm: Remember that Dave only gets to come next year if he serves six weeks in quarantine before the event.;)

10-02-2015, 02:54
Would like to put my name (and probably my good lady's) down for this next year. Will need a pointer on accomodation etc as this will be the first one for me.

10-02-2015, 04:08
There is a Premier Inn just around the corner from the museum, and another Premier Inn and a Travelodge close by. Then there is always AirBnB.

Chris (Boney10) is looking at a block booking at the Premier Inn. Will have to wait and see how many rooms he can secure and at what price.

- Neil.

10-02-2015, 06:34
All Bullseye awards are yours to keep:thumbsup:, whomever won them, next years will have Doncaster 2016 on the bottom.

You obviously missed that one Paul, same as Sunderland missing the net I suppose!:lol::lol::lol:


Thats cruel Neil, still theres plenty of room here at the bottom happy to move over this week end

10-02-2015, 06:58
:hmm: Remember that Dave only gets to come next year if he serves six weeks in quarantine before the event.;)

I am sure the doctors onboard HMS Belfast will do they job well and Dave, as a man of the sea, will be treated with necessary care.


Lt. S.Kafloc
10-02-2015, 07:39
It's a waiting game at the moment. Once Chris has finalised block room booking then we can go ahead.


10-02-2015, 09:20
I am sure the doctors onboard HMS Belfast will do they job well and Dave, as a man of the sea, will be treated with necessary care.


Nice one Andy :lol:

10-02-2015, 09:24
However a recent poll of those afflicted by the Manley Flu decided on this.


10-02-2015, 09:30
He must also have this placed on his Hotel room door.


10-02-2015, 09:31
However a recent poll of those afflicted by the Manley Flu decided on this.


Avast! It's the Crimson Permanent Assurance!

(for those who don't know what I'm talking about... http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xyqxc_the-crimson-permanent-assurance_fun)

10-02-2015, 09:45
Hang on ... I didn't think we were aiming for a David-free Doncaster 2016! :eek:

10-02-2015, 10:24
I'm doing my bit... ;)

Flying Officer Kyte
10-02-2015, 11:29
I'm doing my bit... ;)

Are you arranging the block booking at Hallamshire Royal Infirmary then Dave?;);)

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-02-2015, 11:41
Another case of Manlyitus strikes down the masses!

10-02-2015, 13:27
Ok I am almost back to life, just a cough now.
So can I confirm what are the dates we are looking at for Doncaster 2016 please.
I havent been able to look at block bookings yet, still on antibiotics to be honest, I hope to be back on track adter the Derby weekend.

10-02-2015, 15:30
I could not have put it better myself Chris.:clap:

I do my best sir, I can't paint like Tim and some of the others, but when it comes to a little well placed wordsmithing.... well that's another story...

10-02-2015, 15:30
Ok I am almost back to life, just a cough now.
So can I confirm what are the dates we are looking at for Doncaster 2016 please.
I havent been able to look at block bookings yet, still on antibiotics to be honest, I hope to be back on track adter the Derby weekend.

Confirmed for October 1st and 2nd Chris