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Lt. S.Kafloc
09-24-2015, 16:59
Well we have to start planning sooner or later.....

Date: TBC
Location: South Yorks Air Museum, Doncaster

The committee have had a chat and the format for next year will be slightly changed.

3-4 tables with 2-3 2 hour games per table. Depending if we can extend the finish time to 5.30pm.

Ace of Aces 3 hour game being the final game on Saturday.

Evening: Forum Meal

Morning slot Finale Game so everyone who is leaving early gets a chance to have a go.

Post-Finale 3-4 tables running any numbers of games that those staying behind want to play or want to organise.

Games for 2016:
If you are thinking of putting on a game for 2016 then get your thinking caps on. 2 hour game for min 6 to max 10 players. Either WGS/WGF/SoG.

2015 Stats:

Saturday: 7 games. 18 hours of games. 28 members involved.
2 SoG

Sunday: 4 Games. 12+ hours of games. 24 players involved. (20 for finale).
1 SoG

2014 Stats:

Saturday: 6 games. 16 hours of games. 26 members involved.

Sunday: 4 Games. 8 hours of games. 20 players involved. (18 for finale).

09-24-2015, 17:08
The South Yorks Air Museum is an excellent venue - understand we will be there again next year?

May I be the first to say Count Me In after this year's event? - two of us Me + Lady Wife :)

09-25-2015, 00:26
Glad the finale is moved to Sunday morning, was sorry to miss this year's but little point in participating as I was leaving early. Might be allowed out to play if SWMBO forgets how much I spent on books this year.......

09-25-2015, 00:49
A very reasonable change of schedule for Sunday, Neil.

09-25-2015, 05:27
Personally I'm not sure I could take a 3 hour Ace of Aces games, but that's not an issue as Ford's First Law of Doncaster is Take breaks and don't be afraid to sit out a game to chill.

The schedule looks great.

- Neil.

Flying Officer Kyte
09-25-2015, 06:47
Please also note that Chris(Boney10) was talking about doing a block booking for us at the Premier Inn for next year. That will need to be in the next month or so if you would like to do it.

09-25-2015, 07:14
Well we have to start planning sooner or later.....

Date: TBC
Location: South Yorks Air Museum, Doncaster

The committee have had a chat and the format for next year will be slightly changed.

3-4 tables with 2-3 2 hour games per table. Depending if we can extend the finish time to 5.30pm.

Ace of Aces 3 hour game being the final game on Saturday.

Evening: Forum Meal

Morning slot Finale Game so everyone who is leaving early gets a chance to have a go.

Post-Finale 3-4 tables running any numbers of games that those staying behind want to play or want to organise.

Games for 2016:
If you are thinking of putting on a game for 2016 then get your thinking caps on. 2 hour game for min 6 to max 10 players. Either WGS/WGF/SoG.

2015 Stats:

Saturday: 7 games. 18 hours of games. 28 members involved.
2 SoG

Sunday: 4 Games. 12+ hours of games. 24 players involved. (20 for finale).
1 SoG

2014 Stats:

Saturday: 6 games. 16 hours of games. 26 members involved.

Sunday: 4 Games. 8 hours of games. 20 players involved. (18 for finale).

Any Sails????

09-25-2015, 07:16
Glad the finale is moved to Sunday morning, was sorry to miss this year's but little point in participating as I was leaving early. Might be allowed out to play if SWMBO forgets how much I spent on books this year.......

Agreed Steve I would have selfishly suggested an earlier time for the finale game as Ryan air seem to like early afternoon flights.
As for the block booking any idea of the discount. got my 3 days via Bookings.com for 40£ night

09-25-2015, 07:17
Please also note that Chris(Boney10) was talking about doing a block booking for us at the Premier Inn for next year. That will need to be in the next month or so if you would like to do it.

I would like to put my name down, with Mrs Rebel of course, for the Saturday evening Forum Dinner. Don't need a hotel room as we can taxi in from home 9 miles away. That way I can still have a drink and it should be (slightly) cheaper than a hotel room.

09-25-2015, 08:44
Count me and Mrs CodEyes in and at £7.50 a night including electric hook up we shall be in the caravan again.

09-25-2015, 08:46
Got any room for anyone else? willing to pay £10 ;)

09-25-2015, 08:47
I can see Nick and John doing a brisk trade in tent rental with breakfast!

- Neil.

09-25-2015, 08:59
Definitely interested, as soon as a date is known (or potentials suggested).

David Manley
09-25-2015, 10:19
I must say, camping does look like at attractive option :)

09-25-2015, 10:28
You do realise that after this year you will be banished to the far corner of the field don't you?

That or someone will surround your tent with hazard tape!

- Neil.

Lt. S.Kafloc
09-25-2015, 10:31
OK. Provisional date for 2016..........16-18 September 2016.

Is this ok?

09-25-2015, 10:39
OK. Provisional date for 2016..........16-18 September 2016.

Is this ok?

Yes - noted in diary :)

From now on Doncaster takes priority for us (Me + Lady Wife) ... So yes.

09-25-2015, 10:53
OK. Provisional date for 2016..........16-18 September 2016.

Is this ok?

They look okay now, but as a freelancer, if a high paying gig pops up, I may well be otherwise detained. For now, the dates are noted in the diary.

- Neil.

Flying Officer Kyte
09-25-2015, 11:47
OK. Provisional date for 2016..........16-18 September 2016.

Is this ok?

Fine with me Neil.

09-25-2015, 11:51
Got any room for anyone else? willing to pay £10 ;)

No probs but I snore and Mrs CodEyes has trouble with wind so you would need ear plugs and a gas mask

09-25-2015, 11:55
I must say, camping does look like at attractive option :)

Isolated ,In a field a long way from human contact.


09-25-2015, 11:56
No probs but I snore and Mrs CodEyes has trouble with wind so you would need ear plugs and a gas mask

Have been putting up with those problems for decades. :surrender:

09-25-2015, 11:57
OK. Provisional date for 2016..........16-18 September 2016.

Is this ok?

Yep, looks OK for us

Lt. S.Kafloc
09-25-2015, 12:02
As soon as I get the nod from Chris (hedeby) and Chris (Boney10), we will be up and away.

Lt. S.Kafloc
09-25-2015, 12:02
Or full sails/steam ahead and damn the torpedoes!

09-25-2015, 12:03
So its a 3 day event or just a prequel on the Friday 16th ? Count me in anyway , and my trusty case packer Mary , who might even give the game a go.

09-25-2015, 12:18
Or full sails/steam ahead and damn the torpedoes!

No Sails!!!1

Flying Officer Kyte
09-25-2015, 12:29
I said NO SAILS!



09-25-2015, 13:05
Those dates work for me.

David Manley
09-25-2015, 13:14
If you guys are lucky Manchester United will be playing at home (so Liz and my son will be away) and my daughter will have a showjumping event that weekend (which I will have to take her to) so I won't be able to come.

On the other hand.....


09-25-2015, 13:44
Count me in for next year. The dates work very well as I wont be on shift and as Military I wont have to put in any annual leave to attend. BONUS.

Lt. S.Kafloc
09-25-2015, 14:39
Friday night will be put into the mix if it's doable and Chris can organise the venue again.

Flying Helmut
09-25-2015, 15:03
I'm in!

Lt. S.Kafloc
09-25-2015, 16:23
OK everybody, we want a good attendance next year. So spread the word, and keep spreading it.

Hopefully we will have the Teeside flight and Northumberland flight down next year. Could we see a showing from UK South Squadron too?

The more who attend the cheaper it gets.

Monthly updates you can expect.

As for Hotel Block Booking give Chris a chance to pull himself round, then we can start the numbers game.

09-25-2015, 16:44
Perhaps after I retire in 2017 I can make it over and have some fun...:)

I guess you'll have to keep the venue going for a couple of more years...

All the best,

09-25-2015, 19:49
I would like to attend again but I am afraid that I cannot commit myself this early.

09-26-2015, 00:35
Friday night will be put into the mix if it's doable and Chris can organise the venue again.

Brilliant. Lets hope it goes with a BANG :eek::embarrass:

09-26-2015, 01:48
OK. Provisional date for 2016..........16-18 September 2016.

Is this ok?

I will confirm booking with the museum today

Flying Officer Kyte
09-26-2015, 01:55
Great Chris, then Boney can start taking bookings for the Premier Inn.

10-02-2015, 09:33
Mary and I will need Friday and Sat night please

10-02-2015, 11:59
We will be caravaning again, and yes we have a couple of spare two/three berth tents we will happily rent out
Bring own camp bed/sleeping bag etc

10-02-2015, 12:01
Mrs Biggles is offering to cook bacon for many

10-03-2015, 01:27
Mrs Biggles is offering to cook bacon for many

A 'rasher 'decision I havn't heard in a long time :eat:

10-03-2015, 02:13
Mrs Biggles is offering to cook bacon for many
I have a good feeling about this…:D

10-03-2015, 03:16
Is everyone aware that the dates set for Doncaster 2016 are actually October 1st - October 2nd 2016? Dates mentioned above were not available.

Just checking if everyone was already aware as there has been no mention of this so far on this thread.

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-03-2015, 06:16
40 bacon sarnies, 15 mugs of tea and 8 coffee's to go please.....

Mrs Biggles is offering to cook bacon for many

David Manley
10-04-2015, 23:32
Alas I have just heard that the date for Blast Tastic 2016 is 1st October. It is a fledgling show run by a friend and one that I am keen to support and grow so I'm afraid I will have to pass up Doncaster for 2016 :(

Hope we are back with the September date for 2017

10-05-2015, 00:21
Alas I have just heard that the date for Blast Tastic 2016 is 1st October. It is a fledgling show run by a friend and one that I am keen to support and grow so I'm afraid I will have to pass up Doncaster for 2016 :(

Hope we are back with the September date for 2017

David ... Oh no. Very sorry to hear this news but understand. Says me whose going to have to miss Hammerhead 2016 next year through similar circumstances. These things happen.

How did the Stingray event go in Bristol BTW? Hope it was successful as Thunderbirds Were Go for me over weekend. Literally! As you may have understood from the Derby World Wargames thread :eek: :)

10-05-2015, 00:34
Sorry to hear you will not make it next year Dave. I suppose the chance to infect new victims is just too good to miss. :D :sick:

10-05-2015, 00:59
Alas I have just heard that the date for Blast Tastic 2016 is 1st October. It is a fledgling show run by a friend and one that I am keen to support and grow so I'm afraid I will have to pass up Doncaster for 2016 :(

Hope we are back with the September date for 2017

Oh, poo! Had a really fun, if slightly damaging on the wallet, though I did resist the SE5s hidden on one stand, at Blast Tastic on Saturday and it is on my list of events to support, it being relatively local, and sci-fi centric. Looks like I will have to see how the land lies nearer the time and make a call on which way to jump.

- Neil.

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-05-2015, 05:30
Just to add further insult to injury Derby Worlds WILL be on over weekend 1st - 2nd October 2016.

10-05-2015, 06:43
OOPPs To late I have booked the flight

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-05-2015, 08:53
Don't worry Paul. Our weekend stands.


10-05-2015, 08:58
Ouch! First no David M and now this news ...

Gordon Bennett that is the second big clash to occur next year! Choosing Doncaster 2016 on basis of above Our Weekend Stands posting.

10-05-2015, 09:00
Just to add further insult to injury Derby Worlds WILL be on over weekend 1st - 2nd October 2016.

Oh FFS - typical, means we will probably lose a few. Spoke to Rob on Saturday and wouldn't want to lose our slot at the Derby show, maybe we can work something out with a couple of folks alternating Saturday and Sunday. We are all resourceful chaps so I am sure we can work something out.

10-05-2015, 09:01
Don't worry Paul. Our weekend stands.


Too right.... I can't stagger home from Derby, lol

10-05-2015, 09:32
Doncaster and Derby are roughly one hour apart when one is driving. If anyone's on public transport Doncaster to Derby train services run hourly on weekend days.

The Skylink bus service from Derby station direct to Donington Racing Circuit runs every 20 minutes Saturday and half hourly on Sunday. It leaves from and drops you back straight outside the station.

Alternating between events. Great idea even though Doncaster is rapidly becoming our Flagship Event as the UK contingent of the Aerodrome IMHO.

10-05-2015, 10:27
Too right.... I can't stagger home from Derby, lol

And we could do with another pre Donnie might at you games hide out if thats possible.

10-05-2015, 10:31
I have to be at EMA in the Sunday afternoon so could do a morning till 2.30 slot, infact would love to if there is a place available . :)

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-05-2015, 10:41
Is this for Derby Worlds Paul?

I have to be at EMA in the Sunday afternoon so could do a morning till 2.30 slot, infact would love to if there is a place available . :)

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-05-2015, 10:42
Chris are you going to Robs this weekend? We can have a meeting to hammer out possibilities etc if you are.

Must dash for now chaps, rehearsal night for Panto. Oh yes it is.....

(Remember Andy Panto Wife/Real Wife, for singing with/for dancing with......

10-05-2015, 11:01
Needs must. We will think very seriously about becoming alternators too next year between Doncaster <-> Derby when I get home on Thursday.

Missus now aware of clash and does not mind if we alternate. Gather this means only one table for us at Derby on both days next year so less staffing or presence required?

David Manley
10-05-2015, 11:28
How did the Stingray event go in Bristol BTW?

It went really well, had some stonking games, lots of chat about the rules, models etc. Some good suggestions offered regrading publishing the rules at some point (as a generic set of SF submarine rules). Made some new friends and a familiar face turned up as well :)

David Manley
10-05-2015, 11:31
Oh FFS - typical, means we will probably lose a few. Spoke to Rob on Saturday and wouldn't want to lose our slot at the Derby show, maybe we can work something out with a couple of folks alternating Saturday and Sunday. We are all resourceful chaps so I am sure we can work something out.

I wonder if this could be an opportunity - set up to identical tables at each venue, have one side playing from Derby, one side from Doncaster and play via videolnk, skype etc. I've never heard of anything like this being done at a show (which might indicate the practicality of the suggestion) but if it did work it would be awesome :)

10-05-2015, 11:43
I wonder if this could be an opportunity - set up to identical tables at each venue, have one side playing from Derby, one side from Doncaster and play via videolnk, skype etc. I've never heard of anything like this being done at a show (which might indicate the practicality of the suggestion) but if it did work it would be awesome :)

Massive +1 :salute:

David glad Stingray event went well in Bristol. Would like an opportunity to see this or other naval themed game of yours like the Cod Wars idea being played - you have got me genuinely interested now :)

10-05-2015, 11:47
And we could do with another pre Donnie might at you games hide out if thats possible.

That's guaranteed - will make sure there are more of us and more beer..... may even have a word with one of my designated drivers and join in the beery part of the evening (who am I kidding? lol)

10-05-2015, 12:16
Biggest hurdle is likely to be the level of connectivity at the museum. It didn't strike me as somewhere with ultra high speed broadband. That issue aside, the rest is definitely feasible.

- Neil.

Flying Helmut
10-05-2015, 13:27
Sorry to hear you will not make it next year Dave. I suppose the chance to infect new victims is just too good to miss. :D :sick:

He's worried we may have all built up an immunity...............;)

Flying Helmut
10-05-2015, 13:30
Doncaster would get priority from me, but if needed to cover the Worlds, I suppose I could be persuaded to give up 1 day.

I'm told I'm pretty easily persuaded to do stuff (unless it has Sails!)

10-05-2015, 13:34
Biggest hurdle is likely to be the level of connectivity at the museum. It didn't strike me as somewhere with ultra high speed broadband. That issue aside, the rest is definitely feasible.

This reminds me too of how off the end of the runways at East Midlands Airport the ILS can cause bad connectivity. Donington Racing Circuit OK if Runway 27 in use but if 09 in use instead this could occur.

Mobile phone signals also bad in same areas as these are also affected by the ILS. Even when weather is severe clear but so I gather the way around this problem is to use wi-fi.

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-05-2015, 14:54
Might be a bit much as we would have to trial run it with links at both ends to see what is feasible.

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-05-2015, 14:58
If We were running a table at Derby Worlds the minimum requirement would be 3. Lets get Doncaster 2016 off the ground and see how many members we have then we could ask for volunteers or perhaps those who would rather do the Worlds and not come to Doncaster. But like I said lets get Doncaster 2016 off the ground first.

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-05-2015, 15:12
Just as an addition already contact show organisers to find out if there is any wifi access in the main show/display hall.


Flying Helmut
10-05-2015, 15:22
There is - there was a sign on the wall giving the password to their Wi-Fi service

10-05-2015, 15:24

10-05-2015, 16:25
I agree that we should treat Doncaster 2016 with priority as it is our Flagship event. The more I think about Skype link idea the more it appeals to me if we can somehow get this to work.

There is always a first time for everything. Plus if we do use it not only does public see game but also what the Aerodrome as a community is capable of when we need to band together and be resourceful.

My laptop can use wi-fi and has webcam facility. Bed time for me now interesting day ahead FT getting heads up about Vulcan XH558 in our training airspace areas October 10th and 11th tomorrow :thumbsup:

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-06-2015, 14:52
Yes just had confirmation that there is wifi (free) available at the Worlds location. Now we just need to check Doncaster for free wifi and test the link!

There is - there was a sign on the wall giving the password to their Wi-Fi service

10-06-2015, 15:11
I dont think the AIr Museum has wi-fi (yet) - I will speak to Tracy and find out.

10-06-2015, 15:24
There wasn't any in evidence when we were there. Couldn't detect any signals on the appropriate frequencies that I couldn't account for.

- Neil.

10-06-2015, 16:28
I have never heard of South Yorks Air Museum having a free wi-fi facility and the Wife and I know the place quite well.

Not knowing Donington Racing Circuit had a free facility is different because I am not a petrol head. So other than telepathy I wonder how else we could create a live link Doncaster <-> Derby?

10-06-2015, 16:48
Someone would have to go to Doncaster, who has a wi-fi broadband USB stick, and pay for the access to the internet.

10-06-2015, 17:21
Someone would have to go to Doncaster, who has a wi-fi broadband USB stick, and pay for the access to the internet.

That is exactly what I was dreading. Only way of funding that is if we all club together.

But then it already costs around GBP 11.00 each to hire the venue and all this would do is increase that cost further. Bed time for me I will try and dream a bright idea up ...

10-06-2015, 23:55
4G wireless hotspot would be the way to go, 3G at a push. 3GB of data should be enough if something that compresses the video feed enough is used. I need to check current prices (on mobile right now), but last time I looked that was about £20. So not cheap compared to regular broadband, but not bank breaking. And if you use it for one game a day, more than enough.

- Neil.

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-07-2015, 02:13
£20/day or per hour?

10-07-2015, 02:23
3GB over a 3 month period.


- Neil.

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-07-2015, 02:25
How much time would 3gb give us? Could we cover 6 hours of gaming on both days with it?

10-07-2015, 02:34
It should do, but as I said earlier, it will depend on the actual application used. Skype is horribly inefficient. There are alternatives which do much better video compression.

If I get a chance I'll do some tests and see what average data rates are like. Will have to wait until I'm back from hacking dinosaurs though...

- Neil.

10-07-2015, 09:53
There is good 4G at Doncaster, Amy and I both used it (sparingly, only 500mb/month on our tarrif).
How much it costs on a dongle I wouldn't know.

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-13-2015, 14:40
Ok chaps this seems to be a general discussion thread for Doncaster 2016/Derby Worlds 2016 and will remain so. After the new year I will open a purely Doncaster 2016 Event Organisation thread. As such the priority for organising will be Doncaster 2016, Derby Worlds 2016 will evolve separately from this and if the two can be brought together (ie skype or other link) then that will be left to others to accomplish.


Lt. S.Kafloc
10-13-2015, 14:45
Looking at participants, ie members attending, the total number of gaming tables will be worked out by dividing those attending by 9. (We need 36 for 4 tables).
1 games organiser and 8 (minimum) participants.

On 2015 numbers that still gives us 3 tables, 9 game slots plus the Ace of Aces and the finale game. The only change will be that the finale will be Sunday AM and the 3 game slots for Sunday PM.

So please everyone who attended spread the word. We know Derby Worlds is the same weekend but if people can attend for 1 day then we should encourage them to do so.

For those who wish to put on games get working on them.


10-13-2015, 15:20
Would love to run my two seater game again..... but nothing with Spads, I don't think, lol

Flying Helmut
10-13-2015, 15:23
Would love to run my two seater game again..... but nothing with Spads, I don't think, lol

Awwwww, go on........:guns::guns::guns:

10-14-2015, 09:13
If We were running a table at Derby Worlds the minimum requirement would be 3. Lets get Doncaster 2016 off the ground and see how many members we have then we could ask for volunteers or perhaps those who would rather do the Worlds and not come to Doncaster. But like I said lets get Doncaster 2016 off the ground first.

I could do Sunday morning till 14.00Hrs at Derby Worlds at Donnington as its handy for my plane that day Neil. Happy to run a game as well if you wish.

10-14-2015, 09:16
Awwwww, go on........:guns::guns::guns::lol: :lol:

10-14-2015, 10:55
is confirmed
Excited already ! ~ easily done!
Chris ~ Boney10 please include Friday night as well
Chris ~ Hedeby ~ update ref Mess Dinner night ~ PM me when you can, Thx

10-14-2015, 13:53
Do we want Sails again at Doncaster?
I do not mind organising the games again if we do

10-14-2015, 13:57
More Sails !!!

Flying Officer Kyte
10-14-2015, 14:40
More Sails !!!

Very amusing Paul.
I would also like to see another Sails game at Doncaster Chris.

10-15-2015, 08:15
Yep its a life on the ocean wave for me for 1 game at least.

Flying Helmut
10-15-2015, 11:28
At least one game fewer than that, for me.........................

<<no sails>>

10-15-2015, 12:41
At least one game fewer than that, for me.........................

<<no sails>>

Minimalist :)

10-15-2015, 14:40
MOST DEFINITELY want more sails games - although will need a Hazchem suit I'f I'm sitting next to Dave 'The Flu' Manley again

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-15-2015, 15:45
Sadly Dave has informed us that he cannot attend...Ahhhh.


MOST DEFINITELY want more sails games - although will need a Hazchem suit I'f I'm sitting next to Dave 'The Flu' Manley again

Flying Officer Kyte
10-16-2015, 01:12
At least it is real Manley flu we had and not just man flu Chris.:D

10-16-2015, 14:45
Perhaps someone else could take on the job of infecting the gathered host ? Any volunteers :) :sick:

Something new and exciting with a nautical theme perhaps. Scurvy, a spot of Dysentery or better still Cholera .

Flying Officer Kyte
10-17-2015, 01:05
Perhaps someone else could take on the job of infecting the gathered host ? Any volunteers :) :sick:

Something new and exciting with a nautical theme perhaps. Scurvy, a spot of Dysentery or better still Cholera .

:eek:Don't tempt the Gods Paul!;)

10-17-2015, 01:29
Perhaps someone else could take on the job of infecting the gathered host ? Any volunteers :) :sick:

Something new and exciting with a nautical theme perhaps. Scurvy, a spot of Dysentery or better still Cholera .

Try seasickness :sick:

Easy to evoke as it's motion sickness / disturbance of the inner ear and therefore easy to dispense with before the games start :puke:

JUST SO LONG AS the right sleeping quarters are targeted and not Johnbiggles' or CodEyes' caravans! :takecover:

10-17-2015, 01:37
More Sails !!!

+1 :salute: missed out on the chance to play last time although I am not drinking alcohol during the game. I noticed the Sails game was the first one with the beers out at the 2015 event ...

10-17-2015, 02:04
+1 :salute: missed out on the chance to play last time although I am not drinking alcohol during the game. I noticed the Sails game was the first one with the beers out at the 2015 event ...

I had stocked the fridge and seeing as it was at least 10:30am it was adjudged to be 'Beer O'Clock'

10-17-2015, 04:20
It was when Marion (Mazzle) said to me that it was supposed to be a gaming weekend not a stag do that I first began to worry about 'Beer O'Clock' being during Duty Hours. I mean ... fair enough people enjoy a drink or two.

Karma was obviously listening to my silent observations on the Saturday when during the first game we played I pointed at the prize table and said to Marion that one of those two Lancaster Bombers on there had our names written on it. Later that same day the Second Prize one went to me and we had to leave before the Ace of Aces game began with an aircraft to get home without the loss of a single propeller blade. I do like my Cobra Beer I have to admit in sensible quantities but I would just never try and drink & play. Sounds too much like a bunch of :minis: coming home with all of their propeller blades lost collectively! :hmm: :money:

10-17-2015, 04:27
Just to let you all know, the Doncaster 2016 pin badge will be the same design but with a Red Scroll with Doncaster 2016 on it.
So plenty of time to decide if you want one or not. The cost is dependant on numbers so once I get finalised numbers I can give a price.

10-17-2015, 04:32
Just to let you all know, the Doncaster 2016 pin badge will be the same design but with a Red Scroll with Doncaster 2016 on it.
So plenty of time to decide if you want one or not. The cost is dependant on numbers so once I get finalised numbers I can give a price.

Yes please x 2 ... Can hardly play Doncaster 2016 and not come away with the official badge can we?

Flying Helmut
10-17-2015, 05:10
One for me as well, please!
I've already booked the time off with work.

10-17-2015, 14:35
Perhaps someone else could take on the job of infecting the gathered host ? Any volunteers :) :sick:

Something new and exciting with a nautical theme perhaps. Scurvy, a spot of Dysentery or better still Cholera .

Or for all the re enactors in the group a touch of Scrofula?

10-17-2015, 14:36
Just to let you all know, the Doncaster 2016 pin badge will be the same design but with a Red Scroll with Doncaster 2016 on it.
So plenty of time to decide if you want one or not. The cost is dependant on numbers so once I get finalised numbers I can give a price.

one for me pleas Chris

10-17-2015, 14:42
It was when Marion (Mazzle) said to me that it was supposed to be a gaming weekend not a stag do that I first began to worry about 'Beer O'Clock' being during Duty Hours. I mean ... fair enough people enjoy a drink or two.

Karma was obviously listening to my silent observations on the Saturday when during the first game we played I pointed at the prize table and said to Marion that one of those two Lancaster Bombers on there had our names written on it. Later that same day the Second Prize one went to me and we had to leave before the Ace of Aces game began with an aircraft to get home without the loss of a single propeller blade. I do like my Cobra Beer I have to admit in sensible quantities but I would just never try and drink & play. Sounds too much like a bunch of :minis: coming home with all of their propeller blades lost collectively! :hmm: :money:

Blimey - things would have been more 'beery' if Ringbolt had rocked up with his 72 pint barrel/firkin of ale as was in the original plan.
Think we are all grown up enough not to get hammered and trash the place but a few beers with good friends seems a most pleasurable way of passing the time...
Just a thought if you have lots of beer whilst wargaming - especially a WW2 armoured clash - does that make it a Stug Night?

We will have access to the kitchen area again next year so plenty of tea and coffee on tap for those who prefer there refreshments slightly less hops based.... and plenty of room in the fridge for those that do..

Cheers - roll on 2016 !!!!

10-17-2015, 15:34
Cheers - roll on 2016 !!!!

+1 :salute: Nicely Said Sir - looking forward to it already as no doubt we all are.

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-17-2015, 15:59
Cheers - roll on 2016 !!!! ????? Should be Cheers - Stottie on 2016, I don't do rolls!

10-18-2015, 00:13
Just to let you all know, the Doncaster 2016 pin badge will be the same design but with a Red Scroll with Doncaster 2016 on it.
So plenty of time to decide if you want one or not. The cost is dependant on numbers so once I get finalised numbers I can give a price.

One for me please

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-18-2015, 02:59
Two again for me please.

Flying Helmut
10-18-2015, 05:44
It was when Marion (Mazzle) said to me that it was supposed to be a gaming weekend not a stag do

Well, that was un-called-for.:hmm:

10-18-2015, 05:51
A badge for me please Chris. Plane tickets booked. :)

10-18-2015, 05:59
Blimey - things would have been more 'beery' if Ringbolt had rocked up with his 72 pint barrel/firkin of ale as was in the original plan.
Think we are all grown up enough not to get hammered and trash the place but a few beers with good friends seems a most pleasurable way of passing the time...
Just a thought if you have lots of beer whilst wargaming - especially a WW2 armoured clash - does that make it a Stug Night?

We will have access to the kitchen area again next year so plenty of tea and coffee on tap for those who prefer there refreshments slightly less hops based.... and plenty of room in the fridge for those that do..

Cheers - roll on 2016 !!!!

Tot time for the Matlows me thinks. :pint:

10-18-2015, 09:33
Well, that was un-called-for.:hmm:

Marion was still getting used to the drinking idea being perfectly safe #LforLearner

10-18-2015, 09:34
One badge for me please.

10-18-2015, 11:13
+1 :salute: Nicely Said Sir - looking forward to it already as no doubt we all are.

For those of us in far flung lands , well Brittany ;) , it is highlighted on the calendar of must attend events .:D

10-18-2015, 11:18
Flagship Event for the Aerodrome IMHO - It's great to be a part of it :salute: :thumbsup:

(PS - apologies for use of term Flagship I couldn't think of a better alternative ...)

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-18-2015, 11:41
(PS - apologies for use of term Flagship I couldn't think of a better alternative ...)

Airship event?

Flying Officer Kyte
10-18-2015, 11:56
Two badges for me please Chris.

10-18-2015, 12:37
multiple badges for my lot as usual Chris.

Regarding the demon drink, as a good Methodist I can only abhor the dreadful consumption of intoxicating liquors during play.....good thing I'm not that good a Methodist.
Now then, where did I put that bottle opener.

David Manley
10-18-2015, 14:22
I quite like it when my opponents have a drink or two during a game, dulls their reflexes, cliuds their judgement and makes them ripe for the kill :)

Of course it can be taken to extremes. I remember one of our Traveller RPG sessions where anew player downed the best part of a bottle of cheap whiskey, then decided he'd had enough, ran out of the building, deposited said whiskey in the street, ran home but actually ran straight into a lamp post. It took the best part of 2 hours to actually get him home safe and sound.

Of course in the interim we killed his character :D

10-18-2015, 14:27
I quite like it when my opponents have a drink or two during a game, dulls their reflexes, cliuds their judgement and makes them ripe for the kill :)

Of course it can be taken to extremes. I remember one of our Traveller RPG sessions where anew player downed the best part of a bottle of cheap whiskey, then decided he'd had enough, ran out of the building, deposited said whiskey in the street, ran home but actually ran straight into a lamp post. It took the best part of 2 hours to actually get him home safe and sound.

Of course in the interim we killed his character :D

Ah! Now there's a blast from the past. I've still got all those Traveller Rule Books somewhere up in the loft. Happy days!

10-18-2015, 16:25
Ah! Now there's a blast from the past. I've still got all those Traveller Rule Books somewhere up in the loft. Happy days!

Aaah Traveller the only game where after two hours of creating a really in depth character you could have them killed off in the final stages of character generation - genius, lol

10-18-2015, 16:27
Tot time for the Matlows me thinks. :pint:

That's not a bad idea Paul - I like the cut of you jib sir - make it really authentic and drink neat rum out of tin mugs, lol

Flying Officer Kyte
10-19-2015, 07:25
Two badges for me please Chris.

Not quite what I said but it will do until next year.

David Manley
10-19-2015, 08:39
Perhaps someone else could take on the job of infecting the gathered host ? Any volunteers :) :sick:

Something new and exciting with a nautical theme perhaps. Scurvy, a spot of Dysentery or better still Cholera .

If you want I can put together a little package next time I'm at Porton Down and send it along with Chris to open when he gets there :)

10-19-2015, 08:53
Just to let you all know, the Doncaster 2016 pin badge will be the same design but with a Red Scroll with Doncaster 2016 on it.
So plenty of time to decide if you want one or not. The cost is dependant on numbers so once I get finalised numbers I can give a price.

One for me please Chris.

10-19-2015, 10:03
Ah! Now there's a blast from the past. I've still got all those Traveller Rule Books somewhere up in the loft. Happy days!

I even have some of the figures in the original box, and a boxed copy of Snapshot, seems like yesterday. ;)

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-19-2015, 10:05
I got the skirmish game can't remember what it was called but lost one of the rule books! (Started with an S, I think)

10-19-2015, 10:07
That's not a bad idea Paul - I like the cut of you jib sir - make it really authentic and drink neat rum out of tin mugs, lol

Pussers or Woods Navy 100 of course. When we lived in Plymouth there was a pub next to the Navy dockyard that was run by a retired CPO . He kept to the Navy tot times and all the rum was half price for 30mins. Happy fuzzy days. :)

10-19-2015, 10:26
I got the skirmish game can't remember what it was called but lost one of the rule books! (Started with an S, I think)

Could be Snapshot?

10-19-2015, 10:29
Not quite what I said but it will do until next year.


Lt. S.Kafloc
10-19-2015, 13:39
Nope. Got it. It was Striker

Could be Snapshot?

10-19-2015, 13:50
(PS - apologies for use of term Flagship I couldn't think of a better alternative ...)

Gunship Event.

Ever seen the video to their song Fly For Your Life?

David Manley
10-19-2015, 13:59
Nope. Got it. It was Striker

I think I've got at least one copy of everything GDW did for the "LBB" edition of Traveller including AHL and two copies of 5FW :)

10-19-2015, 14:56
Ever seen the video to their song Fly For Your Life?

Yes and it's derived from a cartoon called Paths of Hate. Both are on Youtube and feature an animated dogfight between a WW2 Supermarine Spitfire Mk Vb and a Messerschmitt Bf.109E.

10-20-2015, 09:00
Nope. Got it. It was Striker

Could be ! Thats what NUFC need anyway :)

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-20-2015, 10:39
What do Sunderland need...a team? Oh sorry you're using some of our hasbeens....:lol::lol::lol::lol::takecover::surrender:

10-20-2015, 11:27
At least they have been there :o

10-20-2015, 11:32
Ye want them back ?:confused:

10-24-2015, 11:01
Could we see a showing from UK South Squadron too?

I take it you meant the South East of England Squadron Neil ?
Well, you already do have a showing....!
I doubt very much that I will ever get there. Time, distance and money are against it but Tim is my very able Squadron rep, and technically Gunners is one of mine too ! :lol: :pint:

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-24-2015, 12:02
Ooh you tease Dave. Thought for a minute we might see you there!

10-29-2015, 02:02
Dave Manley is intercepted as he enters the venue for Donny 16....

10-29-2015, 02:39
Must be an imposter as David,s already said he won't be there.

- Neil.

10-29-2015, 02:44
That's a cunning deception plan and he's in disguise :p

10-29-2015, 05:54
I take it you meant the South East of England Squadron Neil ?
Well, you already do have a showing....!
I doubt very much that I will ever get there. Time, distance and money are against it but Tim is my very able Squadron rep, and technically Gunners is one of mine too ! :lol: :pint:

One of your what? :confused:

10-29-2015, 06:50
Dave Manley is intercepted as he enters the venue for Donny 16....

Well we can now distribute the ill-health jibes as a second Member has probably just become notorious for headaches of this nature which they too are profusely apologetic for ...

Though the reason the GM2015 Event has now had to be cancelled was because the person whose brainchild this was didn't want to be likened to a quote from BBC1's mini-serial Sparkhouse (first aired 2002) ... Carol played by Sarah Smart says the original quote during Episode 2 about the character played by Richard Armitage:

'Hey look at the aeroplanes ... Look at the gaming mats ... Look at the damage tokens ... Look at the grumpy b*****d!'

David Manley
10-29-2015, 07:11
Dave Manley is intercepted as he enters the venue for Donny 16....

Dammit, I'll just have to go somewhere else. Lucky I have my driver with me :)

10-29-2015, 07:47
One of your what? :confused:

One of the SE England chaps - think in the re-org Essex dropped into the SE Sqn ...:eek:
Yeah, it was months before I noticed too. :slysmile:

10-29-2015, 08:21
One of the SE England chaps - think in the re-org Essex dropped into the SE Sqn ...:eek:
Yeah, it was months before I noticed too. :slysmile:

What re-org? :confused: What replaced Essex in Central? :confused::confused: Does Central even exist?:eek: Do I exist? :eek::eek:

David Manley
10-29-2015, 09:00
What re-org? :confused: What replaced Essex in Central? :confused::confused: Does Central even exist?:eek: Do I exist? :eek::eek:

""We trained hard, but it seemed that every time we were beginning
to form up into teams, we would be reorganized. I was to learn later
in life that we tend to meet any new situation by reorganizing;
and a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress
while producing confusion, inefficiency, and demoralization."

Roman cavalryman, AD67 :)

10-29-2015, 09:29
""We trained hard, but it seemed that every time we were beginning
to form up into teams, we would be reorganized. I was to learn later
in life that we tend to meet any new situation by reorganizing;
and a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress
while producing confusion, inefficiency, and demoralization."

Roman cavalryman, AD67 :)

Them Romans sure knew what it was all about.

Lt. S.Kafloc
10-29-2015, 10:02
Dave and driver, incognito (wherever that is!) and in disguise (I do know where that is), try to make it to Doncaster 2016 by an alternative route.


Dammit, I'll just have to go somewhere else. Lucky I have my driver with me :)

10-29-2015, 10:42
Them Romans sure knew what it was all about.

What did the Romans ever do for us????

Had to do it:embarrass:

Flying Officer Kyte
10-29-2015, 12:16
Dammit, I'll just have to go somewhere else. Lucky I have my driver with me :)

Nice Driver though Dave.;)



11-22-2015, 18:22
So, just cause I'm easily confused, and can't sort out the banter...

The dates for Doncaster are, in fact, Oct 1st and 2nd?

And is there an aircraft carrier available in the UK with which I can host a game, or is there an address to which I can pre-mail the Glorious?

My Better Half and I are starting a "Trip to England" spare change jar, and negotiating with a relative (who works for an airline) for travel assistance.

11-23-2015, 01:17
Does this mean you might be coming over for donnie then Mike? :pray:

Flying Officer Kyte
11-23-2015, 01:59
Sounds pretty much that way Paul.

11-23-2015, 02:08
Wow that would be an awesome addition to our get together - fingers crossed

Lt. S.Kafloc
11-23-2015, 02:12
Mike I had in mind to do a build, Pacific based though. We have time to sort out a yeah or nay then post as last resort.


Flying Helmut
11-23-2015, 04:23
I have Akagi, Kaga, Ryujo, Hornet, Enterprise and Hancock in 1/700 scale, if they're any use?

11-23-2015, 07:50
Mike I had in mind to do a build, Pacific based though. We have time to sort out a yeah or nay then post as last resort.


The RN didn't have any Furious-style carriers in the Pacific, so Gloriuos could stay home. But there are a bunch of 1/200 scale Midway carriers around. We'd just have to arrange shipping to/from their depot for them to make an appearance?

11-23-2015, 09:04
Sounds stunning , Book me a chair in that game please:sAprvd:

Lt. S.Kafloc
11-23-2015, 11:31
Was thinking Ryujo or Shoho.

11-23-2015, 20:27
Was thinking Ryujo or Shoho.
Any carriers that were similar to ones Dave [clipper1801] has already made? I suspect that room to play out Midway at 1/200 scale would be limited, but we could do one of each side?

11-23-2015, 20:36
Hmmm . . . might know a guy who has a few collecting dust along with aircraft both IJN and USN, they might enjoy a trip across the pond on a lend lease basis . . .

11-23-2015, 22:09
Hmmm . . . might know a guy who has a few collecting dust along with aircraft both IJN and USN, they might enjoy a trip across the pond on a lend lease basis . . .

I think we are thinking of the same fellow, Dave.

11-24-2015, 00:01
Any carriers that were similar to ones Dave [clipper1801] has already made? I suspect that room to play out Midway at 1/200 scale would be limited, but we could do one of each side?

There is a large carpark at the venue if you want to go the whole hog :minis:

11-24-2015, 14:12
So with all these carriers on the horizon - what range of aircraft will be available for me to crash into their decks?

let me check my manoeuvre cards again - height 1, straight- straight- dive - sorted....

Flying Helmut
11-24-2015, 14:30
At least there's one carrier that won't be at Donnie ; Dave "Patient Zero" Manley!

Lt. S.Kafloc
11-24-2015, 14:59
I was thinking more a one sided US attack on the Shoho during Coral Sea.

11-24-2015, 15:23
At least there's one carrier that won't be at Donnie ; Dave "Patient Zero" Manley!

AWESOME - laughed so much I fell off my chair - thanks Tim

11-24-2015, 15:44
So with all these carriers on the horizon - what range of aircraft will be available for me to crash into their decks?

Try the one I've just created thanks to looking at this posting out of a large ball of blu-tack ... Which now resembles a Japanese Ohka kamikaze aircraft ... Oh blow I've left the rockets off!

So the highlight of Doncaster 2016 is looking rather like landing a bird on a postage stamp ... Largest type to be operated regularly from a carrier during WW2 was the USN / Royal Navy FAA Grumman TBM-III Avenger ...

11-24-2015, 22:43
At least there's one carrier that won't be at Donnie ; Dave "Patient Zero" Manley!

You could always have USS Manley (DD-74) in your fleet though .... whilst not historically accurate for Midway it may make a secondary objective to take out !

11-25-2015, 12:23
Count me in

and Chris please include me in your 'block booking'!



11-25-2015, 13:31
You could always have USS Manley (DD-74) in your fleet though .... whilst not historically accurate for Midway it may make a secondary objective to take out !

How can we not try and sink a ship called MANLEY ????

David Manley
11-25-2015, 14:21
Of course by the time of Midway she wasn't DD-74, instead she had become APD-1, the first of the US Navy's high speed assault transports.


Worth noting that she (and the previous TB-23 and the later DD-940) were named after one of my distant rellies who fought for the wrong side in 1776 and lost his ship, the USS Hancock. Careless bugger :)

David Manley
11-25-2015, 14:23
As an aside one of the design subjects for the University College London naval architecture MSc course ship design exercise in 2013 was a modern equivalent of the APD. I was one of the panel of experts critiquing the students' designs. No prizes for guessing which ship the students used as their historical example for what a previous APD was all about :D

David Manley
11-25-2015, 14:29

David Manley
11-25-2015, 14:31
Oh, and if you want a model in 1/600 then CF663 in the Heroics and Ros (ex-Skytrex) coastal forces range will do :)


Flying Officer Kyte
11-25-2015, 14:37
:hatsoff: Nice one Dave, and the story is great too in all the posts.:clap:

11-25-2015, 15:31
How can we not try and sink a ship called MANLEY ????

A successful mission against a ship called Manley = Mandown more like ... :lol:

Blow me - anybody got a spare RAF Rescue Launch in 1/200 scale? Because with all this talk of naval activity we're going to need an Air-Sea Rescue capability. Either that or I'll pop across to Shed Models and buy us a 1/200 scale Sea King!

11-25-2015, 15:42
A successful mission against a ship called Manley = Mandown more like ... :lol:

Blow me - anybody got a spare RAF Rescue Launch in 1/200 scale? Because with all this talk of naval activity we're going to need an Air-Sea Rescue capability. Either that or I'll pop across to Shed Models and buy us a 1/200 scale Sea King!

I can do a Fairmile RAF Rescue launch in 1/600. Also any number of other coastal forces including MGB's, MTB's, Armed Trawlers, Destroyers and Merchantmen both British and German but all in 1/600.

11-25-2015, 16:25
I can do a Fairmile RAF Rescue launch in 1/600. Also any number of other coastal forces including MGB's, MTB's, Armed Trawlers, Destroyers and Merchantmen both British and German but all in 1/600.

I think we may be needing them ... However short of buying any 1/200 scale whirlybirds I stopped short and went up to the attic instead: Here I found my Corgi Aviation 1/72 Supermarine Spitfire Mk IIC P8131. 276 Air Sea Rescue Sq RAF ...

Green / Grey topside with Yellow underside where the aircraft additionally carries RAF Rescue-specific markings. Ident carried on side AD-C. Prompting me to think about the conversion of a Nexus Spitfire Mk II :minis: (P8081 / Vybiral would provide an excellent head-start) into this aircraft in order to give us historically correct cover from the air. As opposed to ficticious cover from the air in addition to any sufficient flotilla of rescue craft!

11-25-2015, 16:35
Supermarine Spitfire Mk IIC P8131. 276 Air Sea Rescue Sq RAF ...

Alternatively ... We could always ask the WingCo politely if he could spare a Shorts Sunderland to cover all this naval activity!

The Wife just made me laugh when she saw his thread - never mind Spitfires and Sunderlands we personally are more likely to need rubber rings and arm bands by the sound of all this! :lol:

Flying Officer Kyte
11-26-2015, 00:58
Blow me - anybody got a spare RAF Rescue Launch in 1/200 scale? Because with all this talk of naval activity we're going to need an Air-Sea Rescue capability. Either that or I'll pop across to Shed Models and buy us a 1/200 scale Sea King!

No problem there Barney.



11-26-2015, 03:26
How can we not try and sink a ship called MANLEY ????

A large dose of erythromycin ? :)

11-26-2015, 03:41

That Does It ;)

The Hunt Is On for Vybiral Spitfire Mk II P8081. To become 276 ASR Sq Spitfire Mk II P8131. To keep things simple the intention is to replicate Corgi Aviation 1/72 model which carries Ident AD-C. Will feature specially coloured and marked underside ...

Decals ... Two possible sources for Ident Letters & Roundels which need changing.

If you are bringing this beaut to Doncaster 2016 Sir I should hopefully be able to provide dedicated air cover or support ...

11-26-2015, 04:15
A large dose of erythromycin ?

ERYTHROMYCIN is a macrolide antibiotic. It is used to treat certain kinds of bacterial infections. It will not work for colds, flu, or other viral infections ...

Computer Says No ;)

11-26-2015, 05:24
ERYTHROMYCIN is a macrolide antibiotic. It is used to treat certain kinds of bacterial infections. It will not work for colds, flu, or other viral infections ...

Computer Says No ;)

Ah this is no common cold or infection , this is the Manley Germ , a cunning cross of bacteria and viral cultures as brewed up in Porton Down ( 5 miles North of Watership) :sick:

David Manley
11-26-2015, 09:33
working there was fascinating. i had to sign out a gas mask to go and visit my boss (not the first time!)

01-22-2016, 07:40
Have finally got an answer from Premier Inn about block booking for this coming years event.
Not particularly good news, the head central booking office can only , wait for it, book a max of 4 rooms at a time without getting higer authority, I did say a min of 8 but all they suggested was two bookings of 4 rooms. They also cannot allocate rooms together thst is the province of the hotel itself.
The person I spoke to couldn't/ wouldn't offer any discounts for a block booking except what is already available on the website. Currently for the weekend in Oct Fri is £50 and Sat £78. He suggested booking individually then asking the hotel to put us on the same floor.
This weekend Ill try calling the hotel itself to see what they say and will report next week.
Doesnt surprise me these days as you dont seem to get discounts anymore.

01-22-2016, 07:51
That is a shame Chris. What a great advert for camping out at the South Yorkshire Air Museum itself: They are shooting themselves in the foot there without realising IMHO.

There is always the chance that locally the hotel will be more aware of us and just how popular Doncaster 201* events are becoming. As Marion and I found out the perils of driving from home location is that you do miss out - I'm mostly talking about the dinner on Saturday evening. Though thanks to a certain Lancaster I won at Doncaster 2015 our mission became getting her home without a single broken propeller blade ... Only to read up on just how much of an integral part of the event the full range of Saturday activities are - again in my opinion. Maybe once aware of our requirements they might have some luck in persuading head office to think differently as to the above.

BTW did anybody realise that the camping area at the South Yorks Air Museum is actually the heliport? I'd better not try arriving at the next one via MD-902 or Gazelle!

01-22-2016, 08:25
Seems a bit miserable of them, but there again they know we are going to stay there so why offer us anything. Got us by the short and curlys.

01-22-2016, 08:53
Ouch all rooms booked on Bookings . com for there and all the other Premier inns , and the Radcliffe just down the way. The Campanile knocking shop still has vacancies at high prices so its off campus for me and Mary as we need Thursday , Friday and Saturday accom . :(

Update No rooms at the Inn :lol: for Saturday 1st Oct.

01-22-2016, 09:38
Have finally got an answer from Premier Inn about block booking for this coming years event.
Not particularly good news, the head central booking office can only , wait for it, book a max of 4 rooms at a time without getting higer authority, I did say a min of 8 but all they suggested was two bookings of 4 rooms. They also cannot allocate rooms together thst is the province of the hotel itself.
The person I spoke to couldn't/ wouldn't offer any discounts for a block booking except what is already available on the website. Currently for the weekend in Oct Fri is £50 and Sat £78. He suggested booking individually then asking the hotel to put us on the same floor.
This weekend Ill try calling the hotel itself to see what they say and will report next week.
Doesnt surprise me these days as you dont seem to get discounts anymore.

For BottosCon, the rates weren't spectacular, but the Con managed a package deal with free WiFi, parking, and a discount at the hotel restaurant. That was the best we could get. Rob [BobRoberts], the Con organizer, said at the end of BottosCon 2015 that the cost was going up for the next Con.

Being that Premier Inns are offering what seemed to be the lowest price in the neighbourhood, they didn't have much reason to offer an even lower rate. And if the rooms are already booked, there is no incentive to do so.

Victims of your own success? And no place to stay for international guests?

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-22-2016, 09:55
There are rooms at the Park Inn Radison but it is a hike from the venue.

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-22-2016, 09:57
Looks like we are stuffed. They've gone too. Any ideas?

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-22-2016, 10:37
OK. Done deal. Booked 3 rooms at the Grand St Ledger hotel for Andy, Rob, Eileen, Karen and myself.

01-22-2016, 10:46
Ended up at the Holiday Express Inn, bit South of the Museum but there you go. Still We can all play bang in the bar at the Brewers like last time eh

01-22-2016, 10:52
Anybody had any luck getting in the Premier?

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-22-2016, 11:21
Can we have a show of hands as to who has booked accommodation at Doncaster, or is traveling daily for weekend 1/2 October 2016. I will add names to this list as and when I get them. Could those staying at hotels indicate which hotel they are at please.

Neil: Grand St Ledger
Karen: Grand St Ledger
Rob: Grand St Ledger
Eileen: Grand St Ledger
Andrzej: Grand St Ledger
Paul: Grand St Ledger
Mary: Grand St Ledger
Chris (hedeby): Daily commute
Barney: Daily commute
Marion: Daily commute
Tim: Grand St Ledger
Reg: daily commute
Doug: Daily commute

01-22-2016, 11:33
Two commuting (Barney and Marion) but not drinking or arriving by helicopter.

PS - That has actually happened before when a Eurocopter EC135P2 just happened to drop by Winthorpe Airfield (Newark Air Museum) on December 19th 2008. Out jumps me with two hours to spend before my lift turns up as the Staff wonder because the helicopter was yellow if it was Prince William ...

Nah! Just Barney D popped in for some Airfix Glue!!! :lol:

Flying Helmut
01-22-2016, 13:43
Full up already!:eek:

Next year we REALLY MUST get a wriggle on to prevent this happening again.
It's so popular there - someone must have talked!:hmm:

I've just managed to get in at the Grand St Leger

David Manley
01-22-2016, 14:41
The usual weekend seems to be free, maybe there's some big event elsewhere in the locale that weekend.

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-22-2016, 14:44
Just as a pointer the planning for Doncaster 2017 has already started.

Flying Helmut
01-22-2016, 14:49
Just as a pointer the planning for Doncaster 2017 has already started.


01-22-2016, 14:50
Can we have a show of hands as to who has booked accommodation at Doncaster, or is traveling daily for weekend 1/2 October 2016. I will add names to this list as and when I get them. Could those staying at hotels indicate which hotel they are at please.

Neil: Grand St Ledger
Karen: Grand St Ledger
Rob: Grand St Ledger
Eileen: Grand St Ledger
Andrzej: Grand St Ledger
Paul: Holiday Express
Mary: Holiday Express
Chris (hedeby): Daily commute
Barney: Daily commute
Marion: Daily commute
Tim: Grand St Ledger

Reg: Daily commute
Doug: Daily commute

01-22-2016, 14:57
Just as a pointer the planning for Doncaster 2017 has already started.

That a boy Neil, :thumbsup:

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-22-2016, 15:25
We now have 13 of last years 32 confirmed. Lets see if we can beat 32 and make this the best one yet.

01-22-2016, 15:52
Full up already!:eek:

Next year we REALLY MUST get a wriggle on to prevent this happening again.
It's so popular there - someone must have talked!:hmm:

I've just managed to get in at the Grand St Leger

That's within staggering distance

01-22-2016, 15:55
There are rooms at the Park Inn Radison but it is a hike from the venue.

Its not that far - less than 10 minutes walk, and I can always do a bit of a chauffeur job - new car is a 7 seater (when the damn thing finally arrives...)

01-22-2016, 18:05
The big difference is the change of date, forced on us by the venue, the lack of accomodation spots must be due to another event taking place.
This puts me in a spot I must admit now, a bit far to commute from Bristol on a daily basis, will have to see if there is an alternate bed close, but from the comments so far doesnt sound good.

01-23-2016, 03:23
The big difference is the change of date, forced on us by the venue, the lack of accomodation spots must be due to another event taking place.
This puts me in a spot I must admit now, a bit far to commute from Bristol on a daily basis, will have to see if there is an alternate bed close, but from the comments so far doesnt sound good.

Try Canpanile. There is one in Doncaster near the Dome and not that far from the Air Museum.

Address: Doncaster Leisure Park, Bawtry Rd, Doncaster DN4 7PD
Phone:01302 370770

01-23-2016, 08:21
Try Canpanile. There is one in Doncaster near the Dome and not that far from the Air Museum.

Address: Doncaster Leisure Park, Bawtry Rd, Doncaster DN4 7PD
Phone:01302 370770

OOh Been to the Campanile in 2013. It was a knocking shop for Eastern block hookers , No kidding they were lining the balcony at the back of the place in their "dressing gowns" and the taxis were dropping the punters off all day and night. . Waste bins full of empties etc.

There again it might have changed !!!!

Try the Holiday Inn Express or the Grand St Leger.

01-23-2016, 08:24
Its not that far - less than 10 minutes walk, and I can always do a bit of a chauffeur job - new car is a 7 seater (when the damn thing finally arrives...)

Any chance of another Friday flight at your local Games Den Chris ? :please:

01-23-2016, 08:26
Can we have a show of hands as to who has booked accommodation at Doncaster, or is traveling daily for weekend 1/2 October 2016. I will add names to this list as and when I get them. Could those staying at hotels indicate which hotel they are at please.

Neil: Grand St Ledger
Karen: Grand St Ledger
Rob: Grand St Ledger
Eileen: Grand St Ledger
Andrzej: Grand St Ledger
Paul: Holiday Express
Mary: Holiday Express
Chris (hedeby): Daily commute
Barney: Daily commute
Marion: Daily commute
Tim: Grand St Ledger
Reg: daily commute
Doug: Daily commute

Mary decide the Holiday Inn was too far to get to town so now relocated to guess where The Grand Leger.

Keep a seat warm for you chaps as we get there Thursday

01-23-2016, 08:28
Any thoughts for the Saturday Evening bash yet chaps ?

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-23-2016, 08:40
We're working an amended programme out. This will include moving the Ace of Aces to Sunday morning. Hopefully the same venue for the Sat night meal and Friday night at the LFGS.


01-23-2016, 08:47
We're working an amended programme out. This will include moving the Ace of Aces to Sunday morning. Hopefully the same venue for the Sat night meal and Friday night at the LFGS.


Cracking stuff .

01-23-2016, 09:30
OOh Been to the Campanile in 2013. It was a knocking shop for Eastern block hookers , No kidding they were lining the balcony at the back of the place in their "dressing gowns" and the taxis were dropping the punters off all day and night. . Waste bins full of empties etc.

There again it might have changed !!!!

Try the Holiday Inn Express or the Grand St Leger.

Sorry but the last time I used the Doncaster Campanile was in the 80's when I was still a Southerner and Doncaster was a foreign country (to me) so obviously couldn't see the difference between Eastern block and locals. Or perhaps that was before the East Anglians moved in.

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-23-2016, 10:54
Was that before or after 1066?

Or perhaps that was before the East Anglians moved in.

01-23-2016, 10:55
Bad news I see, chaps. I rely on you as far as these arrangements are concerned. I would not like to miss the opportunity to meet you all as usual...
As a minor ally I will follow the voice of the majority...

01-23-2016, 11:20
Any chance of another Friday flight at your local Games Den Chris ? :please:

Absolutely - already factored in - hopefully we can drag a few more down this year

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-23-2016, 13:04
Girls night out..Boys night in (FLGS). I hope!

01-25-2016, 14:05
Chaps, is the date 1-2 Oct fixed and we are just looking for an accomodation or the date is about to be changed because of the "Premier Inn" issue?
It is important for those who shal book flights...:).

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-25-2016, 14:38
As far as I am aware 1/2 Oct is fixed as the only available date for the venue. It's just pure bad luck that hotel space is limited and getting smaller.

Flying Officer Kyte
01-25-2016, 14:41
I hope it is firmed up Andy. You are booked in with Neil and us.

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-25-2016, 14:55
Hotel Availability: as at 22.50 tonight

Grand St Ledger: 2 rooms.
Holiday Inn Express: 3 rooms.
Earl of Doncaster: 2 rooms.
Regent Hotel: no indication but not full.
Mercure Hotel: no indication but not full.
Restover Lodge: no indication but not full.

These are all on Booking.Com site.

01-29-2016, 07:51
I may be a comute for Sat and Sun, doubtful for Sat night. Will know more in a couple of weeks time

01-29-2016, 12:54
I hope it is firmed up Andy. You are booked in with Neil and us.

Into your hands I commit my spirit, Good Sir.
PM sent.:pray:

01-29-2016, 14:41
Good job on the room research Neil - and I promise no one will have trouble getting back even if it means lemonades and taxi duties for yours truely

01-30-2016, 13:45
Flight booked :thumbsup:
Can not wait to have a beer with you chaps again.:pint:

The Minor Ally,

01-30-2016, 15:01
Wouldn't be the same without you there Andrzej

01-30-2016, 16:04
Wouldn't be the same without you there Andrzej

Flying Officer Kyte
01-30-2016, 23:48
Great to know all is now in place my dear friend.
See you at the EM arrivals.

Lt. S.Kafloc
01-31-2016, 10:06
Do we have any more confirmations? We're looking thin on the ground at present.

David Manley
01-31-2016, 10:35
Do we have any more confirmations? We're looking thin on the ground at present.

I'll be there in spirit :)

01-31-2016, 10:52
I'll be there in spirit :)

Can the Manley Flu be transmitted that way? :sick:

Flying Helmut
01-31-2016, 11:13
I'll be consuming enough spirit to drown the Manley Flu!:drinks: