View Full Version : Battle of Britain - Day One part one

08-19-2010, 15:19
The London Times Reports;
The Battle of Britain has begun with a raid on the Home Radar network near Dover.
A mixed RAF squadron made up of volunteers from Canada,France and the United States engaged a mixed group of German aircraft just south of Dover over the Channel.

RAF After Action Report;
The RAF 213 Squadron a Volunteer Composite squadron intercepted with great results, allowing only a single bomber to penetrate the coast.

Enemy losts were two JU-88, four JU-87,one ME-110 and one ME-109.

Friendly losses were three Hurricanes.

The following pilots are mentioned in dispatches;

"Peter Peckerhead"(AKA Dave Poole) with 2 1/2 kills, Matthew Owens with 2 kills "Earl Eagle"(AKA Bill Sterner) with 1 kill, "George Gregory"(AKA Doc Gallagher) with one kill, "Louie Lebeau"(AKA Ricky Grice) with 1/2 kill, Prince Philip"(AKA Andrew) "Yorkshire Puddin" (AKA James Amrien) supported the eastern Fighter group but were unable to score this time out.

Lord Haw Haw with Berlin Calling;

The Luftwaffe made a daring daylight raid on the English Radar station at Dover yesterday inflicting heavy losses on the the defending aircraft and destroying the Radar Station.

richard m schwab
08-19-2010, 17:05
Welcome Dale!

You are a man after my own heart. Sounds like you had a great time!:) Check out the Officer's Club for my report of a convention last weekend!


08-19-2010, 22:36
That sounds like a good way to commemorate BoB. Nicely done!

Oberst Hajj
08-19-2010, 23:15
Sounds very nice and welcome to the Aerodrome! What stats were you using for the bombers and how many of each plane went up on both sides?

08-20-2010, 00:58
Welcome to the site from England Dale.

08-20-2010, 07:37
Luftwaffe After Action Report;

A mixed Group of Aircraft from JG-3(ME-109s) and ZG-26 (ME-110s) escorted four JU-87s and three JU-88s on a raid near Dover against the enemy radar station there with total destruction of the installation with minor losses.

"Max Kopffreiheit"(AKA Dale Marcum) destroyed 2 enemy aircraft, while the sweetheart of the entire Luftwaffe "Gretchen von Strudell" (AKA Gaby Marcum scored one kill.

The report above as written and published on our club board (Yahoo group, CentralFlorida Garrion) by Bill Sterner I have posted it here for you all to enjoy.

Our club meets on Tuesday's and Friday nights, we play WoW every other Friday WWI the WWII. Our WWI campaign has been going for 6 months. as as the after action report states this was our first WWII game.

Gaby is my 11 year old Granddaughter she is already an ace in the WWI campaign

We average 18 player on a WoW night (first WWII game had 22) is has become one of the most popular games the club plays.

Will post more after Action Reports as they become available

CeYa Dale

08-20-2010, 07:48
Major Hajj and all other thank you for your kind replies


3 JU-88
4 JU-86
2 ME-110
5 MW-109

The JU-88 and Me-110 where the new AIR200 models I picked up at Historicon. I used the Card and Maneuver Deck supply by this board for the 110s. The JU-88 I compaired the 110 and the JU-88 stats from the Squadron/Signal books Hope I did well. the Allied players complained that I made them to fast.


8 Hurricane's
1 DE-520 (free French pilot

CeYa Dale

08-20-2010, 12:52
Welcome aboard from Italy Dave.


richard m schwab
08-21-2010, 05:05

Max Headroom made me some great JU-88 cards i used last weekend. PM him and see if he will share!


Oberst Hajj
08-21-2010, 06:44
I'm pretty sure they are in the Files Section already.

richard m schwab
08-21-2010, 13:07

Not yet, i asked him to post them! They are all very nice!


08-22-2010, 13:32
Rich would you please ask him to post the card and what M-deck to use.
Thank You

CeYa Dale

richard m schwab
08-22-2010, 16:48

I will ask him!

richard m schwab
08-23-2010, 13:15

Here is a link to Max`s custom cards!:) He will try to get them into the files eventually!:) HE HAS SOME GREAT STUFF!:)



08-27-2010, 08:54
Thank you, Rich for your welcoming message and your help with the JU-88. And thank you Max for your JU-88 card it was very helpful. I will be posting more after action reports as we play. Should I post our WWI reports here or is there another section for that. Max if you look at the spelling of my german pilot it is German for Max Headroom.

CeYa Dale

Oberst Hajj
08-27-2010, 14:27
Looking forward to more reports. Put the WWI ones in the WWI mission section please.