View Full Version : WGS: Gladiator vs CR.42

10-15-2013, 05:39
A few solo missions, then a game two days ago with a friend of mine. And although I was quite lucky drawing damage chits (lots of 0's, barely any special damage), I somehow ended up agreeing with PO John Jackson of No. 3 Sqn RAAF when he wrote: « It's a pity we haven't got better aircraft, as the Gladiators are nowhere near as good as the CR.42's. Our air strength is about a tenth of theirs.»

Now the question: In a WoG game, can Gladiators and CR.42's really be matched together in the same starting conditions (aircraft quantity, altitude...)?

CR.42's (a) climb faster, (b) have more damage points, BUT (c) use exactly the same maneuvers as a Gladiator. If history is to be quoted, Gladiator pilots could be successful because of their higher skills (they were more trained than their Italian peers)... and their luck. In the game, however, this is not reflected. Gladiators just keep going down or escaping miraculously. Or so says my experience.

Then, a few hours ago, I read about CR.42's exploitable weakness: they could barely perform tight turns at low altitude. That got me thinking: could this be implemented in the game somehow? Should I make a house rule for Falcos where they wouldn't be allowed to do 90º turns or tight swerves at low altitude (say between levels 1 and 2, or any pre-set maximum level).

Well that's what I want to try in my next game, and hopefully I'll come back to you with some more thoughts. Although that could very well be a few days from now!

So what is your experience with late biplane fights? Do you have any suggestions for a rule fixing this situation? Is there actually anything to fix at all?

Or else... bah, never mind, just keep flying blokes! :drinks:

10-15-2013, 06:12
You must give British pilots special abilities and tweak the rules to diferenciate planes.

10-15-2013, 22:48
I think both planes types are balanced.

That's how we play it at the table.

The less experienced gamers get the Falcos with more damage points.

10-16-2013, 02:55
Thanks for sharing your ideas guys. In real life, 42's were much superior to Gladiator's when flying higher than 10,000 ft. Below that altitude, both planes were almost evenly matched.

Flying Officer Kyte
10-16-2013, 09:23
It says something for the pilots that the Gladiators kept the 42s at bay for weeks without a fatality on their side, although admittedly they did not shoot many 42s down either. Only one of the RAF pilots had prior experience on Sea Gladiators and most tricks had to be learned on the hoof as it were. it was also interesting that the Gladiators were not without some successes over the Desert even to the extent of getting a couple of MEs. in a two on two dogfight later in the conflict.