View Full Version : Post Con Reports!

Black Sheep One
06-16-2013, 17:22
Fun. Amazing. Enjoyable. Crazy. Wow! There are probably more superlatives I can't think of right now in my post-con stupor. The last four days were some of the most enjoyable times I have spent, meeting new friends and just pure WoW/WoG flying. I hope all of you have had safe trips home. And especially, it was great meeting Andy! I am already looking forward to next year! Take care all! :pint:

06-16-2013, 18:06
As this years Origins ends, I can say the was one of the Best Cons I have been to. I enjoyed meeting Andrzej the Dinner on friday was great and had a great time. Looking forward to next year.

Tommy Z
06-16-2013, 18:25
Got home an hour or so ago, after tearing down my booth in the exhibit hall. :p

Just want to say thank you to everyone for for such a great weekend! I was thrilled to meet all of the new attendees and as always enjoyed spending time with old friends.

We could not have had a better choice as our lend lease member. It is a pleasure to fly with you Andy and call you my friend.

Job Well Done Everyone! :thumbsup:

...now to get some sleep :sleep:

06-16-2013, 19:52
First of all I want to say: Thank you my dear friends. These days - I am sure - will echo in history! No words could express my gratitude to all of you for a chance to meet my friends whom I think I know for years by now. That was truly an unforgetable experience. One thing I want to point out. Last hours in Columbus I spent with Keith and his daughter. I wish you knew what an extraordinary man he is. Second: I promise to write a longer report with some pics when I finally get home. Third: I am staying in NY for some days and won't have chance to appear too often, so once I return to my daily routine, the report will be posted:)

Yours truly forever,

Black Sheep One
06-16-2013, 20:12
The honor was all ours. Au revoir my friend! And thanks Keith for all your hard work! You are special person... Riley too!

06-16-2013, 20:54
Origins After Action Report.

Meeting Andy was a special pleasure, "Good Luck in your future games."

It was also a great pleasure to be able to associate faces with the members from the forum.

One of the highlights of the con was the dealer who was selling WW II Wings of War planes for $5 per plane.
I bought a bunch of them.

Another dealer had a prototype of the old Viking game,"Hnefatafl".
The playing pieces were printed by computer.
See: https://www.facebook.com/CthulhuvsVikings
I had the pleasure of beating the man at his own game.
I used to play Hnefatafl on-line a lot.

It was great to meet and play with all of you.


06-16-2013, 20:58
To all the wonderful pilots we met at Origins, you guys & girls were great! Beth and I had a fun and interesting 4 days... not only did we get to see planes, but on Weds. we got to see fire engines too! We were impressed with the way the sessions were run, thanks to Keith, Ken, Karl and the others.
Meeting Andy was a highlight to our first year at Origins. He was so happy to be there with everyone that it made flying with him a real pleasure. Thank you for everyones kindness and family like attitude, it was like playing at home (but more expensive...ha ha). :money: Can't wait for next year!!!!!!! :thankyou:

06-17-2013, 04:42
I had great time also. I'm so glad I got to meet and fly with Andy. Riley was a great young pilot herself. Showing we old guys how it's done in the WWII game on Saturday.
Now to start working on the Mrs so I can go all weekend next year.

06-17-2013, 05:01
It was a great time, and meeting Andrzej was a wonderful honor. Now I have his face and voice in my head while reading his posts.
The whole 'Drome crowd there was wonderful; meeting old friends and virtual friends in person is such an experience.
Hoping that the number of new players find their way here, too.
I hope that those who played in my "Bug" game had a good time.
The only concern was the number of old hand vendors missing again this year.
Last year, due to the schedule fiasco I get, but twice in a row, and others missing now....

06-17-2013, 05:29
It was a pleasure to meet Andy and get to play in the event he ran (Wild Wild East). I really enjoy events that have a history behind them and Andy did a great job recreating what it was like in WWI flying against the Soviets. It made me feel like Mieczysław Garsztka and my first time flying a Fokker D.VII.

I'll have to add pics later since my computer can't find my camera at the moment. I'd do after action reports but I am not sure what I did in each event. All I know is I had fun.

Thank you to those whom helped me out from my first game ever on Thursday and thoughout the weekend. CappyTom, Jager, Nightbomber, Cowman, Tommy Z, Redcoon, Black_Sheep_One, 7eat51, BBSuds, Jago85, Keith, Scott, and Dave. :drinks:

The 94th Aero Squadron dinner on Friday was very nice. I would have liked to have stayed longer but next year I will opt for a room instead of commuting.

Also I picked up 9 more planes bringing me to 21 planes. :minis: :D

Trench Wench
06-17-2013, 08:39
Hey Everyone!
Bob and I had a great time at Origins. Loved meeting Andy and the other pilots from the drome. I don't get on here as much as I would like, but BBSuds keeps me informed. This is an awesome site. I loved flying all the missions, but the best was the last night during the invitational. Everyones competitive nature came out and there was some spectacular flying going on. Keith couldn't believe that after 3 hours of flying there were so many with their first plane still. He then announced that he was removing all the Zero cards from the deck...things got crazy. So much fun and excitement knowing you were getting damage and giving it too. We had 24 pilots battling it out! So cool!! Tell your ladies to get in on the action and start practicing for next year. Thanks for the fun!!! Beth

06-17-2013, 09:04
I want to thank everyone for making Origins 2013 the success it was this year. New and old players coming together with competitive and honorable spirits. The camaraderie was fantastic. I would like to thank Luis for the mat that was used for Andy. Also thank Ken, Kieth and Karl for running events. A special thanks to Kermit for helping out with WW2 games. If I missed anyone I'm sorry I'm still tired. You all (everyone who came to play and help) made BGIF Origins 2013 a fantastic success and thank you all again.

Everyone it was an honor to spend time with you all and grow in friendship. God bless you all and hope to see you all next year.

06-17-2013, 12:34
A quick report since I can't get the few pics I took off my cellphone (just got it last week, and can't figure out all the "features").
'Bughunt 1919' was a game of the Germans chasing down small slow drones, and the Americans trying to keep that from happening.
6 Germans in Fokker D.VIIs and 4 Americans in SPAD XIIIs and lot of Kettering Bugs.
Final tally was 14 turns, 18 Bugs launched, 15 shot down and none getting off the far end.
The Americans shot down 4 Fokkers, and lost 3 of their own. The Germans lost 4 additional Fokkers due to the fact that
they were chasing and shooting at a 500 Lb. bomb with wings, and engine and a fuel tank. That being, if the 'bug' received 3+ hits (8 needed to shoot it down) from a single hit, there was a 50% chance of it blowing up, with "D" damage to anyone in short range.
I know that at least 1 American, possibly 2 were lost due to exploding 'bugs'.
One of the Fokkers was badly damaged (possibly lost) due to a head-on collision with the bug it was targeting; result: zero damage to the bug, and 6 or 8 to the Fokker.
Everyone seemed to be enjoying the chase, so we'll make it down as a win.
Trench Wench (AKA Beth) came out as the top bug hunter, while a non-forum member, Arthur, was the top Fokker killer.

Sheryl Nantus
06-17-2013, 12:38
It was great to see all the old faces and make new friends at Origins - unfortunately I couldn't make as many games as I wanted to due to having a table to run and panels to attend but I had a great time! (as well as finding out that yes, you CAN collide twice and survive!)

Already looking forward to next year and seeing you all again!


06-17-2013, 14:40
Thank you all for sharing & I look forward to hearing many more. Next year I really need to make arrangements & go if possible. :)

but the best was the last night during the invitational. Everyones competitive nature came out and there was some spectacular flying going on. Keith couldn't believe that after 3 hours of flying there were so many with their first plane still. He then announced that he was removing all the Zero cards from the deck...things got crazy. So much fun and excitement knowing you were getting damage and giving it too. We had 24 pilots battling it out! So cool!!

That sounds epic. :thumbsup:

06-17-2013, 18:08
Not a lot of info coming in from the front, those of us who didn't get to go to the prom still want to see what everyone was flying . . . send a recon and bring in some photos soon!!!!!!

06-17-2013, 18:37
Andy to była przyjemność spotkać można latać z wami i dzielić posiłek i napoje z tobą. Mam nadzieję, że cieszył się wizytacji z Musem Air Force i cieszyć się z pobytu w Nowym Jorku
and for those with out google translate
Andy it was a pleasure to meet you to fly with you and share a meal and drinks with you. I hope you enjoyed the vist to the Air Force Musem and enjoy your stay in New York.

06-17-2013, 19:09
Not a lot of info coming in from the front, those of us who didn't get to go to the prom still want to see what everyone was flying . . . send a recon and bring in some photos soon!!!!!!

Photos to come soon. Here's a AAR of Battle of Britain (http://www.wingsofwar.org/forums/showthread.php?15332-Battle-of-Britain-Event-1304-Origins-2013). And this is the AAR of Wake Island (http://www.wingsofwar.org/forums/showthread.php?15333-Wake-Island-Event-1566-Origins-2013). Hope this helps your hunger for news from the front.
Great job Kermit (http://www.wingsofwar.org/forums/member.php?4959-Kermit)!


06-17-2013, 19:45
Unfortunately, our pictures did not turn out too well. Next year, we will bring a much better camera.

06-17-2013, 22:12
:hatsoff: Congratulations to all involved!
Sounds like it was the very best Origins yet.
Looking forward to seeing some more AAR's in due course when everyone has had a chance to draw breath & recover.:cheezy:

06-17-2013, 23:05
Posts, comments and the first AARs show that this was an awesome event!


06-18-2013, 04:55
Thanks to everyone for making this such a special event. I've gone to cons before, but have never played in a game at a con until now. I had a blast, and that Wings of Glory Invitational may have been the best game of WoG that I have ever seen.

If I can find time, I'll post pics today. Hopefully sooner than later.

Again, it was great meeting everyone!

06-18-2013, 07:00
First of all I want to say: Thank you my dear friends. These days - I am sure - will echo in history! No words could express my gratitude to all of you for a chance to meet my friends whom I think I know for years by now. That was truly an unforgetable experience. One thing I want to point out. Last hours in Columbus I spent with Keith and his daughter. I wish you knew what an extraordinary man he is. Second: I promise to write a longer report with some pics when I finally get home. Third: I am staying in NY for some days and won't have chance to appear too often, so once I return to my daily routine, the report will be posted:)

Yours truly forever,Andy.

Enjoy the Big Apple Andrzej
you might get to find some model shops and pick up a few planes while you are there.

The Cowman
06-18-2013, 09:46
I had a blast and have been mostly asleep since I got back.... This was the best Origins ever!!! I promise to share more and post some of the over 200 pics I have a little later today!

Black Sheep One
06-18-2013, 11:18
I agree with you 1000% Ken! I can't remember the last time at a con that I had so much fun. Next year, I am taking Monday off though! :sleep:

Flying Officer Kyte
06-18-2013, 11:31
I had a blast and have been mostly asleep since I got back.... This was the best Origins ever!!! I promise to share more and post some of the over 200 pics I have a little later today!

Glad you had a good time Ken. It seems that the show gets better every year.
I look forward to seeing your pics.

Oberst Hajj
06-18-2013, 12:38
No time to write much and I did not take as many photos this year as I have in the past, but here is the opening move of the 2013 Wings of Glory Aerodrome Invitational:


And yes, that is 8 game mats ;) What a beautiful table that was!

06-18-2013, 13:34
Now that looks very smart, we have only used upto four mats in the games I have been involved in, so far.
Is that Andy in the middle wearing the WoG UK T-shirt ?.
Looks a real game there look forward to the AAR's

Oberst Hajj
06-18-2013, 14:02
Now that looks very smart, we have only used upto four mats in the games I have been involved in, so far.
Is that Andy in the middle wearing the WoG UK T-shirt ?.
Looks a ral game there look forward to the AAR's

Yes, that is Andy representing the UK Wing.

06-18-2013, 14:12
Sorry I missed that action but I have to say as others did I had a great time meeting everyone and playing in one game even though I seemed lost in my flight. Also had a good dinner and time with those at the table.

The Cowman
06-18-2013, 14:18
I have posted all of my pictures from Origins in an album titled " Combined Pictures from Origins 2013 (http://www.wingsofwar.org/forums/album.php?albumid=2304) " If you are posting an AAR from the con, feel free to use whichever pictures you need. The pictures are in reverse order.

06-18-2013, 15:36
Origins AARs are starting to show up here:

Origins 2013 - "Wild Wild East" (http://www.wingsofwar.org/forums/showthread.php?15365-Origins-2013-quot-Wild-Wild-East-quot)

Origins 2013 - "Bug Hunt 1919" (http://www.wingsofwar.org/forums/showthread.php?15359-Origins-2013-quot-Bug-Hunt-1919-quot)

Origins 2013 - "Burn, Drachen, Burn" (http://www.wingsofwar.org/forums/showthread.php?15357-Origins-2013-quot-Burn-Drachen-Burn-quot)

Wake Island Event 1566 Origins 2013 (http://www.wingsofwar.org/forums/showthread.php?15333-Wake-Island-Event-1566-Origins-2013)

Battle of Britain Event 1304 Origins 2013 (http://www.wingsofwar.org/forums/showthread.php?15332-Battle-of-Britain-Event-1304-Origins-2013)


06-18-2013, 18:59
What a wonderful 4-days! I enjoyed flying with my Aerodrome buddies and meeting new friends. Still on an Origins high.

06-18-2013, 23:20
hi all im sorry i didnt get to know you all at origins i was a bit overwhelmed as this was my 1st con in 26 yrs and BY FAR the largest ive been to. im sure i rubbed elbows with many of you during the 9:00am events thur,fri,sat (i was the geek with the goatee and the green satchel) as i told eric any game that can get me up at 9:00am three days in a row on short sleep must be damn good! kudos and many thanks to the mods who made the event so good and go so smoothly and for their generosity with the 3 airplanes i ended up with (like the dealer said the 1st ones always free...lol). and thanks to all you experienced players who helped me pick up the game. i had an absolute blast as wings and battletech are all i ended up doing (despite vowing to try as many new things as i could). i look forward to meeting all you fellow ohioans when i can get to one of your regular events. still learning the website so forgive me if i dont immediately reply as im not as computer savy as i was back in the day (never thought id miss dos). happy skys and watch your six. phillip

Flying Officer Kyte
06-19-2013, 00:33
Yes, that is Andy representing the UK Wing.

I am going to have to repay the compliment by wearing the very nice Polish shirt that he sent me at the next event.

06-19-2013, 03:54
I have never seen a game that big, it had to be great to take part.

06-19-2013, 08:42
8 mats! Wow. Having trouble wrapping my head around a game that big, even with the photographic evidence right in front of me! :eek: :)

Black Sheep One
06-19-2013, 09:09
I'll try to get my AAR online as soon as I can. Didn't take many picture, was enjoying the combat too much. :thumbsup:

Tommy Z
06-19-2013, 10:24
Posted pics to my album Origins 2013 (http://www.wingsofwar.org/forums/album.php?albumid=2309). Unfortunately most of the photos I took were with The Cowman's camera.

06-19-2013, 12:56
It was a great time at Origins getting to meet so many fellow flyers and provide myself as fodder for the enemy!

Black Sheep One
06-19-2013, 14:38
Yes it was. In some ways, going home was a bit of a let down after 4 rousing days. Going to try to make the next session at the Soldiery. Hope to see you there!

What a wonderful 4-days! I enjoyed flying with my Aerodrome buddies and meeting new friends. Still on an Origins high.

06-27-2013, 09:18
Any pictures or reports on the Zeppelin scenario? Saw it in the far background . . .

06-27-2013, 09:37
Any pictures or reports on the Zeppelin scenario? Saw it in the far background . . .

Sorry, not from me. I wasn't able to get in on that one since it was full, so I took the Sails of Glory time slot while the Zepp scenario played out behind me.

The Cowman
06-27-2013, 10:31
I was running Sails of Glory during that event so no pics here either... :(

06-27-2013, 12:50
Any pictures or reports on the Zeppelin scenario? Saw it in the far background . . .

Most of the players started as attackers, with a couple of folks playing escorts. The goal of the escorts was to protect the rear of the Zeppelin because there was a section that was completely unguarded by guns. Attackers could have flown straights and Immelmanns without ever being hit. Unfortunately for the Germans, the escorts initially tied themselves up front, giving the rear attackers time to inflict a good amount of damage, including several fire special damage cards. As players were shot down, they would come in as the opposing side. In time, this enabled the German side to increase the number of escorts. Most of the attackers focused on the Zeppelin, it seemed, with very few going after the escorts unless the escorts flew themselves in front of the attackers. Eventually, the inevitable occurred, the Zeppelin went boom. However, the blast ended up taking out quite a few scouts that were within a ruler (if I remember correctly) distance.

The Zeppelin game was quite fun. It was nice having a single, major target that all of the attackers focused on. The game played much differently than the others in which I participated for that very reason. One of the benefits of Origins was being able to play different types of scenarios than we normally play at home.

06-29-2013, 00:38
Aerodrome vs Aerodrome was fun too; sadly I have no pics. I do remember that I landed a perfectly placed, full bomb load on the Entente aerodrome: 6 bombs, 12 A cards and 9 points of damage!!! 7 ZEROS!!!! :mad:
The CP still managed to win, since the Allies seemed more interested in knocking out the ground MGs and FLAK first.