View Full Version : B damage deck

04-30-2010, 18:47
Im about to buy some planes that use B damage deck, is this deck more powerful, balanced for 2 guns firing, and how does this dynamic work? And last but not least what set comes with B damage deck.

04-30-2010, 20:03
The B deck represents 1 machine gun, the A deck represents two.

Oberst Hajj
04-30-2010, 23:54
Krolik has it right, but maybe I should point out that the A deck is for twin guns on the same mount and B deck is for a single gun on a single mount. It is possible for a two seater (DH-4) to have A deck guns on the front and rear.

There are only two places to get the B damage deck. They are the Watch Your Back boxed set and the original Deluxe miniatures set.

05-01-2010, 04:04
You can also simulate the B-Deck by halving the damage numbers on the A-deck for the time being (from a Burning Drachens rule).

05-01-2010, 04:33
As people pointed out, B is the single gun Deck, and where to get it. But to answer the other question, yes, it is balanced quite well against the A Deck. Both are fairly good representations of the amount of damage dished out by the respective number of guns.

That being said when can i get me a dolphin with twin vickers and the later wing mounted lewis' guns so i can have a double a forward fire (muahahahhahahahaha)

Biggles downunder
05-02-2010, 21:41
The files section in the Yahoo 'Wings of war' group (http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/wow_nexus/) contains a downloadable spreadsheet that gives details of every card in every Damage Deck.

You will have to join the group to access this material


Oberst Hajj
05-03-2010, 01:47
The files section in the Yahoo 'Wings of war' group (http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/wow_nexus/) contains a downloadable spreadsheet that gives details of every card in every Damage Deck.

You will have to join the group to access this material


I think that same file is in our File Section as well. If not, there some damage decks in there I know.