View Full Version : AAR Cancon 2013, Day 3, Mission 1 - IJN bombing raid, Darwin 1943 (Part One)

02-07-2013, 04:16
The last day of Cancon 2013 dawned grey and wet. That plus what some in the RPG community describe as 'Con-Drain' saw a smaller crowd that morning. That allowed me a chance to check out the other games and the trade stands. I got a great deal on some Peter Pig 1/144 scale aircrew for my WGF aircraft and had to buy a t-shirt with a Beaufighter motif from the 'www.B24flak.com' stand.

"Check out www.b24flak.com for some great aircraft and AFV t-shirts!"

After spending some cash and checking out some amazing games I went back to the WGS table and set up for the last scenario of the weekend. Jon aka 'Steel Rat' and his father Rob were back, and experienced WGF player Barry aka 'Gully Raker' came over to the dark side to try out WGS. I had also recruited a casual WGF player Jason who hails from my hometown of Brisbane. He had just been knocked out of the Battletech tournament and was looking for some aerial action - and we gave him plenty.

This scenario was another IJN bombing raid, this time against the docks of the northern Australian town of Darwin in early 1943. The attacking forces consisted of a flight of three Mitsubishi G4M1 bombers escorted by three Zeros. The defenders were four Supermarine Spitfire Mk.VC fighters of 1 Fighter Wing RAAF. Three AA guns were also deployed in defence of the town, keeping the Japanese to altitude 6. The Zeros started at altitude 7.

Sleek and deadly Mitsubishi Zeros

The Bettys attracted a lot of attention on the table.

Unlike the previous Port Moresby scenario however the RAAF had the benefit of early warning radar, so had managed to climb above the bombers. One element of two aircraft had reached altitude 8 whist the other was at altitude 7. Historically the Spitfire squadrons were often strung out at different heights as the 1 Fighter Wing Commander S/L Clive Caldwell was known to climb hell-for-leather and often left some of his less experienced pilots trailing.

This was the Spitfire miniatures' table top debut.

Jon and Barry decided to play the RAAF Spits, Rob took the Betty flight and Jason and I split the Zeros, one for Jason and two for me.

Jon and Barry discuss WGS rules and tactics.

The stage was set and in the next part of this thread we will see how the actions developed, with the Spits using their altitude advantage to good effect. I'll post the next part tomorrow.

02-07-2013, 23:54
I'm really curious how this battle ends...

02-08-2013, 06:50
After setting up the scenario both sides were ready to get to grips with Rob's bombers lining up his target, Jon and Barry's Spits looking to splash said bombers and the Zeros run by Jason and I intent on downing the defending fighters!

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After a couple of turns the Spitfires banked right to make front quarter deflection attacks on the bombers, which would expose them to the least amount of return fire, just like the actual gun camera image above. However, as happened so often in actual combat, some of the pilots misjudged the closing speed and overshot their targets! Barry was particularly frustrated uttering words to the effect 'Boy these WW2 fighters are quick!!'


Despite this most of the Spits got bursts away on target as they closed on the Bettys, with the lead bomber dropping his bombs as they approached the docks.


Whilst the Spitfires were banging away at the bombers the Zeros still at altitude 7 banked right to come over the top of the Bettys, intending to latch onto the tails of the enemy fighters as they passed.


Rob's pair of Spitfires ended up behind the Bettys, and found out the hard way they have 20mm cannon in their tails!


It was then that a burst of fire from one of Jon's Spitfires found its mark, and one of the Bettys exploded in a sheet of fire and debris! Too late to stop the bombs though with the remaining two bombers dropping their loads just before Jon claimed one as his first victory of the engagement.


With bombs gone the remaining Bettys opened their throttles and banked left and right. It was then the Zeros made their first attacks on the Spitfires. Cannon and machine gun fire plastered the lead Spitfire of Jon's element, already hit by return fire from the bombers, setting the aircraft on fire.


Despite this they kept firing on the Japanese bombers and a cannon shell struck home, sending another Betty down into the bay for Jon's second victory!


As the Zeros and Spits passed each other the bombs of the lead Betty hit their target, smashing the docks and damaging shipping.


Barry's Spitfires having missed much of the early engagement now bank around to have a go at the Zeros...


but Jon's Spitfire was consumed by the fire and went down in flames, his pilot 'hitting the silk.' Chalk up a half kill each for Rob and yours truly.


The rest of the bombs crash into the docks demonstrating there was nothing wrong with Rob's skills as a tabletop bombardier.


It was then the Japanese evened up the score with another Spitfire falling to the guns of a Zero, another kill to me.


The Spitfires and Zeros fill the sky, jockeying for position.


The last Betty exits the board, his duty done.


Barry gets a burst off at one of my Zeros setting it alight - I knew I should have zigged instead of zagged.


The burning zero is still in the fight but time is running out.


Jason's Zero knocks down a Spitfire, scoring his first victory.


My burning Zero goes down in flames - kill to Barry.


Barry's last Spitfire falls to the guns of the marauding Zeros, my last victory for the engagement and the day. The final score on the Allied side was two Bettys credited to Jon and one Zero to Barry. The IJN claimed four Spitfires - one to Jason, a half share to Rob's bombers and two and one half to me. Barry quite enjoyed his first WGS experience, and picked up a few WW2 miniatures to take home and hone his skills for next time.


Rob, Barry, Jon and I at the end of the last Cancon mission, Jon with his prize support Spitfire awarded for his two victories.

I was very happy to make the acquaintance of these fine gentlemen. A great end to a great convention.

07-20-2013, 06:17
Very nice Carl. I see that speed is something I will have to consider. Your AARs are definitely whetting the appetite. :hatsoff:

It appears the darkside motif has been around before my slide into the abyss.