View Full Version : WGFB: Hermann Goering: Fighter Ace (GS)

09-23-2012, 01:06
Submit a Book ReviewBook Title:
Hermann Goering: Fighter Ace Author:
Peter Kilduff ISBN:
978-1-906502-66-9 Category:
Biography Format:
Hardback Summary:
Subtitled 'The World War I Career of Germany's Most Infamous Airman', this 192pp work examines Goering's life from childhood through to the end of 1918. Well-written and drawing on numerous sources including the man himself, contemporary official reports, his wartime comrades and post-war acolytes, Kilduff paints a picture of a man difficult to find affinity or affection for. This is not a revisionist history to excuse Goering's later actions due to a troubled upbringing, though his early life obviously coloured his character, and brought him into contact with ideas and concepts which he would maintain for the rest of his life. Vain-glorious and manipulative, Goering was nonetheless able to cultivate influential patrons, so must have had some charismatic quality, and was both fearless and a highly experienced airman, both as observer and later as a pilot. Unfortunately, his true leadership ability, as a pilot, Jasta CO and eventual leader of JG.I, is clouded by his own apparent 'liberty' with the truth and the propaganda value of post-war commentaries. The book contains appendices on Goering's victory claims along with his squadron comrades, casualties suffered in the units he commanded, and a handy glossary of terms. Well-illustrated with photos throughout, the rear cover features 3 Ronny Bar profiles.


Flying Officer Kyte
09-23-2012, 01:56
Looks like one to put on my christmas list Balders.

Dark Horse
09-23-2012, 02:19
I must admit I always find this picture disturbing - a posture that reminds me of Flashart from Black Adder with a miliput chin...

09-23-2012, 02:46
I must admit I always find this picture disturbing - a posture that reminds me of Flashart from Black Adder with a miliput chin...

Yes Nigel he really lusted after the Jastafurers Stick after MvR was killed & used his contacts to make sure he got the job.

09-23-2012, 02:50
:thumbsup: Thanks Balders for putting up that review.
I read it about 18 months ago.
Preordered it as I had liked Peter's book on Carl Degalow & was not disappointed.
He really does give you an insight into Gorings physic & his belief in his destiny.:eek: