View Full Version : T&T: After Action Reports

  1. Tripods across the Piave - how it went
  2. My First Encounter with Martians
  3. My 2nd Tripod game
  4. The demise of gay Paris: Or Tripods across the Seine.
  5. Tuesday Night Mars mashup
  6. Origins 2019 - T&T Kangaroos and Ravens Save the Earth
  7. Our first 'real' Tuesday night T&T
  8. T&T: Wintercon Sunday
  9. The first Tripod encounters
  10. First Contact
  11. First Contact - basic rules
  12. First couple of games
  13. AAR First contact near the Canadian border
  14. Bournemouth: The M-Day!
  15. First Contact Scenario - Standard Rules
  16. Second Game
  17. Tuesday night is sea-food night
  18. Enter the Scarab.
  19. Not quite a 'plague of locusts'...
  20. The Cuttlefish Strikes Back
  21. AAR: Council of Five Nations 2019 - The Big Push
  22. The Defence of Doncaster (part 1).
  23. The Defence of Doncaster (part 2)
  24. The Italian Mission
  25. Thursday Morning Gaming with Mike - Tripods Finally Out of the Box!
  26. Fresh from the Cylinder
  27. Scarabs on the Loose
  28. Fall In game 4 Earth on the Brink
  29. First Tripod vs Tripod Clash
  30. The Battles at Zatu.
  31. Planes, Trains, and Martian Tripods
  32. Tripod Tuesday
  33. Tripod Tuesday II
  34. Another Tripod Tuesday
  35. Tuesday night at my place - it must be Tripod night
  36. Tripods Scenario 1 - Bring Proof 18th March 1918
  37. Tripods Scenario 2 - A Spark of Hope April 1st 1918
  38. Tripods Scenario 2 - A Spark of Hope April 1st 1918
  39. Tripods - Scenario 3 - First Contact 18th March 1918
  40. Thursday at the Club
  41. T&T : Game 1: scenario 1
  42. A Spark Of Hope
  43. A Spark of Hope II- the revenge
  44. Origins 2022 game 3 Martians on the Rampage Thursday 3pm
  45. Tripods Scenario 4 - The Hunters and the Hunted 15th April 1918
  46. Tripods Scenario 4a - The Hunters and the Hunted (using variants and later tripods)
  47. Tripod Ground & Pound ! A solo experiment.
  48. It takes two (Tripods) to tango
  49. Cold Wars 2023 T&T game 1
  50. Cold Wars 2023 T&T game 2
  51. Origins 2023 - Martians on the Rampage
  52. Origins 2023 Earth Fights Back
  53. Council 2023 Sept - Mars Attacks!
  54. Origins 2024 - Visitors from the Red Planet
  55. Origins 2024 - Mars vs Humans and Godzilla?