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Thread: Explosion.

  1. #1


    Default Explosion.

    The explosion card is not funny but we always play with it, I buy it that when someone shoot at you and he/her hit the tank and it all explode.

    But with 2 beerīs in my brain I came up with this houserule, when you take the explosion card shuffle your cards you play with in the turn and fly on, and/or maybe treat it as same effect as jamming "3 manuver cards".

    If you get explosion as the last card in a turn choose 3 new card for the next turn and shuffle, and fly on but maybe not as you want.

    If you get it on first card shuffle all three card draw two and fly on.

    If you get it as second card in a turn shuffle the 2 used cards and the 3:rd and draw one of these and use it as the last card in the turn.

    Just a thought I had maybe useful or not, I hope you understand.

    Over and out.

  2. #2


    We play with the explosion as well, but we leave it as an "instant out" card. As Andrea has mentioned in other discussions, the explosion card does not just represent an actually explosion. It was meant to cover any of the many many things that could cause a plane to leave the action immediately. This could a real explosion, a completely destroyed engine, one of the wings folding in half, the fuel line being cut or a hole in the tank. Any number of things could bring one of these crates to the ground and the explosion card covers them all (remember, the rules are pretty simple and that's one of the reasons we all like this game so much).

    While drawing that card is not fun, as long as you remember that it's random and everyone gets it eventually, it still makes the game fun.

  3. #3



    Our group also uses the explosion card as is. It is the envy of all who play to draw that card, as it draws great laughter and derision from the other players to the player who was lucky enough to have blown up!

  4. #4



    I have asked our group more than once if they want to remove the explosion card from the game...they may grumble and complain about it but not one of them wants to remove it!! I see it as a great equalizer cause no D VII or Snipe can survive that card! Although we usually allow a spawn plane to enter the combat area if a player goes out in the first 3 game turns, everybody loves to hate the explosion cards.

  5. #5


    I leave in the explosion card, but only apply if the plane is already on fire, otherwise it's a zero. I realise what it's supposed to do, but it's just too random especially if you only have a few damage points...

  6. #6


    Default Explosion

    We played yesterday and one looser draw explosion each match we played, but no discusion on take away the explosion card...just keep on flying.

    My houserule was just an idea.

    Over and out.

  7. #7


    I think most people are fine with playing with it. It really is a love/hate affair with it and adds a lot of fun to our games... as your rival wishes the card on you as he shoots you!

  8. #8

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    I'm going to give those dice charts a try. See what happens when explosion is an option for every player at the table.

  9. #9

    Stoff's Avatar
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    What we do is that when someone gets the explosion card is that it and the rest of that players damage cards get shuffled back into the damage deck.


  10. #10



    Quote Originally Posted by Stoff View Post
    What we do is that when someone gets the explosion card is that it and the rest of that players damage cards get shuffled back into the damage deck.

    We do the same thing when anyone goes down. We shuffle them in before the next maneuver card, and the next person to draw has the option of cutting the deck first.

    Last night I FINALLY got a British Ace pilot (I usually have to play the side that needs a pilot for game balance) and got an Ace Skill. Got to use the skill once to shoot down another enemy and took a lucky 1 card hit from a new player. GUESS what card it was...Everyone thought I would be mad but I really liked the story line of the pilot that was careful and worked his way up to Ace Status and in a moment of carelessness lost his life, I think it mirrors the actual events of the war!

  11. #11



    The group that usually play with has converted from using the damage decks to using chips, like in DoW.

    We printed out, and glued onto small poker chips, stickers with the same damages for each of the A,B, & C decks. Put them in bags and when you take damage, you draw the appropriate amount of chips, look at them and record the damage, and return them to the bag.

    We went to this because we were getting some pretty gamey situations where the explosion card hadn't been drawn yet, and the damage deck was getting down near the end, so you'd know that it was coming up soon.

    By drawing chips and returning them to the bag, we've changed the damage frequency a bit, but not that you'd notice. We've been playing this way for over a year and found the the explode chip is drawn less frequently, but there's still plenty of planes being shot down.

  12. #12


    My last two games I drew the explosion card. Both times on undamaged planes. The last time didn't bother me that much but the time before that ... I was very perturbed.

    Here is why, I was at my game club and as the day was ending I asked three other guys if they wanted to play Wings of War. One had played once before but the other two never had. I explained the rules, gave out equal planes and we got started. Turn 2 or maybe 3, a long shot at me and I draw the explosion card. I spent the next 45 minutes helping the other three play MY game.

    I know this adds nothing to the thread, I just want to vent. Even so, I still leave it in the deck.

    Although, I am intrigued by the reusable poker chip concept.

  13. #13



    We always left the explosion card in until I took my decks (and the rest of my stuff) to a gaming convention. Because I was trying to teach people the game, I took them out and forgot to put them back in for the next game with my group. The group I game with liked the game better without them so we haven't put them back in.


  14. #14


    I really like the Explosion card, I laugh when it comes out either on my plane or another! Try this next time you play and you take damage, say " Man I hope I dont get the explosion card!" Because almost everytime I say that or "I hope you get the explosion card!" I always end up with it!

  15. #15

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    We don't use it mainly because we don't like the random, premature end it brings to games. I'd probably include it if there were more damage cards so it wouldn't appear so often.

  16. #16


    Default Explosion Card

    The group of guys that I played with were torn on that card. We voted and by one vote decided to keep it in play.

    I thought that as a good compromise that seemed to work good for us was that if your plane was undamaged and you drew the explosion card then it counted as 10pts damage. Otherwise, if you were already shot up some then it was played as normal.

    We sometimes had as many as 8 people playing and it was kind of frustrating to get shot down in the first couple of turns by a lucky bullet.

  17. #17


    Realistically, (though rare on occasion) a lucky bullet fired in the first engagement just might find it's mark and kill a pilot, or disable an engine. I like the way the game Designer described what the card is supposed to represent... not merely a catastrophic explosion, but anything that would cause the plane to immediately be disabled, such as a wing collapsing, a pilot killed, etc.

    In other miniature airplane rules, this is equivalent to die roll resulting in critical damage, then on the critical damage chart, you roll box cars....

    In our game on Tuesday night, my brother was trying to defend a Balloon when he collided with the enemy plane he was trying to interdict. He took damage, from that mid-air collision but survived..... but then his next maneuver had him collide with the balloon. He again survived the collision damage, but the Balloon drew the dreaded explosion card, and since his plane was in contact he took an additional 'D' damage card from that catastrophic explosion, which finally brought him down.

  18. #18


    Default explosion

    I agree with most people here and I prefer to keep the card as is, but at the same time since most of my groups gaming sessions were over lunch at the office we never played anything to involved.

    Basically it came down to WoW is a really fun and simple game but getting instant KO'd 5 minutes in kind of ruined it for the player who unsuccessfully caught a mg round with his teeth.

    Realistically, thats life but we just did the compromise to enhance our lunch hour.

    I have to admit though that the whiners who hated that card brought me the most enjoyment when they drew it after I shot one of them. hehe

  19. #19



    The Explosion card is the great equalizer in the game.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by usmc1855 View Post
    In our game on Tuesday night, my brother was trying to defend a Balloon when he collided with the enemy plane he was trying to interdict. He took damage, from that mid-air collision but survived..... but then his next maneuver had him collide with the balloon. He again survived the collision damage, but the Balloon drew the dreaded explosion card, and since his plane was in contact he took an additional 'D' damage card from that catastrophic explosion, which finally brought him down.
    Was he Flying for the French as Sous-Lieutenant Clouseau?

  21. #21



    Quote Originally Posted by Jmac View Post
    Was he Flying for the French as Sous-Lieutenant Clouseau?
    Touche! The more I thought about this the funnier it got!

  22. #22



    I like the card because as it has been said before, most of us like the game because it is simple. Think about it thoes guys were flying around on a motor covered with wood and canvas and a fuel tank. I dont think it would take alot to take one down.
    We played a game two weeks ago where I was attacking a airfield. I ended up taking out two Nieuports on the ground with one run. Its just the luck of the draw.

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Jmac View Post
    My last two games I drew the explosion card. Both times on undamaged planes. The last time didn't bother me that much but the time before that ... I was very perturbed.

    Here is why, I was at my game club and as the day was ending I asked three other guys if they wanted to play Wings of War. One had played once before but the other two never had. I explained the rules, gave out equal planes and we got started. Turn 2 or maybe 3, a long shot at me and I draw the explosion card. I spent the next 45 minutes helping the other three play MY game.
    Just be happy one of the new players didn't draw it; think how they would've felt. That's why I always take it out in games with new players.

  24. #24

    Ace of the Reich


    When I play with my group we decide before the game to use the explosion card and if we play with new players we always take out the explosion card so they don't end up drawing one early in the game and becoming frustrated.

  25. #25

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    Knights of the Air

    Can I direct you to the similarly themed thread

    Using dice for Damage?

  26. #26



    Quote Originally Posted by Pseudotheist View Post
    Just be happy one of the new players didn't draw it; think how they would've felt. That's why I always take it out in games with new players.
    This is also why I've taken out all special damages (excepting jams) when introducing people to the game... I already get taunted if I win 'my game'... I don't need to add to it by allowing anyone to get blown up before we really start! And truth be told, every time I play this way, the only pilot who's gun jams is mine...

  27. #27



    In our group we don’t use the “Explosion Card”, because it brings always disinterest in the rest of the game, and tend to unbalance de game, without a real expertise or effort of the player.

    Now I’m playing with decimal dices, and the probability of getting any “card” is equal for everyone during all the game.

    Using the spirit of the rules (the designer described what the card is supposed to represent... not merely a catastrophic explosion, but anything that would cause the plane to immediately be disabled, such as a wing collapsing, a pilot killed, etc.) when we get a “explosion card” the aeroplane is inoperative but the pilot is not immediately kill. We throw another par of decimal dices, taking the outcome at the table of “deck D”.

    The aeroplane tacks the additional “D damage” and only if there is an explosion the aeroplane is brought down and the pilot killed. In other situation it takes a crash landing or lives the table game, but the pilot survives!

  28. #28



    I've been experimenting with a house rule that makes the explosion cards worth one more point than the highest damage card in that deck. For example in the "A" Deck it's a 6 point card and in the "B" deck its a 5 point card. I did this after having a few players shot down instantly in undamaged planes at very early stages in the battle. Unfortunately this happened in a few games played consecutively and the result left some potential new players feeling left out of the game. The house rule still makes the card bad to receive, but lets undamaged planes continue to fly and thus participate. Personally I don't mind leaving them is as an instant kill, but after seeing the effect this has on beginners, I compromised and made them slightly less deadly. Likely I will end up adding a point more damage to them so they would be 7 points in the "A" deck and 6 points in the "B" deck. Seems to work pretty well so far.

  29. #29


    Why not just make them a consistent 10 points? Would be easier to keep track of and would kill almost any damaged plane half way through a game. You could even swap it out with the C damage card that way.

  30. #30



    Or you could leave it in the deck and allow new players to fly in another plane.

  31. #31

    Ana Lopes


    I think that the "explosion card" is no replaceable when we are playing a solo game, but it can be replaced as Carlos said.

    We do it in our group. By the way we use to play with 2 airplanes for each player.


  32. #32


    We usually play without explosion cards and without replacements - share of unluck is too big for us.

  33. #33

    Cpt Thomas Spencer Howdy


    I flies mit Krolik, und manchmal against him.

    As he noted we use the Explode card, or in our case the Explode chit. Early on the group discussed the question, and most of us decided to play with it.

    We did come up with an interesting interpretation of it. The question was brought up of just how often in reality planes were literally exploding, and we decided that, rather than literally being an exploding plane, it instead represented catastrophic failure to a degree that the plane went down. This could be exploding, or the wings ripping or being shot off, or the structural integrity of the plane degrading to the point that it breaks in half, or he just intersected the flight path of a 250mm howitzer shell. Of course the result is the same-- a dead pilot and a destroyed plane.

  34. #34


    I've been interested too see what everyone else does on this card. I generally fly with 2 planes ,so i will leave the card in and the chances of drawing it twice is slim. But,.. if everyone is just using one plane, a big mob of blokes playing, then the card may be removed from the deck. Some people just have to have it. It matters not to me as i don't wish to make the game any more difficult. I've got too many other wargames that are difficult enough to follow.

  35. #35



    I still enjoy the thrill and suspence when you have to draw damage cards...Will I get it? Take a deep breath and DRAW!!

  36. #36

    Cruthers's Avatar
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    I tend not to use it in my group. It tends to kill the thrill of a dogfight if someone draws it 1st card in an undamaged plane.

  37. #37



    It's an important card in my opinion because it's the great equalizer. Everyone is bound to have it pulled as a damage card at some point. Given the unrepeatable nature of battle just looking at averages to inform the game is pretty vanilla...the best stories are from the wild stuff that happens!

  38. #38



    Quote Originally Posted by sparty View Post
    It's an important card in my opinion because it's the great equalizer. Everyone is bound to have it pulled as a damage card at some point. Given the unrepeatable nature of battle just looking at averages to inform the game is pretty vanilla...the best stories are from the wild stuff that happens!
    Such as our games tonight. (I just got back)
    One of our regulars drew the explosion card 4 times in 4 games!! His number must have been up cause he has not seen that card in about a month.
    In one game we traded 2 card shots on the first pass and I thought I would do him a favor and draw first...I drew an explosion, but so did he! (we are playing 4 on 4 combats so we have double damage decks) Great laughs all around including him.

  39. #39



    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie3 View Post
    Such as our games tonight. (I just got back)
    One of our regulars drew the explosion card 4 times in 4 games!! His number must have been up cause he has not seen that card in about a month.
    In one game we traded 2 card shots on the first pass and I thought I would do him a favor and draw first...I drew an explosion, but so did he! (we are playing 4 on 4 combats so we have double damage decks) Great laughs all around including him.
    I really hope that I have gotten all those explosions out my system now. That was pretty funny though.

  40. #40



    One of the best explosion moments in our group was one time when Don & I were drawing damage for a collision we both drew the expolosion. (we use a chit method, so the damage token goes back in the bag)

    That must have been one nasty head on collision.

  41. #41



    i recently was facing a new player with 3 spits against 3 me-109s, using the recycle chits method. game begins with us playing high speed chicken with guns blazing. i draw for damage, and all 3 of my spitfires promptly explod . that said, i am seriously considering putting the explodes back in due to it being the great equalizer. it may be just what we need to get the spits back on par with the me-109s.

  42. #42



    That's hilarious...1st draw and 2 explosions. Too bad you guys didn't decide to play the lottery...

    Where in Traverse City do you guys play at? (I went to Michigan State..hence Sparty)

    My in-laws have a cottage up at spooky if I'm up there at some point and you guys happen to be up for a game I may be able to swing down in Traverse and get a game. Sounds like you've got a great group.

  43. #43



    Quote Originally Posted by sparty View Post
    That's hilarious...1st draw and 2 explosions. Too bad you guys didn't decide to play the lottery...

    Where in Traverse City do you guys play at? (I went to Michigan State..hence Sparty)

    My in-laws have a cottage up at spooky if I'm up there at some point and you guys happen to be up for a game I may be able to swing down in Traverse and get a game. Sounds like you've got a great group.
    Currently we play at Mayhem Games on Tuesday nights. Mayhem is near Chums Corners just south of Traverse City.
    Last edited by LGKR; 02-10-2010 at 07:20.

  44. #44



    Cool man. Next time I'm up in MI, late summer probably, I'll have to PM ya and see if I can get into a game.

  45. #45



    Quote Originally Posted by sparty View Post
    Cool man. Next time I'm up in MI, late summer probably, I'll have to PM ya and see if I can get into a game.
    Hey Great! Go to to get information on our local gaming event that will be in Aug. Hope to fly with you sometime!

  46. #46



    Nice website for a great cause. I wish you guys the best success. Looks like there's a ton of gaming going on in TC that I had no idea about....Guess it won't matter when I'm up at Sugar Loaf.

    Any of those places have a grill on hand? I could swing by Pleva's and grab some cherry sausages and we could have a good ole time!

    So...quick question... what container is this:

    I've got a similar Plano, but that one looks slightly bigger (taller) than what I've got.

  47. #47



    Quote Originally Posted by sparty View Post
    Nice website for a great cause. I wish you guys the best success. Looks like there's a ton of gaming going on in TC that I had no idea about....Guess it won't matter when I'm up at Sugar Loaf.

    Any of those places have a grill on hand? I could swing by Pleva's and grab some cherry sausages and we could have a good ole time!

    So...quick question... what container is this:

    I've got a similar Plano, but that one looks slightly bigger (taller) than what I've got.
    My grill is always open for anything from Pleva's!!
    The plano box is model #1372series according to the imprint inside the top.
    I would imagine you can find it at also imprinted inside the top. We have purchased them from a local sporting goods store called MC sports. I am not sure if they are a Michigan chain or a national one, but I have not seen it in other stores.

  48. #48



    I LOVED MC Sports...sadly they don't have em down here.

    I actually picked up a Field & Stream 360 Tackle Bag, which comes with 6 planos and are the perfect size and stack nicely with a bunch of pockets for things...

    I'll have to keep my eyes open for that model you posted though...I'm always looking!!!

  49. #49


    I understand the idea of taking the explosion card out of the deck when teaching beginners-- so a beginner isn't discouraged early in a game.

    However, the opposite is that the one scoring the kill gets the thrill of victory......

  50. #50



    For new players it's kinda fun if they're playing against each other I would think. It would probably seem unkind to dole it out as a more experienced player. Maybe just say "beginner's luck" saves them the first time they see it, but use it to explain the rule and your take on why you play with the card?

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