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Thread: Bomber miniatures

  1. #101


    Time to start selling off some of my 1/48 WW1 models.

  2. #102

  3. #103

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    BF 110, HE 111 and a B 25...
    There is another one, but I cant identifi it...
    May be a beaufighter???

  4. #104


    Quote Originally Posted by Galland View Post

    BF 110, HE 111 and a B 25...
    There is another one, but I cant identifi it...
    May be a beaufighter???
    Yep yep yep I can't wait. Its got to be getting close...

  5. #105

    Blue Max


    Food for thought Bob. Do we buy some Skytrex bombers now or wait for ffg ? They certainly look good

  6. #106

  7. #107


    Yup that's a Beafighter!

  8. #108


    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Max View Post
    Food for thought Bob. Do we buy some Skytrex bombers now or wait for ffg ? They certainly look good
    That really depends on which bombers you need. The Handley Page and Staaken are not scheduled, so if you want them in your lifetime, even supposing it is more than two weeks, you will have to build them yourself.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  9. #109


    Too bad we only get two different WWI sculpts to four WWII... but since I play both ways (or will, eventually) I'm not gonna complain too much lest I get two WWII minis killed rather than two WWI's added.

    So, if these dates hold, we're looking at...
    2011 Spring: WWII Rain of Destruction box (multiengine-bomber cards)
    2011, June:WW1 Bombers (Gotha, Caproni Ca3)
    2011, post-June: WW1 Series 5
    Unknown: WW2 Bombers (He111, B-25), WW2 twin-engine fighters (thought I saw a Bf110 miniature), WW2 Series 3, Winds of Fire (WW2 PTO deck), Ground Attack (WW2 dive-bomber deck)

    Sources: Gioconomicon link, WingsOfWar.IT latest news entry

  10. #110


    And we are still in the middle of flurry winter. Argh. My school ends conclusively next summer when I graduate, but that's not what I'm desperately waiting for... it's the totally new fleet of bombers and fighters!

  11. #111


    If Nexus keeps their normal release schedule, we should get the Gotha and Caproni around Christmas this year and series 5 late spring of 2012.

  12. #112


    Quote Originally Posted by Col. Hajj View Post
    If Nexus keeps their normal release schedule, we should get the Gotha and Caproni around Christmas this year and series 5 late spring of 2012.
    Quick, look up there! Is that a flying Penguin???? (topical for the mess)

  13. #113


    Quote Originally Posted by tonyc206 View Post
    Quick, look up there! Is that a flying Penguin???? (topical for the mess)
    Wrong time of year for Penguins, they've all gone south for the winter, may be the pigs returning for the spring?

  14. #114


    Will they be a boxed set of one model each or a pair or what? Will they be like the balloon busters and have single bomber and another unique mini with them? Maybe Spad VII or Schukert DIII? That would be really cool. In reality it would be cool either way. I can't wait for these and especially the eindecker/moraines/DH2 as I love the early war stuff.

  15. #115

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    I don't think there's been any definite announcement, but I certainly get the impression the bombers will be packaged on their own; they've not previewed any other new models at the same time, and must realise it would start a riot if the only way you could get an aircraft like the SPAD VII was to buy a bomber as well....

  16. #116


    Yes Dom I agree , if they tried packaging a single fighter with the bomber, I'd cross my arms and stamp my foot....a lot

  17. #117


    Never saw this post before. Love the pics!! Can't wait until the minis are released!! (whenever that may be)

  18. #118


    Quote Originally Posted by Dom S View Post
    I don't think there's been any definite announcement, but I certainly get the impression the bombers will be packaged on their own; they've not previewed any other new models at the same time, and must realise it would start a riot if the only way you could get an aircraft like the SPAD VII was to buy a bomber as well....
    I'm not saying it would be the only way, just the only way RIGHT NOW :P. Perhaps you get the coveted mini for shelling out the $30? $40? $50? each for the bomber sets. Then later on they release those same minis in a series.

    Does anyone know what the price for the bombers might be? I would hope under $30 per bomber.

  19. #119

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    No announcement's been made.

  20. #120


    I would say they are going to be released as a single mini per box. I would love to see them each come with an escorting fighter. I'd be happy with one of the minis we already have.... say a Albatros D.III or D.Va for the Gotha and either a Ni 17 or SPAD/Camel for the Caproni... both in new paint jobs of course.

  21. #121


    Quote Originally Posted by Col. Hajj View Post
    I would love to see them each come with an escorting fighter. I'd be happy with one of the minis we already have.... say a Albatros D.III or D.Va for the Gotha and either a Ni 17 or SPAD/Camel for the Caproni... both in new paint jobs of course.
    I'm pretty sure they're going to have a hard enough time moving them at the price point they're going to have to charge. Weighing them down with an albatross like an Albatros would be a bad idea. I'll bet for every person who would love a new paint job for an existing plane, there are two people who don't need ANOTHER SPAD XIII in their collection. And which group do you think is going to buy the product anyway?

    If they feel the need to add something extra, throw in the Anti-Aircraft rules and the C damage deck. That would complete the obsoletion of the non-miniature boxed sets.

  22. #122


    I know it would add to the cost, but getting more repainted planes is always a plus... even if it is another SPAD XIII. lol The C damage deck might be good for some, but I only need the one that came in BD years ago. Also, if they do include any damage deck with them, I'm betting on the B since most of the Giants use that deck.

  23. #123


    Quote Originally Posted by Col. Hajj View Post
    The C damage deck might be good for some, but I only need the one that came in BD years ago.
    Well what you or I need and what will help grow the game to newer players are two very different things.

  24. #124


    Very true, but bomber minis with out reprinted fighters will not help grow the game either! LOL

  25. #125


    I agree personally I hope to collect one of each factory mini, I'm not much for repainting for modifying but I like to have a complete set. Another plane of any variety in a different paint job would work well for me. I have a Spad XIII, D Va, Dr I and camel but I bought the new revised deluxe set anyway just for the new paint jobs.

  26. #126


    Quote Originally Posted by Col. Hajj View Post
    I would say they are going to be released as a single mini per box. I would love to see them each come with an escorting fighter. I'd be happy with one of the minis we already have.... say a Albatros D.III or D.Va for the Gotha and either a Ni 17 or SPAD/Camel for the Caproni... both in new paint jobs of course.
    They usually do minis based on cards that are already in print. If they do rwo versions of each bomber, then we'll have two German Gothas and either two Italian Capronis or one Italian and one French.

    Assuming the latter, and also assuming that the escort matches the nationality of the bomber, then the Calabria and Guynemer Spads from Famous Aces would be cool...

    ...But put the Hippert and Sachsenerg Fokker D.VIIs (from Top Fighters) in with the Gothas and they'd sell like hotcakes!
    Last edited by tuladin; 02-08-2011 at 11:28.

  27. #127


    I personaly think we will get 1 x bomber minature, 1 x set of manouver cards and 1 x base. In other words the same as we get now, why would Nexus put anything else in the box! That's what I think.

  28. #128


    It all depends on how they package it. I personally think it will just be a larger airplane pack as Doug said.

  29. #129


    I'd think there should be another mgmt card too perhaps?

  30. #130


    If they did fighter + bomber packs, I'd personally rather they pack an intercepting fighter, like the idea with the "Balloon Busters" set--basically a Minis game in one box except the damage decks and rulers.

    Or a triple-pack with one interceptor and one escort, both new Series 1 variants... that way, all four boxes plus the RDS would yield a complete "Series 1-B".

  31. #131



  32. #132


    Per Andrea, from BGG on 2/9/11 "...Deadlines have been published today at by Domskeleton, quoting the WoW official site:
    June for the bombers, and after that the Series 5. " Here's the link:

    I'd prefer 1 bomber plus cards and base per it is now. You can always add your favorite fighter(s) on your own...

  33. #133



  34. #134


    Quote Originally Posted by Badin23 View Post
    This way Sir, we have a wonderful line in wrap around jackets for this season and I'm sure we have one in your size....

  35. #135



    Love the Gotha, but would have rather seen a Handley Page for the allies

  36. #136


    Quote Originally Posted by spr5858 View Post
    Love the Gotha, but would have rather seen a Handley Page for the allies
    I'm liking the Curtiss H.16 myself...

  37. #137


    Added benefit, the Felixstowes were rebuilt from Curtiss aircraft, so a skilled tool-and-die designer could cut the molds so that most of them both would be the same parts with only a different hull attached to the wing and tailgroup. If you only have to design and cut common tooling once, it goes a long way on reducing costs...
    Historical Consultant/Researcher, Wings and Sails lines - Unless stated otherwise, all comments are personal opinion only and NOT official Ares policy.
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  38. #138

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    Would rather see the Handley-Page, the Gothas are the only bombers emplyed over England.(?) Now for a Zeppelin

  39. #139


    Don't forget the Zeppelin Staaken,and Friedrichshafen FF 29 seaplane.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  40. #140


    Rob...yes! Seaplanes...all kinds of neat scenarios could be built around these...

  41. #141


    A Gotha WD.14 and a Short 184 would be a nice set of additions

  42. #142



    I hear you guys about the misses blowing her top about minis.lucky for me I got my lady interested in them and now she plays wow with AKA Lady Vontigger

  43. #143


    Quote Originally Posted by baronvontigger View Post
    I hear you guys about the misses blowing her top about minis.lucky for me I got my lady interested in them and now she plays wow with AKA Lady Vontigger
    Tim your a smart man and lucky to have a lady like that. So are you and Lady Vontigger coming up this Saturday?

  44. #144


    Yep...I lucked out as long as I'm not spending Too Much in one fell swoop ;-)
    Last edited by MayorJim; 02-21-2011 at 18:11.

  45. #145


    Quote Originally Posted by Col. Hajj View Post
    It was just announced that we will get some bomber miniatures this year. They are the Caproni CA.3 and Gotha G.V. Both will come in two different paint schemes.

    By the look of the engine nacelles on the Gotha, it is a G.IV rather than a G.V. Better that way though, as it starts out as a day bomber in Spring '17 before going to nights, while the G.V doesn't appear until the autumn and was apparently used exclusively at night. So hopefully we'll get both 'sky' and night lozenge options.

  46. #146


    I've updated the first post with the painted prototype images that have come out over the past week.

  47. #147

    Hunter's Avatar May you forever fly in blue skies
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    Those paint schemes look nice. However, to me it's a big yawn, hohum. This thread started in February 2010 with talk of the release in 2010! I hear alot of talk from NEXUS about bombers and Series V coming out soon and reprints of the Series I through IV, but no action. If this game is going to get bigger with new and more people involved then NEXUS, or somebody else, is going to have to provide the product! People do not want to get involved with WoW if they can't buy a decent plane. Our LGS can only get in stock two seaters and one DVa (Jentsch). Had them for two months. I refer newbies over there to pick up a plane and they always, repeat always, say they don't want anything from that selection. Then they ask, "where can I get a Red Baron, Camel, or DVII?" Most of them are not modelers and just want something to use right away. Even when I let anyone use any one of my planes, most players want their own. Kind of like hunting with someone else's rifle. I like this game, it's my favorite, and I want to see more interest. It's way more fun to play with a larger (4x4 or 5x5) group than with 1x1 or 2x2.

    Yeah, it's great for us who've been able to spend outrageously on ebay, or those who've been involved with WoW from the beginning as we have all or most of the planes. But what about newer players or those who can't spend those outrageous ebay amounts? Well, I understand why someone would rather play Warhammer, 40K, FloW, or Dystopian Wars, because those products are readily available and renewable! Are you listening NEXUS and FFG?

    Oh, I'll get the Series V and the bombers but I'm not holding my breath and I'll believe they're out when I see them at my LGS or my online GS - not ebay!!

    I think I'll take a nap, wake me up when they're here.
    - Rip van Winkle
    Last edited by Hunter; 06-14-2011 at 18:26. Reason: Grammer/correct to RvW thanx D-Back.

  48. #148


    Don't you mean "Rip Van Winkle"? Hell, if Nexus doesn't want my money, I'm sure We're Out To Conquer would love it, and so would Izhmash, Auto-Ordnance, Colt, Springfield, and various AR-shops. Heck, one of my typical WoW purchases is enough to buy a good shoulder holster for my .45... or a decent-quality HO-scale model locomotive or three.
    Historical Consultant/Researcher, Wings and Sails lines - Unless stated otherwise, all comments are personal opinion only and NOT official Ares policy.
    Wings Checklists: WWI (complete, FINALLY!) | WWII (complete)

  49. #149


    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter View Post
    Those paint schemes look nice. However, to me it's a big yawn, hohum. I hear alot of talk from NEXUS about bombers and Series V coming out soon and reprints of the Series I through IV, but no action. If this game is going to get bigger with new and more people involved then NEXUS, or somebody else, is going to have to provide the product! People do not want to get involved with WoW if they can't buy a decent plane. Our LGS can only get in stock two seaters and one DVa (Jentsch). Had them for two months. I refer newbies over there to pick up a plane and they always, repeat always, say they don't want anything from that selection. Then they ask, "where can I get a Red Baron, Camel, or DVII?" Most of them are not modelers and just want something to use right away. Even when I let anyone use any one of my planes, most players want their own. Kind of like hunting with someone else's rifle.

    Yeah, it's great for us who've been able to spend outrageously on ebay, or those who've been involved with WoW from the beginning as we have all or most of the planes. But what about newer players or those who can't spend those outrageous ebay amounts? Well, I understand why someone would rather play Warhammer, 40K, FloW, or Dystopian Wars, because those products are readily available and renewable! Are you listening NEXUS and FFG?

    Oh, I'll get the Series V and the bombers but I'm not holding my breath and I'll believe they're out when I see them at my LGS or my online GS - not ebay!!

    I think I'll take a nap, wake me up when they're here.
    - Rumplestiltskin
    Terry if I didn't know better I would think your a little...just a little frustrated. I'm right there with ya.

  50. #150

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    You know better! LOL! You got it right. Yesterday I had two fellas flat out refused my invitation to play (they played once about a month ago) because they were tired of waiting to get a 'good' plane. I again offered them to use mine, but they declined because they wanted to get into it by buying their own Camels and DrI's. Then they went over to the rack and dropped (each) $98+ on a Blood Angel Tank and a Space Marine Vindicator Tank (whatever they are, I think)! The money is there, I just don't get NEXUS' business plan! Thanks for letting me vent!

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