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Thread: BoB Prequel 1: Mantain the pressure !

  1. #1

    Default BoB Prequel 1: Mantain the pressure !

    As elements of Tomato Staffel, Tomato Leader and Tomato 2 (hookie crew) aproached the British airfield, one Spitfire appeared to chalenge their bombing raid.

    “Achtung ! Spitfire” warned Oberleutnant Klaus Schmid, Tomato 2 pilot.

    “Tomato 2, this is Tomato Leader. The objective is the planes and the flak unit. Leave the ground instalations to the panzer, they will ocupy them for our use.”

    “Understood tomato leader. How about the enemy fighter coming toward us ?”

    “Tomato 2. Pell off to the right and make a bombing run on the line of fighters. I will deal with the interceptor and the flak unit.” Hookie crews are always on the edge, what could possibly go wrong, thought Major Ernst Müller.

    And so started the battle.

    As Tomato Leader got near the objective, the Spitfire tryed to intercept the Heinkel on the right, and the flak crew started to aim at the same plane.

    “This is tomato leader. We achieved surprise ! One fighter should pose no serious danger to us. Do as you trained for and head home !”.

    As for to counter the reassuring words, flak burst at the side of the plane, without causing any damage. The fire from the fighter in the other hand started to cause some. The front gunner, Stabsfeldwebel Heiner Schmidt, opened up with everything he had, but without any noticiable effects.

    After the head-on pass, the Spitfire took some damage, but the machinegun fire from the Heinkel seemed inefective.

    Meanwhile Tomato 2 was positining itself for the bombing run.

    After an Immelman turn, the Spitfire went after Tomato Leader again.

    “Bomber. Blast this flak gun, but don't waste bombs, we still have some planes on the ground to destroy !”

    “Jawohl Kommandant ! One bomb wil be enough for this !” answered Stabsfeldwebel Schmidt.

    “Bomb away !” Shouted Stabsfeldwebel Schmidt exitedly as he droped one of the bombs.

    At this moment disaster struck ! A flack shell explode right to the side of the Heinkel causing massive damage.

    “All stations report !” Shouted Major Müller, now very worried about their fate.

    “Lots of damage, but nothing vital seems to be hit !” Shouted Stabsfeldwebel Schmidt.

    “Get us home comander !” shouted Gefreiter Konrad Fischer.

    “Here cames the damn Spitfire” warned Gefreiter Friedrich Weber.

    “I will break to the right !” shouted Major Müller. “Gunner get rid of that fighter !”

    At this time, forgotten by all, Tomato 2 was finally positinning itself for the bomb run.

    At this moment, Tomato Leader felt the Spitfire bullets hitting the plane again, and heard someone shouting the plane was leaving a black trail of smoke.

    When all seemed to be lost, Gefreiter Weber started shouting “I got him ! I got him !!!!!” and the cheers of the rest of the crew as the Spitfire went nose first to the ground in flames.

    “Müller. Jetison all the bombs ! The objective now is to go home !”

    “Tomato Leader ! This is Tomato 2. Watch out or we will have a collision shortly”

    “Tomato 2. Break to the right ! Break to the right !”

    Tomato 2, after starting the perfect bombing run, expecting to destroy 3 planes was forced to break to the right to avoid collision with Tomato Leader. But at least one of the planes on the ground was destroyed.

    With the collision being avoided, Tomato Leader, started the long way home trailing smoke from the badly damaged plane. Tomatao 2, on the other hand, circled to start the bombing run again.

    Tomato 2 almost got out of the playing surface.

    “Tomato 2, this is Tomato Leader. Klaus, finnish the planes on the ground and head directly to our airfield.”

    “Jawohl Kommandant ! Will do that. Good luck”

    At this point, as I had decided at the start of the scenario that there would be no reinforcements, I ended it as it was only a matter of time to destroy all the planes on the ground.

    Tomato 2, starting for the second time the “perfect” bomb run.

    Back home, at the pilots mess, with a bottle of wine, Major Müller thought about how lucky he was, and how the events turned from an almost hopeless situation to being able to nurse the crippled plane home.
    Last edited by calm; 02-21-2014 at 05:17. Reason: Typo

  2. #2


    Nice report!

  3. #3


    Excellent report, Carlos!!
    Your airfield is excellent.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by tiagodeividy View Post
    Nice report!
    Obrigado Tiago !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Blackronin View Post
    Excellent report, Carlos!!
    Your airfield is excellent.
    You got to be kidding, Joaquim. I made in 10 minutes, just to play this scenario

  5. #5

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Blackronin View Post
    Ten good minutes, then!
    Hehehe, thanks anyway

  7. #7


    Well I hope my defence of the Malta airfields goes better than that did. I have only got three of them.
    Well fought Carlos, and a very entertaining AAR. plus some great action photos.
    Last edited by Flying Officer Kyte; 02-21-2014 at 08:37.
    "Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death."

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Officer Kyte View Post
    Well i hope my defence of the Malta airfields goes better than that did. I have only got three of them.
    Well fought Carlos, and a very entertaining AAR. plus some great action photos.

    Thank you.

    Well, Tomato Leader was very lucky the gunner pulled the Boom card when it did. If the Spitfire was allowed to fire just one more time Tomato Leader would be shot down.

    It was very tense, that 15 damage chit is a killer.

  9. #9

    Thumbs up

    Well played Carlos. Very entertaining!

  10. #10


    What a start to 'Tomato' wing's first encounter. Thought you were a gonner there Carlos but the boom card is a leveler. Great AAR. If this is the standard to come then there are some great AAR's to come in this campaign.

    See you on the Dark Side......

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Skafloc View Post
    What a start to 'Tomato' wing's first encounter. Thought you were a gonner there Carlos but the boom card is a leveler. Great AAR. If this is the standard to come then there are some great AAR's to come in this campaign.

    Thanks Neil ! I will try my best to mantain that standard

    It was really a nail bitter. To loose the Komandant in the first mission.... worse, before the first official mission would be bad for morale. When I pulled the D - 15 damage chit I tought it was over, and when the next chit I pulled for the Spitfire was the Boom Card I couldn't believe.

    The planes almost colided because Major Müller was trying to drag the Spitfire in the direction of Tomato 2 in hopes the 2 Heinkels could shot it down.

    In the end I was taught a lesson on how no plan survives contact with the enemy.
    Last edited by calm; 02-20-2014 at 11:57.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by gully_raker View Post
    Well played Carlos. Very entertaining!
    Thanks Barry
    Last edited by calm; 02-21-2014 at 08:52. Reason: Typo

  13. #13


    and bombers flying individually make too tempting a target.

    Quote Originally Posted by calm View Post
    Thanks Neil ! I will try my best to mantain that standard

    It was really a nail bitter. To loose the Komandant in the first mission.... worse, before the first official mission would be bad for morale. When I pulled the D - 15 damage chit I tought it was over, and when the next chit I pulled for the Spitfire was the Boom Card I couldn't believe.

    The planes almost colided because Major Müller was trying to drag the Spitfire in the direction of Tomato 2 in hopes the 2 Heinkels could shot it down.

    In the end I was taught a lesson on how no plan survives contact with the enemy.
    See you on the Dark Side......

  14. #14


    Ernst Muller has lucky Git skill so could remove the 15 damage token. One to remember Carlos.
    See you on the Dark Side......

  15. #15


    Wow Carlos what a great nail biter, that flak did some serious damage, really enjoyed it, thank you.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Skafloc View Post
    Ernst Muller has lucky Git skill so could remove the 15 damage token. One to remember Carlos.
    I did remember it, but it was just a "training" mission I choose not to use it, just to see what would hapens.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Brambo View Post
    Wow Carlos what a great nail biter, that flak did some serious damage, really enjoyed it, thank you.
    Yes, it was. I was never sure what would hapen next.

  18. #18


    Nice bombing run, Carlos.

    This airfild is out of action.

    German Panzerdivision recon elements will secure this place.
    Voilà le soleil d'Austerlitz!

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Marechallannes View Post
    Nice bombing run, Carlos.

    This airfild is out of action.

    German Panzerdivision recon elements will secure this place.
    Thats the idea ! Destroy only the planes and use the airfield for our glorious advance

  20. #20


    You live dangerously my friend, dangerously but excitingly.
    See you on the Dark Side......

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Skafloc View Post
    You live dangerously my friend, dangerously but excitingly.
    Thats the idea, too. Model planes, model pilots, exciting, but not so dangerous

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