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Thread: Wintercon 9-11 June, ACT

  1. #1

    Default Wintercon 9-11 June, ACT

    Will be run Saturday June 9th to Monday June 11th 20120.
    Fitzroy Pavilion
    Exhibition Park In Canberra
    Flemington Road Mitchell.

    Participation Games include:

    Wings of War

    A participation game for 1-12 players.

    WW I Wings of Glory is the re-printed edition of the International Award-Winning Wings of War game of aerial combat in the First World War.
    Each player pilots one aircraft, and attempts to survive the savage individual “dogfights” of the Era..

    Players will get to fight the dreaded Red Baron in the course of his career, attempt the dangerous task of flying through Anti-aircraft fire to destroy enemy observation balloons using primitive rockets, intercept giant multi-engine bombers, and much more.

    One scenario tales place during the Russian Civil War, a historical 5-cornered “deathmatch” where the Reds, Whites, German Freikorps, Lithuanians and Poles all fought against each other in the vicinity of Vilna in 1920. Other scenarios involve teams – Germans vs French and British, Austrians and Germans vs Russians, and so on in historically accurate line-ups. Games cover the entire time period from the first crude attempts at making fighting aircraft, to the sophisticated machines of 1918, forerunners to the modern aircraft of today. There will be one scenario from 1916, one from 1917, and one from 1918 each day, plus others as time permits.

    Players can join and leave at any time, making this an ideal “fill-in” game between matches, and good for casual participants too.Suitable for ages 7 and up, it is an ideal game for whole families to play. Rules are simple, and can be picked up in ten minutes or less, just by observing play..

    Support for the game is available on the net at
    Pre-painted Aircraft models and rules sets are published by Ares games
    Miniatures from other manufacturers and 3D print-on-demand shops can be used too, providing endless scope for creative depiction of the colourful heraldry of these “Knights of the Air”.

    Watch your back, and Beware the Hun in the Sun!

  2. #2


    Last day is June 11th 20120.
    That is 18,108 years in the future.
    I do not think that I will be here to see it.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Zakopious View Post
    Last day is June 11th 20120.
    That is 18,108 years in the future.
    I do not think that I will be here to see it.
    Why wait til the last minute to start promoting

  4. #4


    Won't be able to make that one sorry. Only so many leave passes for playing with toys


  5. #5


    We're starting to plan for Cancon 2013. 2013 is Canberra's centenary, and Cancon will be the venue for a number of International games championships.

  6. #6


    Not sure if I will be able to make it to Wintercon, Zoe but maybe one day (Saturday)
    I will check with Halvo & let you know.
    Definately O.K. for Cancon though.

  7. #7

    Thumbs up

    Morning Zoe!
    I checked with Chris Halverson (halvo) & yes we will both be coming up for the Saturday as will his two boys one of whom plays at our club.
    I will be able to bring many Early War & mid war Aircraft plus a HP 0/400 if you need it.
    I can also bring my Games Mat & perhaps can get Col's WoW Mats.

    Another thing! Sounds like a "Cunning Plan" to quote Baldrick, if I pick up my models plus Col's & pay you when I am there.
    That will save you a lot of hassels.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by gully_raker View Post
    Sounds like a "Cunning Plan" to quote Baldrick, if I pick up my models plus Col's & pay you when I am there.
    That will save you a lot of hassels.
    Great! Just had word - the replacements have been printed, and are on their way at last.

    Scheduled Delivery:
    Wednesday, 05/09/2012, By End of Day

    Last Location:
    Arrived - Koeln, Germany, Friday, 05/04/2012

    Now let's hope these are well printed.

    Meanwhile, it is possible - just - to salvage at least some of the duds, with a lot of work. One of the N17s in the comp is one of them, and if I'd had a bit more time, I could have dealt with the flaws only visible in magnification, and not to the naked eye. Adequate for gaming, anyway.

    I'm sorely tempted to keep it, rather than giving it away with the good models, as was my original intention. Though it may not be wanted, it is sub-standard.

  9. #9


    Thanks to Ares, I have 8 promotional Aces packs (plus the three I bought myself) to promote the game.
    I'll be reserving some for Cancon, but I think I can promise at least one Ace per participant.

  10. #10


    Cool, glad Ares are doing something to recognise the promotional work Hope the Con goes well for you!


  11. #11



    Hi all,

    I was at Wintercon today and met Zoe who introduced me to the concept of "Wings Of Glory" and can say that I am very keen on playing this as a regular event. I had a ball!



  12. #12

  13. #13

  14. #14



    I was at Wintercon over the last 2 days (but playing in a Flames of War campaign/competition tourny). However, I looked in on Zoe's demo games from time to time and every time I noticed people enjoying themselves and getting into WW1 aerial combat. My hats off to Zoe for her commitment and the way she manages to engage everybody in the game. I intend assisting and participating at Cancon next year.

    Must get back to painting my large pile of unpainted shapeways, reviresco and skytrex.

    Barry, it was also great to see you again on Saturday.


  15. #15

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by smitty_au View Post
    Hi all,

    I was at Wintercon today and met Zoe who introduced me to the concept of "Wings Of Glory" and can say that I am very keen on playing this as a regular event. I had a ball!


    G'day Sean & welcome to the 'drome on behalf of the NSW Pilots.
    Mate please do go to the main Report for Duty section & announce your arrival so all the overseas Chaps can welcome you as well.
    We have a really great bunch of WOG Pilots from so many countries who have become firm friends on line.

  16. #16



    Thanks for the welcome Barry.

    I will say hi to all soon.



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