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Thread: Collisions

  1. #1

    trumpetman52's Avatar
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    Default Collisions

    I have a general question.
    How do you handle collisions between aircraft?
    I know probably everyone will have a variant of the rules and that is OKay. I would just like to hear your thoughts on how you play, so I can develop my ideas from yours.


  2. #2


    When two planes collide, they each draw a C damage card... that's how we do it at least.

  3. #3

    trumpetman52's Avatar
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    Default collisions

    Thanks Col.
    I didn't make myself completely clear on my earlier post.

    How do you determine if aircraft have had a collision in the air?



  4. #4



    The official rule (optional rule if using altitude rules):
    If both planes' bases or cards overlap at the same altitude and both either have no or some climb counters, draw a C-card (or two A-cards if you don't have a C-deck).
    To clarify, if both planes overlap at the same altitude and only one has climb counters, there's no need to check.

    Note: There's a good house rule one player posted (can't remember who, sorry) which only has planes that overlap the centre of the other's base check for collision (otherwise as the official rules).

  5. #5


    You can downolad the combined rulebook here

    Here are the optional collision rules copied from that rulebook:

    Two overlapping planes and/or balloons collide if 1) they are both at the same altitude and 2) either they both have climb counters (no matter how many) or they both have no climb counters. Each colliding plane or balloon takes a C damage card (or two A damage if you don't have a C- damage deck) for each aircraft or balloon, enemy or friend, that it collides with. Take into account damage points and explosions but ignore other types of special damage.

  6. #6



    In our league we we use the miniatures. When two aircraft overlap we put down the plane card for one of the planes. If the center peg of the base overlaps the silhouette on the card there is a chance for a collision. Both players roll a 6 sided dice. If the dice rolls are a tie there is a collision. Each player draws 3 A cards. This keeps collisions down to minimum and when they do happen it's that much more fun - for those of us not colliding that is.

  7. #7


    When using altitude rules, we play the official rule modified by the house rule noted by IRM (above). So our Collision Rule for games played using altitude rules is:

    If both planes' bases/cards overlap at the same altitude AND both either have no or some climb counters, AND one of the aircraft's center red dot/post is overlapped by the base/card of the other, then a collision occurs. Both aircraft must draw a "C" damage card.

    If we are NOT using altitude rules, we do not use/have collisions.

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