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Thread: Looking for some advices...

  1. #1

    Arrow Looking for some advices...

    Hi pilots i need your help.
    in these days i am thinking to buy another WWII deluxe set.
    in your opinion is it a good choice for me to "upgrade" my wow WWII minis(i have already one box) or it is a waste of money?

    happy landing!

  2. #2

    Thumbs up Looking for some advices...


    Are you buying it for the mini`s or the game? To me you are better off buying the standard DOW game and collecting the minis separately. That way you have a wider range of planes to fly. You can see how the other planes handle.You could also get Fire From The Sky which is a complete game also! The new mini series coming out soon with a variety of planes!


  3. #3


    I'm not sure I understand your question either. You already have one copy of the Deluxe set and are looking at buying another? What is the reasoning behind needing another Deluxe Set?

  4. #4


    The main reason is i am thinking to improve the number of players and to collect more minis also.
    Ok, i know they are the same minis i already have at home, but i like them very much and i could have 8 planes to play with friends in the same match and of course a lot of counters also

    so it would be an interesting method to improve number of players,counters, and planes.Or not?

    @Rich: i dont like very much to play only with cards...

  5. #5


    If it was me, I'd pick the airplane packs before buying another Deluxe set. Having more then one of the same plane on the table can get confusing as to which belongs to who. I don't think you would have any problems with running out of counters for 6 players for sure, 8 might get close, but I think you would be okay. With WWII, almost all the planes use different damage types from each other as well as for short and long range. So, you tend to use a lot of counters from all the damage types... reducing the number each one you need.

    In short, buy more minis, not another deluxe set.

  6. #6


    Thanks Col. for your advice
    ill go for some more minis so.

  7. #7

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    Hi Lorenzo,
    I also bought a WWII delux set and I decided to buy other 4 minis, 2 Spitfire and 2 BF109..
    We play it in 8 players and till now we never run out of tokens.
    Now I'm moving to 1/144 and I'll buy a Fire from the Sky box to have the manouver deck for my new planes (like Stuka) and other play boards.

    As Col Hajj said is better ti buy minis...

    In Italian
    Ciao Lorenzo
    Io ho iniziato con un Delux Set e 4 aerei in più e mi sono trovato bene.. non si confondono gli aerei e i segnalini bastano e avanzano.. c'è solo un po di "malcontento" per le plance di gioco ma il problema è risolvibile con delle stampe su cartoncino..
    Complice l'uscita dei Bombardieri DeAgostini 1/144 mi stò muovendo per cambiare scala e, avendo fatto l'acquisto folle di 20 aerei misti 1/72 stò lavorando per farmi le basette e i mazzi manovra.
    Se tutto va bene e faccio in tempo pensavo di sentire Andrea Angiolino per portare tutto a Roma Gioca.

    Un saluto
    Pav (Lorenzo)

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