Ares Games


Wings of War and Glory - Interlude 4: Infirmary

Rating: 3 votes, 5.00 average.
[B][I]December 15, 1915[/I][/B]

I wake up and fall again and again into darkness and fever for the last two weeks. Cold soft hands keep my hope and sanity when I feel them in my head. Rita's soft voice brings me back from feverish nightmares and from time to time my comrades come visit me. The bomber pilots have been here. I heard them, like in a dream, recounting my last mission to Rita. They brought me a present. "They brought you a present", I heard Rita telling me, "here, see?" But I didn't saw what it is the present. Or if I saw it, I forgot. "Don't leave me", I told her in a feverish voice. "I'm always here", she said. She had put a photo of herself in the night table beside my infirmary bed.


Finally the fever abandoned my body and I got better quickly. I still can't leave my room, but I can go to the window and stay there. I was surprised to see the bomber grounded on our aerodrome. I asked Tobias why when he came to see me. "They were chastised for not being able to fulfil their mission", he said, "and because they spoke so highly of you, they were put here until you were well enough to give a full report." I've nodded. Then I looked at the night table and opened the little box that was their present. A small wooden replica of my Eindecker. Tobias smiled. "We told them you liked little toys..." I laughed. "And how's everything in the squadron?" Tobias became serious again. "Thorsten is doing fine replacing you. We've got a new kid in our half squadron. Sven Michelson. Kuefer died... let's see... December second, after achieving one more kill. We've also received two more cadets. Ian and Hans. I don't know their last names." "And you?" "I've got myself a British observation two-seater... and Thorsten a British Saulnier in the same engagement." I nodded. "You're tired. Rita said I shouldn't get you tired. I'm leaving. By the way. Congratulations. You're now a 10 kills ace." And he left. I watched him leaving the building and I observed carefully the bomber, waiting for my words. Then Rita entered the room with dinner and I could do nothing but smile at her.


[B][I]Combat log:[/I][/B]

Oberst Metzger (3rd Kest Commander)
Commands 3 Squadrons, 3 Observation Planes and 1 Bomber flight

[B]Erste Verstärkte Staffel (First Reinforced squadron)[/B]
Squadron kills - 34 kills

Rittmeister Jan Schlesinger (Squadron Commander) - 4 confimed kills
Oberleutnant Leonhard Schultz (2nd in Command) - 9 confirmed kills (Marksman I Ace Ability)
Leutnant Otto Drescher - 2 confirmed kills
Leutnant Tammo Dieter - No confirmed kills
Leutnant Ian Ehrlichmann - No confirmed kills
Leutnant Hans Kaufmann - No confirmed kills

Oberleutnant Joachim Lisbon - 10 confirmed kills (Deadly Aim I and Lucky Git I Ace Abilities)
Leutnant Thorsten Müller - 3 confirmed kills
Leutnant Tobias Neumann - 2 confirmed kills
Leutnant Sven Michelson - No kills

[B]Pilots KIA and MIA:[/B]
Leutnant Anselm Bergmann - 2 confirmed kills (KIA November 3, 1915)
Leutnant Rüdiger Kuefer - 2 confirmed kills (KIA December 2, 1915)

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  1. Flying Officer Kyte's Avatar
    What a stunning picture.
  2. Lt. S.Kafloc's Avatar
    That is a nice bird..and the plane is fantastic too
  3. MoonSylver's Avatar
    Another nice chapter. That's a nifty looking bomber! Hadn't seen one of those before.
  4. Blackronin's Avatar
    Thanks, my friends.
    In a few days the continuing story of Joachim Lisbon (it was Andrzej that named him).