Ares Games


Painting the Helmut Ju88A (Part 2)

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This is what it looks like after step 7. I also decided to paint the underside (RLM 65) before applying the decals, that's simply based on the principle that you always start with the lightest colour and build up so with the decal boarder being dark green the underside had to go on 1st.

The white section shows through the clear in the badge to complete the image, I've included colour around the decal so that when I come to paint the splinter camo around it I won't have to be so horribly accurate in painting around the badge. When you look at the model from above the table the subtle colour difference between the ink around the badge and the paint can't be seen but you can still pick up on the nice clean lines.

The guns have been created with some thin wire I had floating around in the bottom of the tool box.

Looking at the picture I wish I'd filled some of the irregularities at the wing root but I'm finding the camera to be a very harsh mistress indeed and that's something we can use later.

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Updated 03-23-2011 at 02:11 by Stormkahn

