Ares Games


The life and times of a new player - Desperate times....

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I have finally got some WGF series I miniatures to use:

Sopwith Camel - Olislager
SPAD XIII - Baracca
Albatros D.VA - Weber & Jentsch

Now with these and my "Famous Aces" set I am ready to play, but with Zoe out injured who would be my next combatant...

Step up my 5 year old son. The conversation went something like this:

Son - They are cool, can we play with them?
Dad - Sort of...
Son - Please
Dad - Only if you look after them
Wife - I suggest you dont use them..
Dad - It will be OK (it wasn't.....)
Wife - Try using Lego!

Well, we did in fact use Lego, and my boy got the basics of movement sorted out (no altitude or steep manoeuvres) and damage was points only and one shot only.

Suffice to say that we had some fun and he wants to do it again.

My next blog will be looking at a Solo Campain....

Happy flying!


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  1. Christophe's Avatar
    LOL My 4 yo grandson's eyes light up when he sees my planes, so they're usually put well out of the way. Can't wait till he's a bit older and we can play with him.
  2. diceslinger's Avatar
    My son is 5 and loves to play. The only casualties have been an altitude peg get broken when he grabbed a plane off the table and dropped it, and a gun came off on another drop. I recently bought him 2 brugaets and 2 rumplers at clearence price of about $9 so he has HIS planes that I don't care about. He loves playing, but is having a hard time with the Red Baron being a "bad guy." We play on the same side against planes using the solo rules.

    I love the idea of using LEGO! I may have to try that with my 3 year old.