Ares Games


  1. The Kindness of Strangers Campaign: Interlude 3 - Better 3 of 4 than 4 of 3

    [B][I]July 19, 1940[/I][/B]

    Kyte was limping. His parachute jump was a hard one. There were no smiles or laughter in the squadron meeting table. "All right boys. We're going for a different approach from now on." Everybody looked at everybody else. "Joachim and Andrzej have been picking my brain with a new approach and the top brass is willing to let us experiment on it." He pointed to the board. "We'll disassemble Green Section." Lee laughed. "What? ...
  2. The Kindness of Strangers - Chapter 6 – A Straight Tale

    [B][I]June 2, 1940[/I][/B]
    "So you say that you start fighting in the Spanish Civil War after taking goods for the Reds." "Not for the Reds, Dave. The Republic. Although it was a mixed lot..." "That lost them the war..." "That?!" "Maybe the reason is elsewhere, no?" "You said that you were flying a Dakota DC-3?" "Brand new, with no markings." "I'll get the bottle and the boys..."[/I]

  3. Wings of War and Glory - Chapter 12: New Rides

    [I][B]February 23, 1916[/B][/I]

    [I]"You don't seem too happy about your new plane, Joachim..." "I am, Leonhard. Very happy and moved..." "But you look sad. Or worried. Well, you'll offend your mechanics if you keep that face... They spent a lot of their free time painting your new bird..." "Oh no! They know I'm grateful! I already thanked them. I offered each one of them a bottle of the schnapps my father sent me..." "I see... Good. So ...
  4. Thread: Wings of War and Glory - Chapter 11: Outclassed

    [B][I]February 13, 1916[/I][/B]

    [I]"Rittmeister Jan Schlesinger, can I come in?" "Yes, yes, do come in." "Thank you sir." "At easy... What can I do for my best mechanic?" "I am sorry for intruding at this hour Rittmeister Jan Schlesinger, but..." "Yes. Go on, go on." "It's about Oberleutnant Lisbon, sir..." "Yes?! What's about him?" "He's looking gloomy after the death of young Thorsten... I mean ...
  5. Wings of War and Glory - Interlude 6: Shadows

    [B][I]January 25, 1916[/I][/B]

    "Wearing my flight coat, Rita?" "Ah! You're back! One more French dead, hei?!" "Yes. I gained one more kill..." "Are you collecting prizes?" "We keep score, yes." "Keeping score on dead people? That is something to be proud of, isn't it?" "They're enemy planes that we fight against, Rita... What's with you?" "I don't know. It's the cold, I guess..." "Yes. It's freezing. ...
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