Ares Games

Flying Tigers raid on Japanese Air Field

At Bell, Book and Comic - 4/18/2012. Using Wings of War and Wings of Glory planes. We are starting a China campaign with Flying Tiger P40 pilots and Japanese pilots.

Here are the after action reports on the raid:


From Special Detachment Commander Claire L. Chennault

... Good work boys! Your dusk air strike paid the Nips back for their attack on our air fields! You three pilots performed remarkably! I hope you like the performance of your P40s! I think you’ll agree that as long as you don’t try and turn with them or climb with them, they are superior to any plane in the Jap’s arsenal.
Your flight took out 4 Nip planes – two on the ground and two in the air and I guess you’d have got a fifth had that Zero not high tailed it towards the rail road bridge. It sounds like their anti-aircraft guns weren’t much of a threat! Too bad about Major Tom being shot down but at least you boys strafed the area to keep the Jap troops away. Great news – Major Tom walked back to our base with only minor scratches.
Well boys – knocking out four Jap planes with only the loss of one of ours was great work!

JAPANESE AFTER ACTION REPORT - 10th Dokuritsu Hiko Chutai Commander – Chinese Theater
Actions at Special Experimental Zero and Ki Fighter Base

As you know we have very few Mitsubishi and Kawasaki fighters assigned to the Imperial Army. It did not please me when I heard that we have lost four of them to actions by the criminal mercenary group known as “The Tigers Who Fly”. At least we took out one of their planes but this is unacceptable. Each of our planes represents hundreds of man hours to produce and to lose two on the ground is inexcusable. Also, please train the anti-aircraft gunners to be more accurate. Maybe we should assign more to each base? I do have to ask, how was the American pilot who bailed out uncaptured? Our ground security troops should have captured him right away.
At any rate, you must do better than this, gentlemen, if we hope to win this war.
  1. airfield attack 5
  2. airfield attack 4
  3. airfield attack 3
  4. airfield attack 2
  5. airfield attack 1
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